How v|Mki|OW ii^-o to ATw^nigm stay on the ctfg>t A DiniWror 2 at Oregon Electric Station? Run in the Saferide Fun Run Sunday May 9th. Registration fee $15 mqmmi Hi IA M M CMtRM Mi Kl «im—mw to* mc*t mfnrmiiKm mil JW4-0WJ Ex-skinhead reflects on life after acquittal SALEM (AIM — Yolanda Cotton hasn't talked much since she was acquitted of mur der in a racially moti vated firebombing that killed two people But what the 20-year-old former skinhead did say in an interview with The Orrgonian suggests she longed to belong, even to some thing destructive. Her boyfriend and two friends were con victed of the murders April B and will be sentenced May 13. Sean R. Edwards. 22. and Loon Tucker. 22. tossed the Molotov cocktails into a basement apartment Sept 26. killing Brian Mock. 45. and Hattie Mae Cohens, 29. Prosecutors said Edwards and Tucker were angry at some black friends of Cohens with whom they had fought earlier. Cotton's boyfriend, Philip Wilson Jr.. 21. helped make the incendiary devices and drove the pair to the Salem apartment Cotton, accused of helping to plan the revenge firebombing, was asleep in her apartment at the tune of the fire Her attorney, Mark Geiger, believes that Cotton needed to fit in with friends as a "family substitute " "In most families there is no condition for love," he said. "I think she felt she couldn't got love without ... conditions With her friends, one of those conditions may have been becoming a racist.” Edwards and Tucker had driven to the apartment where Cotton lived with Wilson to put together the Molotov cocktails. Cotton said she tried to talk Wilson out of partici pating * Cotton had no family support at the six week trial. As a preschooler, she was raped and Imat en by her mother's boyfriend, Geiger said during the trial Cotton's mother, who was mentally retarded, was unable or unwilling to stop the abuse One day. when Cotton was school age, her mother left on an errand. She never returned. Cotton was eventually adopted by a fos ter family. Her new father was a Baptist minister, and he and his wife had two older children. She soon became alienated from the family she describes ns "really religious." Cotton met Wilson at a |ob Corps program in Reno In 1991. they moved to .Salem and the following year Cotton gave birth to o baby girl But she and Wilson lacked mon ey and gave up the infant for adoption. A growing number of their friends in Salem were skinheads. "It was trendy to be a skinhead." she said."You're not thinking what it's all about." Cotton said she has renounced her racist views, but not her friends. And she has decided to remain in .Salem. "1 get stared at a lot," she said. “I think I'm getting used to it now." Oregon Daily Emerald Call 346-4343 Before 1 p.m. Today To Put Us To Work For You Tomorrow! ( I \SSII II I) 1*01 l< II S Placement Ad» nuy hr placed al Riom VKI. EMU (mam uKkc) •* IX) HoAchac. Mam EV»» Errors/Refunds 1‘lcdvr v.hexi y»*ur ail' The ODE will run a clavtifiod ail <«tc additional da> a* a result t*f any typographical cm* lhai change* (he meaning oi the ad. if rrp* *ic\J by I PM Refund* will he linuted i*»credit* ««nl> No cad* refund* will hr ivuird after the ad deadline Credit* muM he u within 6 month* of iv*uc Af W# nad a tun hm« on Saturday rwght groove n »h# barn aft through the rught Lota do Barn Bath ag»n' V. Tha Alpha Pha ♦AH Hay Pat A . I Hava a graal day* Saa you on Sunday? lav your A-PHM3 10 ITS SHASTA... _OR NOTHING IN GratMl t Karaoka waa a BLAST! Thant* lot» gram part) an Sat night! KA AT TharWa Wu tha graat nm! - Tha (Mmhii oICNhl x«r __KA THE ARROW CHALLENGE Hmn Of *hmg 3 (maffl. $10 and ln*o«»* io tha MHO ^Ouie ba ■Aft* Tha rava mm graat. Our haads. (hay did tpm Tha music aram |auy until wa tuckadowraalvas m __1y anracma and amcara _CtuDauaP m T45.Q47I PMJ, in sura *un having you V* a Mia tvofh a*1 Yout A PHIO Big TRUST IN BOB! FOUND: SLantayfM tha CM. young uo naotared man cal. long gray lafcOy rypa «nih ah da around ayva caelum on hyar 6 montha ago 464- /ISO 5 AiMa-om. WO—t a ORAO SCHOOL APPROVED 20-ynar thaartAksa back ground larm paparVFua raauma tar wca Edftng Laaar p« ON CAMPUS! JO THE TYPMO PRO Word Procaaamgit danger ypng Thiits’OlMsrstEnni on Laaar Cai ARMOAi anyhmt TYPING UNLIMITED Barbara Land ~ 4M-U41 Sarvwg UOaraa anca I9#t A PCRFECT PAPER P>ca«acnahorga•afcrraaiai! aaafar •satetwa. awr jrrtm MMSn_ WRITING HELP Foe a* your papars, propdL a lads and atytaa. AftordaMa con »anlant PRO/EDIT 343-2747 JVlwMlfi «sia ki Si Omra.‘I>W7<&«araU QwljUA 130 FOR SALE MISC For Salt: Panasomc WP 1500. K00 Ouaan Mon/tiarna $200 ooo 6B3 ' /56 Pantas Zoom 10AR $125 Gotuslar Turniabia Mcrowavt $40. GE HSUR antwarmg machma $20 687-A497 Ouaan alia futon Irama good condition. $120 obo Call H481W_ Ronarbiadaa A polas alrooti xm bought $225. San $’20 obo Man's u H aoroan » si iQ 345 3406 h mass TERMS ANYONE 1 Batty usad M Prtneo CTS Bust pax) $'90 sMi >or $B0 Ouch’ Nan strings A grip lor you' :Utt-9307 Whaaicnair. K use hall Champion 1000. mag oh tall, ultra-lila' Lika naw* $730 060 Joa 6AJ-8542 SO Gal aquanum Tank, hood A Altars complata. $22$ obo Rich 342 2484 f CRACK POT SALE I Carvn< muga. tows scuipturo & j mora on van entrap Thursday Ma> i I 6th Irom 104pm in lha f. MU Ob*1 j j Caniar loarar n.c I MU (NFC I i 140-436'j >u ;:bs TRUCKS QOVCMMiNT SCUCD vaAici** bom J(00 Fend*. Mancada*. Coin*net CAavya. 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U00 7 2806 AMn Partormanca Travel Trae ■. beyeM manor AcAuaUtM ratiBlanca. m nan condbon $85060867 5663 AparTariilar endear aupar roomer' Nadi tpaaOy adyuttaNa'*' Tun *86-0719 Madntoen ClaaMc a UJMB o> RAM 80MB <9 HO tydam 1 1. $1000 SAaron 688-5*10 Ike SC- 30 40 MB RAM. ad KayOd TON* o> ulMra (GrapA A MM Procl. $1100 oOo 342 2964 FOR SALE: lap lop compular*. $300 aacA. 2 7and! nuruaport 286 20MB HD. on* 7an*A tuparaport pkr* 286 20MB HO Contact Bavariy 348 1*25_ to SOUND SYSTEMS CASH'D Mia buy tea and tonne* VMS VCR* and tiaraoa rnompaon Tiac tronct, n22 Oaa 3*38273 For Sal* Kenwood 5 du CO Player $ 190 prvia nagobapia 3*2 3 7 76 Pioneer RX-710 &oo*iA«" «*<*o dual cattail*, f Q CD. 3 nay 150 tpaatar* $400 obo CM Pin 348 3712 175 INSTRUMENTS Guitar A Amp Kramar w Tramoto $225 obo Traynor Amp $125 ObO 484-2324 ! 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Drscovar Aymg no* tor only $25" CM Scod on campus 883 8498 F AA CarPAad E hghl InsSrucior OUARANTEED 04001 Tap student Oute nasdafl Yx FM pro m* Your group GUARANTEED at M MOO Must cM BEFORE ENO OF TERM 180D 932 0526 Ml 99 POSTAL JOSS *18396 *67i2S/yr. no* luring CM 1 (808) 962 8000 Ail P9642 Summer Job Opportunity"' A/a you antnusuwt*. »rtKum» too k.nowtaOgaAOlA Apoul IhA U ol 07 Th*n Ax* ■ the |00 lor you' ThA U o< O Tswtund mu saver a position* 0pAn tor quaMtod sludsnt* For morA mto cM 346-3433 waeeoay* aher i 00pm WANTED: Dnjmtnar For hArd roc* tend Cam Mat* M 3468212 EMERALD CLASSIFIEDS Call 346-4343 21 c HELP WANTED EARN $1800 WEEKLY ma4ng Our or cutars’ Bagm NOW' FREE p*ck*r SEYS D*pt 249 Bo* 4000. Cordova TN 380)64000 Earn $8 Fast StudAnt* nssdsd to FI8 out survey NaMya English *p*Ak*r* only M tor apout 1 hour. 3693. 8 30*m to 12pm Cortor Rm EMU Sorry, parttcF ponts From 2693 not AUptbtA WhAI ITT You got inyolvAO win N*e in the bAgatmng1 Where would you be to day1 Right now. you have IhA umr chance to bA part o< an .ncraotna Health 6 Fifrie** Company at the ground hoc* eve unbeatable pay plan CM 6864471 You can te a Alar or mayt» ,4i won mth one1 We are seeking a Director Asti Director Otee mgr . Outdoor School 6 vision head and Puts* Schools Omsion Head Stan dale* vary trom Juty w S*d AppAcaxon* are n EMU Min ana Are due Pv Mu, S6 For more vilo cM 3*64351 ESCAPE F *e*a S’, -as i* an FOE/A A Cruise line Eni>y on poaroland veto Positions avai Summer year round 714 5491569 Assistant Manager needed ASAP rent tree through June 15th please call Rhapsody at 6869499 or 881-0188._ 21? HELP WANTED University Homing >» cunenth, seek mg appAcatrons lor SOMMER SES SION 1993 RESIDENT ASSISTANTS Thor* ora 3-4 ovaAaCM pcmtonj Th« starting Haw it Fruity. Juna ifwi. 1993 and the truing data vanas. depending on the 4, 8. or II tM poMors COMPENSATION Room A Board m t Uruverwly Residence Ha* and 1120 00 par month stipend during in# panod ol employment QUALIFICATIONS Rag •stared UO Student, no! on academe probation Pralarenca nr* on given to guattid tludanlt who at anrotad lor tummar tattion Special attention ad be given to prevtou* wort ampananca m the reerdance hats, since (here is a minimum Irma (Or onentabon APFH-I CATIONS Apptcaaont and addrtionat miormabon are avattWa a the Urover wty Housing Cthca. Walton Compms CompNtad applications taiobta turned lo dm Umveraty Housmg Odea no War than Friday. 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Un.vars.ty theatre ?I6 Vitard Hal! Appkcatens tacaivad by May 10 aavt ba gvan tu# ccnsrdera bon Tha University Theatre and me Un* varsity ol Oregon ten Equal Opportu rvty and Arhimabv« Action Emptoyars who are committed '0 Cutturat Diver _*2l. Positions Avaiiable ASUO ts hir ing executive staff position' for the 1993 I4 school year Application' available m Suite 4, BML. 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Contact Karla at 366-41 S3 Are you Interested in... » you* CommviAicaAlO^ SAr*1p ta j peiraprokrftionoi «Ape*«nco I7«i» C»r #nf\*nc* yOw» 'fVimf and ncrea&C yOu* l*mp*OyH>t»ty 7 co dorfig aft t7*S ***»• earning a«K3t7) fcuttiWM. >44-1 M2 CIS. 54157 IconomlCl. 4 1771 tngttftpi. 4 3570 Got** Set. 4J211 / M*tory. 44S15 Journal t»m. 4 3552 5-4713 POMK* Set. 44475 *>»y«hoiogr 44535 Sociology. 45012 BE A PEER ADVISOR Ca« your major department or ( 3463211 tor information 225 apts Duplexes AveSeble June 13th For Summer t tmrm apt. 3275 Clean, tjuwt. tumrshed t <2 Block horn campus Weserve 'or fax studio 3 f bndrm $30GS3S0 735 E 17th, 343-2114 Campus Apartments Furnished 162 Bedrooms Summer raws. $3003400 466 2823 Lovely, huge older home tor 4 stu dent* u*t r.*s from campus 4 odrm >snwaan wash-dryt g porch, prkg tor 5. $i20tVmo ,t se staring 6/1$, aw ntannaw on 59. t 396609 • ai»i 6p< PROSPECT PARK 2 Dodrocf” apartmart dva» no* qu4f< country ftimocpNftr* *»COt>vOT*OTt C*7y ocabon. off* ’eaiwfo* moudo poc tennfltaMkafbotf cti. »ac 'oom arc paygrourto. f»aht past aod 0*3 4B4 6SSJ___ Studio*. 1 bodrm apt* on campus avauafcwt kx **>> utM*$ au*xjrv o* 3t/4* &ar>*r»g, S3SO-S39S 343-6664