Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 05, 1993, Page 9, Image 8

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The following incident* wore reported to the
University Offic t of Public Safety and the Eugene
police department April 25 to May 1
• A Eugene parking control officer reported a
case of harassment on the 1200 block of Alder
Street April 28. The officer was putting a boot on
the tire of a vehicle when two suspects approached
her. One of the suspects grabbed the officer's arm
and pulled it away from the boot The boot foil to
the ground, and the suspect got in between the
officer and the vehicle. As the first suspect pre
vented the officer from applying the boot, he
yelled to the second suspect to get into the vehicle
and start it. The officer told police she decided it
was not worth it to make any further attempt to
I>oot the vehicle and left the scene Police have the
vehicle's license plate number and are investigat
ing the incident.
• A University student was arrested for posses
sion of marijuana and drug paraphernalia on the
1500 block of Hilyard Street April 28. An EPD offi
cer smelled a strong odor of marijuana us he was
walking past the student, who was sitting alone on
his porch. The officer approached the student and
asked if the student had been smoking marijuana
The student said "yes" and showed the officer a
hand-rolled marijuana cigarette.
The officer then asked the student if he could
search the house for more marijuana. The student
told the officer he could search the house, m cord
ing to police reports. In the house, the officer
found an 18- to 20-inch tall marijuana plant, a
wuter bong, grow lamps, fans and two hooks on
how to grow marijuana. When the officer asked the
student why he allowed the search, the student
said. "I didn't think it was a big thing.'' according
to police reports.
• Police seized a keg of tieer and a tap on the 700
block of East 15th Avenue April 28 The officers
were responding to a complaint of a loud party at
the address When police officers arrived at the
apartment, two male sublet ts who were drinking
at the party told the officers they were both 10
years old. The officers contacted the residents of
the apartment and asked who bought the keg The
residents said they could not remember the name
of the person who bought the keg. According to
police reports, the residents said they also know
that at least half of the people at the party were
under the legal drinking age Polic e confiscated the
keg and tap and broke up the party
• The Architecture and Allied Arts Library.
Room 2(H) Lavvrenc e. reported a theft and a c ase of
criminal mischief April 29 A librarian found
numerous architectural magazines hidden behind
some shelving The magazines had been c ut up
with razor blades, and some pic tures were missing
The magazines, some of which were more than 70
years old. were valued at a total of $560.
• A member of the Kappa Sigma fraternity. 1090
Alder St., reported the theft of a bit vcle April 29
Members told police they heard the sound of
breaking glass early in the morning The members
went to the front of the building and found a win
dow broken and g bike missing Polic e said the
suspect broke the window, rent bed into the build
ing and opened the front door from tIns inside to
get into the fraternity. The bike was valued at
•A University student was arrested and cited for
petty larceny at Spiller Mall April 29 An OPS offi
cer who was walking outside of Spiller Mall saw a
blue handicapped parking sign in the student's
dorm room window. The offic er and the dorm's
resident assistant contacted the student and dis
covered eight more stolen street signs in the stu
dent's room The student told the olfii er tie bad
found some of the signs and stolen some of the
others while he was intoxicated, ac i circling to
police reports
•A :M year-old man was arrested and c ited for
DUII. driving with a suspended In onse and elud
ing a police officer on the 1.100 bloc k of Milyard
Street April 30 Polii e offic ers observed the man
stumbling down the street before' getting into Ins
car and driving away After a brief i base, the off!
i ers pulled the man over and arrested bun
• A Lane Community College student was cited
for minor falsely representing age at Cuido s bar.
801 K 13th Ave . May 1 An EPD officer who was
parked across the street observed the snb|e< t walk
into the liar Tile offic er said he bad cited the sus
pect in the past and knew the suspect was not of
age The officer went into the liar, found the sus
pect and cited him. The officer seart hod the sus
pect hut did not find any false idenlifuaition on him
(■panrM Sludrnl Orgmualiofl will
meet today at 4 10 p m in EMU Odar
Mourn f For more tiifornuiiuO, call 60?
Nmimal Ttwory Omiommm (.roup will
8Hwl today at 1 30 u m m EMU' (reilury
Mourn A For mom Infontutiwi. call 346
Student* for I’niltd Sol ton will moot
today from 4 10 to 6 p m in EMI1 Century
Mount E For mom information. tall .146
Alpha Pin Omega MemHerahtp Eam
mittee will moo! tonight from 7 to 9 in
EMU Century Mount 0 For mow inform*
lion. Cali 146 9794
Unwanted Hesatal Behavior Tad fort#
Meeting will mwo today from 12 10 to 2
p m in the EMU Hoard Mourn For more
information t all 31ft 3210
1 nwanted Savual Bvkanor Interna
t tonal I mum CuituaillM will moot today
from 3 30 to 4 30 p m in RMU Century
Room |. For mom information. tali 346
Spirituality and the Art* Prop*I will
have a work*hop led by Ardi* l-airy today
from 11 JO a tn to 1 p m at tha We* ley
Foundation Art Studio. 12 36 Kim aid St
For mom information, tall 316 46*»4
Outdoor Program will have a pomenia
turn about Niger River ex pt or at ion tonight
at 7 30 in Room 100 Willamette For more
information tall 316-416 S
Constitution C ourt will have a hearing
about the ASUO eU* ttona tonight at 6 in
the KMU (luniwood Noam Fur mom
in form.*! ton tali J4fl MM
Outdoor Program will nrewof the noon
Hanger* today <*' li 20 p m in the Out
door Program room »n the FMU For mow
information, tail 14ft 4 164
appeal* hr-nmiK* today «l ) 10 p m in
Kimxii 1110 Straub For more informal Ion.
tall 146 1740
Alpha Kappa Par will have a return*
workshop today at 4 10 p m in Hoorn IK)
Gilbert For more information c ail 484
VtftnamvM Student Attorialien will
have a potluck followed by ipeakar*
tonight at ft 10 in the Smith Malt lounge
Ftw more information, tall 144 4877
Imidenlal Fee ( ommillee wrtll have
■ MffONWUlV U.—
LACH i Guardians of
American Morality
■ HUOAV &7 S8
"YV. T
■ uniMUvu m—
Brothers of Baladi s
375 E 7th • 484-7181
Special runs
all day >
Wednesday |
and after f
10:00 pm
Additional •(
toppings I
$1.00 each ^
Two convenient locations to serve you:
CAMPUS 484-2799
1809 Franklin Blvd.
WEST 484-4262
2511 W 11th & Wilson
M-f 7 : 4 J - 4. SAT 105
2 day outdoor grass tournament
for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd.
Mon, May 10th
Tues. May 1 1th
Game times ranging from
77th annual Float Parade
Sat. May 1 5th
from 3:00 ■ 5:00
on the Mill Race near the Physical Plant
BBQand IJHTL'Kim I9@4rL‘NJ
Be a part of tradition,
Build Your Own Float!
F>ents sponsored by
Student University Relations Council
For information on either event
call 346-2107 • applications can be
picked up for both events at 140
Hendricks Hall or Housing Area Desks.