Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 05, 1993, Page 6 and 7, Image 6

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For Your New Bookstore university
Board May 4th & 5th
I at the UO Bookstore ,
Erika Armabury
Student-at-large Position
My name is Erika Armabury and I am running
for the student-at-large position of the University
of Oregon Bookstore Board. I am running because
1 am concerned about the accessibility of the
Bookstore and whether the concerns of the entire
student body are being heard. I am currently the
co-director for the Women’s Diversity Program, on
the ASUO Executive stalTand, as a delegate from the University ot
Oregon at the United States Student Association conference in Wash
ington. D C., was elected to the position of Chairwoman of the Pacific
Northwest region. These roles have allowed me to outreach to a num -
ber of groups on campus and to listen to the concerns of those students
whose voices often become muffled. I can bring my experience of
working on women’s issues and issues of people of color into the Book
store Board to add a more well rounded, much needed perspective to
When you vote on May 4th and 5th, think about your vote, think
about fair representation of all students, think about someone who
has the experience to address these issues. Remember Erika
Chanira Reang
Sophomore Poaition
There are several goals I would like to achieve
as a member of the U of 0 Bookstore Board. My
main goal is to become a representative for the
students. 1 want to insure students with limited
budgets, such as myeelf, to have their needs met I
want to insure that the bookstore is environmen
tally conscious and has sound practices. lam
willing to look for innovative ways to improve the bookstore. I would
like the relationship between the bookstore and its members to be an
effective one. In order to build such a relationship, responses from the
bookstore and its members are necessary. Conducting surveys and
open forums are helpful ways to gain responses and attitudes from
students. This gives students a chance to compile a progress report for
the bookstore and for its board members to respond to student
concerns and ideas.
Albert Martinez
Student-at-Large Position
Creative, innovative, experienced and persever
ance to achieve a common good describes part of
my character. My concern as a board member is to
"voice1* my ideas and propose possible solutions
that will indeed help students overcome the
impact of Ballot Measure 5 and increased tuition.
I will work in the best interest of my peers, fac
ulty , fraternities, aoronues, tMU board members, etc. My bebel that
it is through these active participants that the U of O Bookstore will
have a larger positive impact on its members.
One of my first goals is to survey organizations and individuals in
order to find out what needs have to be met: price fairness, quality
service during “rush’ days, etc. This input will be an important ingre
dient that will help achieve the corporation’s goals successfully to
benefit the university community.
My other idea is to propose to the board an important element
that will definitely benefit students, that is, to create a scholarship
fund from the surplus of working capital. Since the divisions mission
statement stands for "Partnership in Education," this will definitely
adhere to one of its goals—to make a "positive difference on the leaders
of tomorrow."
and at the EMU
Stu Thomas
Faculty Position
The U of O Bookstore Board will face some
tough decisions over the next couple of yea
During this time it is important that there
some continuity of membership on the Boa
As one of the three non-student members I can
provide that continuity, as well as a sense of
During my three years on the Board I believe I have brought
to the Board a rather unique perspective. I am a faculty member
who orders books. I also coordinate all the orders for my depart
ment. I am thus intimately familiar with the problems faced by
both faculty and the course book staff at the store. On occasion I
have utilized this experience to help both faculty and the book
store staff resolve difficulties. I hope to continue this work over
the next two years.
Mark Rhinard
Sophomore Poeition
With the coats of education reaching unbear
able proportions, our bookstore should not serve as
yet another headache. As a non-profit organization
guided by students, faculty, and staff, our book
store has traditionally been very good about work
ing with the students as true partners in their
education. However, due to the University's declin
mg enrollment and our community* ailing economy, this relationship
and other goals are becoming endangered. The upcoming board will be
challenged to overcome these barriers that threaten the bookstore’s
tradition of excellence and uniqueness—this is a challenge that I will
help us overcome.
As a sophomore representative to the board I have the experience
to make equitable decisions and properly represent the students. 1 am
the president of two honor societies, sit on the Freshman Seminars
Advisory Board, and have a vital decision-making position on the
University Day executive committee. Yes, I have leadership, philan
thropic, and business experience. But more importantly, I have a
willing commitment to be an open ear to the students and faculty.
Together, we can make sure student opinion has a strong impact on
Bookstore policy now and in the future. Vote for Marti Rhinard to be
vour representative.
Zach Fruchtengarten
Freshman Position
My name is Zach Fruchtengarten and 1 am
running Tor the Freshman position on the Univer
sity of Oregon Bookstore board. If I were elected,
one of my main goals would be to protect Book
store Members nine percent discount. Costs at the
University continue to increase and Bookstore
members need this discount protected. I am a very
open minded person and I will listen to and try to resolve the needs of
the bookstore members.
Carl Swanson
Graduate 2 Year Position
A brand new textbook, packaged and sealed in
plastic, not yet exposed to the damaging effects of
reading by glazed over eyes, an overturned coffee
cup or blackberry muffin crumbs and I can't get a
refund or even exchange it for something more
stimulating, like a hardback copy of 100 Years of
I read the article# of Incorporation. The bookstore is a non-profit
corporation that is bound by its charter to benefit its shareholders
Every student and member of the university community is a share
holder in the Bookstore, by its own definition, is dedicated to providing
quality goods and services to students and the university community
In order to better serve the students and the university commu
nity, the Bookstore must be receptive and responsive to the needs and
demands of its shareholders. I will work to ensure that the Bookstore
provides the quality goods and services that we deserve and demand
Jennifer Bo tune
As students of the University of Oregon, we use the U of O Book
store for purchasing virtually anything, from blue books to stereos. The
Bookstore holds a tradition of excellence. It has become a pivotal
shopping facility for the campus community, as it is centrally located
and provides us with many superior customer services.
I am in my third year as an undergraduate at the U of O, and
throughout these years I have had positive and negative experiences
shopping at the Bookstore. Many can relate to my frustration of
standing in long lines to buy course books, or the possibility of not
being able to find my books at all. We can not overlook however, the
recent expansion in the services provided by the Bookstore, including
the re-modeled art department, and the inclusion of a film processing
department Overall, I would say that the Bookstore has improved
greatly within my college career.
As a student-at-large on the Bookstore Board of Directors, I would
hope to help to further improve the Bookstore facilities for U of O
students and faculty. I am interested in this position because of the
opportunity it would provide me to become involved within a business
which is vital to so many on campus. I feel that I would do a superior
job as Board of Director member.
Other Candidates for Positions
(Statements Not Available)
Irene Diamond—Faculty
Braulio Baptiata—Freshman
Doug Norlen—Graduate* 1
Jorge Goicochea—Graduate-2
Rich Bernstein—Sophomore
Greg Cheong—Sophomore
Walter Gints—Sophomore
Andrew Howell—Sophomore
Andy Rader—Sophomore
Scott Carter—Student-at Large
Todd Hilton—Student-at-Large
Braden Kelley—Student-at-Large
Spencer Lugash—Student-at-Large
Todd Young—Student-at-Large
Brian Kellogg
Freshman Position
As a business major I fed that my skills are
ideally suited for a position on the Bookstore's
Board of Directors. I have a strong knack for
finances and a strong aversion to higher costs I
think books are getting too expensive As a mem
ber of the Board of Directors 1 would look for ways
to keep costs under control without sacrificing the
services we already enjoy. I would encourage the entire University to
get involved with their bookstore
Jason S. Ashley
Graduate Position-1 year
My name is Jason Ashley and I am running for the one year
Graduate Student position on the U of O Bookstore board. 1 have
actively participated in student government at the University of
Oregon for many years and feel that this experience will help me
make an immediate impact on the board for the 1993-94 school year.
My main objective on the board next year will be to help students
receive the best possible benefits, products, service, etc that the
bookstore can offer The U of 0 Bookstore is recognized us one of the
top. most efficient bookstores in the country and 1 hope my being a
part of the board next year will see that continue.
Matthew Haaek
Sophomore Position
Hi, my name is Matthew Hasek and I am one of the candidates
running for the U of 0 Bookstore Board of Directors. I believe, I can
serve in the best interest of students especially in the context of sky
rocketing tuition costs. The Bookstore needs to address the current
economy demands put on the shoulders of students by providing more
accessible and low-cost academic materials. Please vote for Matthew
Hasek 2 year Sophomore position.
□ Irene Diamond
□ Stu Thomas
Q Braulio Baptista
□ Zach Fruchtengarten
□ Brian Kellogg
Q Jason Ashley
□ Doug Norlen
Q Jorge Goicochea
Q Carl Swanson
□ Rich Bernstein
□ Greg Cheong
□ Walter Gintz
Q Matthew Hasek
□ Andrew Howell
□ Andy Rader
Q Chanira Reang
□ Mark Rhinard
□ Erika Armsbury
□ Jennifer Bohme
□ Scott Carter
□ Todd Hilton
□ Braden Kelley
□ Spencer Lugash
□ Albert Martinez
□ Todd Young
All Current Full Time Students, Faculty & Staff are Eligible to Vote.