COURT Continued from Page 1 The elei tions hoard committed a second viola tion by not informing students of the absentee bal lot option. Warren and Johnson said in their complaint. Students were "unduly alienated" from the elections process. Election rules require that the elections hoard announce in the Oregon Doily Emerald provisions for absentee voting far enough in advance of the election to give notice to students who wish to use the absentee voting process, according to rule 5.6 No announcement ever appeared in the Emerald The elections hoard did violate the rule, Dennis said, but hoard members didn't "blatantly" deny anybody the chance to use the absentee voting process Warren and Johnson said the elections board's third offense was allowing ineligible students to vote during the primary elections Every student who obtains a replacement student identification card gets a current term sticker regardless of fees paid, they said in their complaint, Dennis said students do not get a current term sticker automatically when they obtain a replace ment ID and checking IDs is the easiest way to check a student's status, Oscar Garcia also filed a complaint against the elections hoard. Garcia received enough votes for the graduate/law Student Senate sent in the pri mary election, and he was placed on the general election ballot. In the general election. Garcia received 64 votes, which were enough votes to win. However. Garcia never filed for the office “Candidates who reach the general election due to a primary write-in campaign must, prior to placement on the ballot for the general elei lion, file for the office sought." act ording to elei tion rules. No elections hoard members called him to tell him lie needed to file for the position. Garcia said in his complaint Election rule 5.2 establishes a duty on the part of the elei tions hoard to inform candidates that are not qualified under the election rules, Garcia said "The election hoard shall remain absolutely impartial in its i undue! of the elei lion and shall take all necessary at tions to insure that the elei - tion rules are faithfully observed," according to the rule The rule applies to hoard members remaining fair and impartial, not to calling up candidates. Dennis said “People don t understand what the role of the elections hoard is." she said "We re not supposed to call candidates We re just supposed to post the results. Basically, this guy just missed the boat " In Garcia's complaint, he says the elections hoard also violated rule 4.2, which says the elei - tions board "shall place on the ballot the name and position sought of all properly declared candidates who meet the filing deadline." Garcia said he believes the rule means the elections hoard shouldn't put a person on the ballot who did not meet the qualifications for office Dennis said Gari ia was put on the general elm tion ballot because the elections hoard had to make up the ballot April 22, a day after the primary elei tions. "We gave the write-in candidate* with the most vote* the benefit of the doubt they would file." she said "I don't remember a time when the write-in candidates with the most votes didn't file Student Sen. Michael Omogrosso filed a com plaint w ith the court April 2b against Emerald Kdi torial Editor Martin Fiaher and the Emerald. Omogrosso ran a re-election campaign for a one vear seat on the Senate for journalism or architec ture and the allied arts students. In his complaint, Omogrosso said the newspajier published a write-in election campaign for Fish er. On April 1*1, Fisher wrote in the Emerald's "Write Angles" column "I am hereby annoum ing my write-in < andidacv for an ASt'O position Any position. Every position Write me in wherever vou want." Fisher's column appeared the same day as the ASUO 19» V* «J iNl VA» «*J *h*f Aj«i»n. m I krwufk \-«*uini I MW) >.#«»•». «*•* , «->• “30 years of Quality Service 99 Mercedes • BMW • Volkswagen Audi • Datsun • Toyota 'GERMAN AUTO SERVICE, INC. 342-2912 2025 Franklin Blvd. Eugene. Oregon, 97402 Enjoy Spring Cleaning With Our Easy to Use SUPER WASHERS!! Bring your comforters, throw rugs and sleeping bags. Eugene s Largest, Front-Loading ^ Washer! MR. CLEAN JEAN'S COIN-OP LAUNDRY 240 E. 17th (Between High & Pearl) mmm UNIVERSITY Of ORECON BOOKSTORE 11TH 4 KINCAID M-E 7:45-4. SAT tO-S 'WHIII IUM1III I AST