FLEEC^T. What you may ask, does a shirt have BLFI LT LI KE to do with a yurt for crying out loud. Well, HI IA\ALAYAN we've had occasion to sleep in a yurt YURT, or two in 25 years of field-testing our products, and believe us, the comparison is not all that far-fetched. 40%) For one thing, both are incredibly rugged Both are cozy, warm and relentlessly *OK> COTTON *o% roiniTi* lOO*. TOUCH CAU BOO-JS8 8404 OK VISIT YOUR DiAlKR TO iff TH* OTHIR STYIIS Wl MAKf well-made. &/} Some differences: our sweatshirt is made of classic, heavyweight fleece The cut is generous. The seams are coverstitched. And the piece holds up, if not to the ravages of a Himalayan winter, at least to the punishment of dorm dryers, which can he had enough, heaven knows. So, next time you're in Tibet, sipping yak butter tea inside a local yurt, take a moment to admire its err out whili you cam. It's built like the JanSport 50/50 fleece sweatshirt. superb construction. UNIVERSITY OF ORECON BOOKSTORE 11TH Si KINCAID M-F 7:45-* SAT 10-5