Oregon Daily WEDNESDAY. MAY 5. 1993 EUGENE, OREGON VOLUME 94. ISSUE 150 Requirement up for review □ University Assembly will reconsider vote on race, gender curriculum today By Sarah Clark Oregon Daily tmmaki The debate over the new race, vender and non-Euro pean requirement will come to a head when University Assembly members decide whether to reconsider the requirement today at 3:30 p.m. in Room 150 Columbia. The assembly passed the requirement by a 175-155 vote April 7 at an emotionally charged meeting. After wards. dance instructor Janet Descutner. who voter! for the requirement, ashed for a reconsideration, saving the assembly hadn't had enough time to discuss the issues. Since the last assembly meeting, memos and discus sion decrying the requirement and the process through which it passed have circulated among faculty members Anti-Semitism? Supporters of the requirement say they’ve been t ailed anti-Semitic bee ause the first port of the requirement, which studies race relations in the United States, spix.i fies African-Americans, Native Americans, Asian-Amer icans and Latinos/Chicanos — not Jews Some supporters sav the i barges stem from the Indie! that black and ethnic studies programs are centers of anti-Semitism. "Because we re block and we re male, it s very easy to put that kind of label on us." said ethnic studies Hirer tor Clarence Spigner. "But to be charged with anti-Semitism is obscene." Psychology Professor Jacob Beck suit! he doesn't Turn to VOTE. Page 8 Kickin’ back i P^ato by fi&'x.l) IlMtfxtn Pat Casey, a senior in fine arts, writes at a table outside of the EMU Fishbowl Tuesday afternoon Cuts unexpected under measure □ Numbers show effects of Measure 5 were not predicted By Katy Moeller Oregof' im&dkJ What did Oregonians expect when they passed Ballot Measure 5 in the fall of 1990? z D \