Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 04, 1993, Page 16, Image 15

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| he Oregon Odily Emerald is currently accepting
applications tor advertising sales people to begin training
now tor work this summer and/or next fall The rewards are
many. You will gain experience in sales, layout, design,
advertising production and business communications,
along with many other fringe benefits
]fj e must be honest and let you know this job is not
for everyone It is highly demanding, stressful and requires
a great deal of your time You can expect to work anywhere
from 25 to 35 hours per week and will be responsible for
meeting monthly personal as well as organisational goals
You must be prepared to take constructive criticism and
work competitively with others If you have an impossible
class load or are involved with extra-curricular activities,
this job is not for you
[jowever. if you have a sense of pride in doing a good
job. are creatively inclined, not afraid to work on straight
commission and want to service an average of 25-35 local
businesses, as well as maintain a normal class load and of
course your social life, this may be the job for you If you
enjoy a challenge, don't need anyone to get you up in the
morning and operate well under pressure, attend our
informational meeting on Tuesday, May 11, 3:30 -4:30 pm
in the EMU Board Room. 3rd floor of the Erb Memorial
Union Please stop by and pick up an advance application in
room 300 EMU, complete it, then bring it along with you to
this meeting
freshmen, sophomores and juniors majoring in
Journalism. Advertising. Business or Marketing are
especially welome You must be able to work at least one
full academic year (excluding summer) to be considered.
You must have reliable transportation before you begin the
position (sorry, mopeds. motorcycles & bicycles are not
Oregon Daily
30fl7>?Mt!soTnl umon P 0 So. luttme Oregon 9T4G3 «3*fe SS11
The Oregon Duly [me'jkJn an Equal Opportunity Employer and is committed to
a culturally diverse workplace Minorities are especially encouraged to apply
Boston star’s career may be over
BOSTON (AP) — Boston Celtics star Reggie
Lewis wns diagnosed with potentially life-threat
ening heart problems Monday that in all likelihood
will end his career
Celtics team physician Dr. Arnold Schuller said
it was a "strong probability" Lewis w ill have to
give up basketball Lew is, against the team's w ish
es, has sought a second opinion at another hospi
Si heller did hold out some hope that Lewis'
condition could improve to the point where he
could resume ploying
Tm probably one of the most optimistic people
you'll ever meet." he said "With modern technol
ogy there may lie i hanges, hut it would have to lie
controller! with medication and other things "
Sr heller said Lewis. 27. "dodged a bullet" when
lie collapsed during a game Inst week
In an interview with hroadr ast stations Monday.
Si heller said he told Lewis. "This is serious You
can do- from this
Scheller said Lew is apparently had the same ail
ment that killed Hank Gathers, a player for Loy
ola Marymount who collapsed during a game
Man h -L 1‘1‘Kl and died within two hours
An autopsy determined Gathers died of car
diomyopathy a condition that damages an area of
heart tissue and can cause it to lieat irregularly.
Peter Roisman. Lewis' agent, said tests begun
Monday on Lewis at Brigham and Women’s Hos
pital will continue over the next several days He
said Lewis is "comfortable, in stable condition and
m good spirits,"
The Celtics captain and leading si orer left New
Lngland Baptist Hospital, where his heart prob
lems had been diagnosed, about 11 TO p.ttt LDT
"For whatever reason, he chose to seek a second
opinion." hospital spokesman Jim Ratlrav said
Monday He added that Lewis took such action
against the advice of the Celtics. S< heller and oth
er doctors who treated him.
(’alls to Lewis at Brigham and Women's were
not forwarded.
"I'm just out to get some fresh air," Lewis said as
he was leaving New Lngland Baptist, the Boston
Globe reported. "The treatment's great The treat
ment's just tremendous "
Dave Gavitt, the Celtics senior executive vice
president, spoke w ith Lew is hv telephone shortly
before lie left New Lngland Baptist. Gavitt said,
"The big thing is to really pin dow n what the prob
lem is and get him well."
U>w is collapsed midway through the first quar
ter of Boston's playoff opener against the Charlotte
Continued from Page 14
Whoever emerges from that
mtii". will probnhlv iimwI the
Knu.ks in what should In- one of
ltu» greatest Conference finals
ever There is no tin*- lost
botweeu lhe top three teams in
the I..isl Hint lti.it should lend to
u terrific couple of series How
ever. ill of this speculation
about future mail hups is pnimu
lure, just ask the Suns
Hta/ing Along: All of a sud
den the forgotten team in the
West, the Portland Trail Blasters,
is looking like a possible title
contender again. The Blasters,
who were considered also-rans
just o few weeks ago. have more
playoff experience than the rest
of lilt! conference. and thoir trip
lo the finals is being made easi
er every day.
Portland lost at home to San
Antonio, but these two teams
arc so evenly matched that
home court does not matter
much I xpet t this series to go
five brutal games, with each
game coming down to the end. !!
Portland < uuld heat the Spurs,
and the l.nkers do the same to
the Suns Portland would get
home-court advantage in the
sei ond round against the No H
team in the conference, a si e
nario that no No -t team has
been blessed with before
Portland should Ixiat the l-ak
ers. a team that no longer has the
Blazers psyched out like they
did in ihu 1 OHOs The Western
Conference firials would then
hoi I down to the experienced
Blazers against either the inex
perienced Rockets. Sonics and
Clippers or the Jazz, a perennial
playoff host.
Of course, it doesn’t really
matter Ixm nose if the Blazers did
make the finals, they would lose
to tin* Eastern Conference repre
sentative and find themselves
being considered among teams
like the Denver Broncos and
Buffalo Bills, who cannot win
tile big game.
Oiu e again, however, all this
speculation is useless; just ask
the Suns.
.Steve Minis is a sports
reporter for t/ie Emerald.
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