lC Th* u ol 0 .» an AA/EEO Cruise I In*. Entry aval on boartvtand side Posrtions avaa summeriyeor round 714 649-1669 CRUISE SHIPS NOW WRING Earn SSOOCWmonth • mrorld (ravel Hobday Summer and Caraar employment aval able. No experience necetaary For employment program iatf {2061 634 0468 exiC6069 EARN (1600 WEEKLY m*Vig our or cutara1 Bagrn NOW’ FREE parted SEYS. Oepr 249. Bo« 4000. Cordova. TN 38018-4000 You can be a alar, or maybe iu« worn with one* We are swelling a (Vector. Aaai (Vector. Office mgr. Outdoor School dmaion head and Public School* Division Head Stan data* vary bom July HI Sepl application* are m EMU Mtn and are due by May 6th For more into call 346 4361 ESCAPE Field Studies i* an EOE/AA University Housing it currently seen ing applications lor SUMMER SES SION 1993 RESIDENT ASSISTANTS There are 3-4 available positions The starting date is Friday. Arne 18th, 1993 and the ending dale vane depending on IN I 8. or 11 week positions COMPENSATION Room 6 Board m a University Residence Halt and a S20 00 per monlh stipend during the penod ol employment QUALIFICATIONS Reg istered UO Student, not on aceoem< probation Preterence win be gnren to qualified students who are enrolled tor summer session Special attention win be given to previous worn experience m the residence hells smew there it a minimum time tor orientation APPLI CATIONS Applications end additional information are available at the Univer sity Housing Office, Walton Complex Completed applications are to be re turned to Ihe University Housing Office no later than Friday. May 7. 1993 by 6:00PM. An ECYAAiAOA Institution committed lo cultural Purer*** JOBS FOR NEXT YEAR Recreation 6 Intramural* s seeking energetic sell motivated people with innovative idee* lor marketing & pro motion ol programs Great resume budding opportunities 6 experience' Veer long position* with stipend or credrt Contact Kane at 3464163 215 APTS DUPLEXES Campus Apartments Furnished 1(1 Bedrooms Summer raw*. (300(400 4(6-2(23 PROSPECT PARK 2 bedroom apartment ever! now. quiet country atmosphere wvoonvenwnt cay ocahon. other feature* octude pool, lennavbesketbaF cts rec room end playground, now peal 26th and Cham bars 484 6663 SUPER SUMMER RATES! (Wearying Now For Summer ( Fall A large dean. ^ Wanting Dlatanca to Campus Sparthng claan. bnght.large studio Covarad parting Laundry tacii.bas Great location S3«6 4»4 56M Eugana Manor High rise living with plenty of charm Largo t Ddrm S45S. met a* uW • ca ble 464 ?44t I bedroom campus apt. soti»4« from neighbors. available Juno I5tn (date nag), laundry, parking, a root gam at S396rmo 464 4691 235 SUBLETS SUMMER SUBLET or FAMILY HOUSMC 1 or ms psnod 601 to BfSB, 2 Odrm apt or (man houta lor Msucan woman at landing AEI Pralar south or was! um varsdy na^hOorhoods. as sna has ? daughters. ago» 5 A 8. who ww bo an rottsd 41 thru YMCA wwakdays Atterna ti vs might ba to kva with a lamily mtw ostsd in practicing Sparash Ptaaso contact Jackson 66? 9224 235 SUBLETS To I Ml) ft « to campu* from thaaa newly re tmttahed »J*» Private t "#«nc» {■waient locaaon Share BfhAathen $209 ♦ Cfp Rf tllf Northweal .'4i JMt 24'. ROOMS Moo (umlehed room u«M>a*. laundry non wnokvig. t!tG • dap, foreign ttu dents welcome 4*1-4473 a rooms tor rant m spartous ig bedim nouM deck cioaa to UO. Avar! MS fgsl 996-4499 2M REAL ESTATE Superbly fain tain art 2 . bat-" I Oath home naar Westmoreland t o mentary School oak Brs. Hack sklght. $49 400 try owner 343 2321 QuarkHouka .nvest large 4 Oeikm. 2 tiatk, on bus kne, $i».»S0 each or $79,900 Hmnadadagua 27C CHILD CARE EioaNant Child care available ■90 CAMPUS EVENTS JoNt Moms* <*n p>«Mnl * tlgf ■hM OlM U «r«*» /Outr+y Jtooj !N» Hmw o* WM Aft«a. INI lOTh ;VJ*»V nvar r IN* aoiW Spon KV«d by UO Ou«oc» (3*6-*3«Ai. W«! May 1. f 3t*yn. <00 WaamMM Man S3 iSlmMrrt «rd co-op mamen »»t t N5 ARTS 4 ENTERTAINMENT AH I CINS MA INDOCHINE .MMmsmun 1*1% % 'S 1J) m» “DtUOHTFULr HILARIOUSr IRRESISTIBLEr STRICTLY BALLROOM *•*>* ft tft MAftTMCOOttCU AlfWWOOOAAC PASSION FISH tat«*i*V M * iVMi yMAD DOG & GLORX Nifhnv MOO iti FALLING DOWN APARTME NT III NTINli? I R aw (ImrAmR W sawr gmtdt" By GARY URSON L What tha atrangaf «dn l know, ol coutaa. waa thal Sam ahvaya kapl a doMa In hta boot Calvin and Hobbes by BUI Watterson fftO vculd like 10 SWCHK HIS oc HER TRAFFIC. SAFETY POSTER FIRST * I I WWLD/ Ml (ft&UT. vjP FRONT y THIS* 1CW' K1 POSTFA bMT 'BE. CMCCFUL.O* W. ROAOttU.*' DRAWN IN PMtNT-PlNOmG '3 0 6QK0WW; TWS PICTURE Wilt ACTUMA* MTRK.T FUCS. 8tCWSt IMF DftANWG ft SPURRED W\tu SfAGWtm SMJCE ' 1 ** Ir I m j_at i I OH SK *XJ«t ML JUST SKK KRO'jT KXjR CMftHCtS Of HiHHsHG by Kraig Norris Weasel's World rwcu/.v-cm, yojRevmndme Of A GUY I USED TD DATE. \ WHAT WAS HE UKE? HE WAS SWfiT. GREAT SENSE, OF HUMOR. GCCD reeownx acws . HEVsASAPHNWC( WAjOR AT 5.U. I JUST COULDN'T SEE MYSELF UY1NGON M5 ARTS A ENTERTAINMENT Pocket Playhouse Presents Chocolate Bone Wtifir* hv Huh Atfu m Mey 5«h A 6th et SPU Pocket Theater. Room 102 VMerd 32C SERVICES Free Pregnancy Teetmg f ugene Poignancy Support Center e*—fceme T^s* >0-4 \4S0444 04 n____ ___ Pregnant? Worried? W* can Help Confidential carta? tupped fc arty de lection free pregnancy teat* Birth rtgnt w;-aest Tf you Ittvr MNitriMnn b sell you hi«« Mmrthmi to Jtlv*f1t*r OOf CIA2&IFIEDS FREE DELIVERY ON CAMPUS 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. PXZyUNOS PXZZy* Zesty Chicken Fajita Pizza Special Introductory Otter s3.00 OFF large s2.00 OFF medium 346-0776 Oflw good thru spong term Doonesbury by garry trudeau SPHCIV KtAUTYSKy WW’AC**. hf raw/T' £45V/ 0V HXU&N6 ON tHt Matter P&IAY \v* wu mm msc amwe, a com/ m 74* gauss /a vtKnmnt > t tarrruNO >a/w ua A-vi/w/ 4/ aw urn LOWPKICS ‘ AUiOJPOSfViHT ATI!HATH ittJC7WM GUM _ _. HfAP* TO GO* J OKAY MO, NO' WA1V mm \ WHAT* HJHA1 n 17? \ IKXOOl MY VISA cm?' USAlMMX PkixMMMee m just m to niAx \ _ CROSSWORD Uu Eugene Shejfer Atktei— 1 Swaal haatl 5 lX*x f* am* p«1 • Tar* dtodla 12 Graoan r«u«* 11 Mr Sfianf 14 "Bui - - on to* a vat' (Tanny 4on) 15 Par* 17 Stall IS Door. oil an 19 Imp*#** uonral’t fort* 21 Srjjnal 24 Pared 25 BiCens and Ment of y*a» 24 Mno gam tat. mayto* 30Sim4* earn at 31 Unci* at 32 Mi Gardnar 33 Good at 3S H naaa lo Iha lop 34 Challar 37 r-oM MMllt 30 Tala ia»«lan< 40 Alautum nland 42 'How Giwn — My VwHwy* 43 Taia* taalura 40 Ad« Waliath 40 longing JO Ha kaap* a Ini 51 Imd batglit *»w 52 Shaip 53 Tand* laat« DOWN 1 Hobo 2 NOW goal 3 Atoby'a »i« 4 i •*)»«; man aI !ha lhaala't 5 Stnga/ Mih haM 4 Oontl addon 7 Bad m Boidaaua • Hava an inapaa Ion 7 • Soma paopta pofca anond haia (Olabaata? 11 Whodun <1 who « dun to 16 Buoyant tool 20 ‘MOntQhl diaa>yr man 7rAt*## h#nwan 22 Com* * tail 21 1956 Ingot B*igman film 24 GuM Wat nuMil* 21 F» oo*l? 27 Candt* count ntM 29 W*tt Coast *t*v*n 31 s»mh*tc languag* e 1*79 34 SaM IS S.t*