Oregon Daily Emerald Sports Suns, Blazers still have hope; too bad Magic doesn’t Points to ponder nhoul the 1001 NBA playoffs The Setting Suns: Obviously most of the talk about the first weekend of the playoffs is the disappearing act of thn Phoenix Suns If the I-os Angeles Inkers < an win one more game from the Suns, the Western Conferenc e playoff rai n will lie as wide open ns ever, with five teams having legitimate shots at the NBA Finals As tor nut .urns, don't dare count them out yet. They will not go down to the Laker* without a fight, and consider ing they swept the Lakers si-0 in the reg ular season, they still have a t hence to advance to the sec one! round II tnev escape ineir series against i.n who three straight win*, there will lie no Mopping thorn throughout tht* rest of tin* Western Con forum u Personally. I would take great joy in Muring tin* lakers knot k off the Suns It would lr«* grunt for tho luaguu. whit It hns tnkon n lot of t ritit ism for inviting so many ttrains to thu postseason party, if a No H st*utl finally tame through m thu playoffs In addition. I would shed no tear* if Charles Barkley, If the Blazers did make the finale, they would... find themselves being considered among teams like the Denver Broncos and Buffalo Bills, who cannot win the big game. Kevin Johnson anil the rest of the Suns went home with out a crown. Hartley, one of the biggest whiners in the league, has rubbed off a lot on Johnson, who has gone from one of the most popular and talented point guards in the country to one of the dirtiest Cocky Sonic*: Another team that deserves an early exit from the playoffs is the Seattle SuperSonics In only their first season as a Western Conference power, they have Us ome prematurely ox ky Although this group of play ers has never proven anything in the plavoffs. they have anointed themselves us the next power in the confer ence. George Karl called his team the "new kids on the blB ANGELA P. Twinkle twinkle little star I'm so glad my wish came true When I got you for my little sis _V, YBS Mod*)*, C an at .V# jaot, i*av» it greer Wto yowf t»g *» « Bernem* w to tow * rBS _ CONGBATUIATIONS To mo rnnneis el in# Duett on a toll toe tntotr tnoof* Kevin Q ■Mi* K',»|.n G A*t> *Ml S A XU Greet Main Tutor available to any one m Greet Syifem! 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