Lakers take another from Suns PHOENIX (AP) The l.os Angeles I-akers. ploying like the Showtime team of old. shot kod the Phoenix Suns' again Sunday with an 86-81 victory that left tin* NBA’s top team one game from playoff elimination. The Lakers, the only team with a losing rec ord (.’t'1-43) in the playoffs, has three < hames to Ihm nine the first No 8 conference sued to oust a No. 1 under the 16 team playoff format The next two games are in the Forum in Ingle wood, Calif., followed by one more here if the Suns can win twice on the rood Phoenix, 82-20 in the regular season with a TS-fi record at home, led bv six midway through the fourth quarter before Vlade Divac led the Lakers hoi k Charles Barkley, second liest in NBA playoff history with a .rif>9 field-goal percentage, hit only eight of 24 shots Continued from Page 6 "I really ran bad last week at the Penn Relays and was really ( lose to quitting after that." Humble said ”Todnv. I finished stronger than 1 had all vear The wav I rati today. I think. I have an NCAA qual ifier in me " In the 800. junior Cordon Johnson nearly passed Kric Anderson at the finish line but stumbled 10 meters before the finish line to take second In the field events. Derek Snell mg and Rev Livingston got Oregon off to a strong start with se< ond- and third place finishes in the pole vault. resjMM lively Heath Howington scored points for the Due ks by fin ishing first in the shot put. second in the discus and fourth in tin* hammer Without the use ol Harris. Oregon turned to LaVon Pierce to fill the void Piert e ran in both relay races, in addition to the 100 and 200 events After helping the Ducks to a se< ond-plai » finish in the 4x100 relay . fieri e nor mnllv a 400-meter spec mlist took second in both the 100 and 200. In the final event of the day. the extend ed duty finally took its anil on Pierce, as he faded in the final leg of the 4x400 relay letting Washington State's Michael Jouberl pass him at the finish Hut In then. Ore gon had already lot ked up the meet Oregon controlled both hurdle rat es. as junior Grady O'Connor won the 400-nieter hurdles and freshman lamar Williams led from start to fin ish in the 110-meter rat e file Ducks yv ill lie Inn k ill action next week in Hoise for an invitational meet with Hoise State, Welter State and (Colorado State Orr A TOTALLY COOL JAWS PORT T-SHIRT ABSOLUT! LY fRH WITH THI PURCMAM Of ANY JANWOKT PROOUCT MISSING PHYSICS IS FOOLISH. BUT MISSING THIS IS INSANITY. EnTIR TO WIN A MUI JAN1RORT tWIATtHIRT MOm AND T-iMIRT AND MAVW TOO CAN H/T Off DOINC LAUNDRY ANOTHIR MONTH V^ATCM "WINtH Of IVIRI ST AND OTHIR AMAZING mountain vuhov jo you can DMAM AROUT tOMiTHING OTHIR THAN UNfrtRRUmD Hill ANO MOMT COOKING IN YOUR NtXT CLAM UNIVERSITY OF ORECON BOOKSTORE 1STH A KINCAID, M-F 7:41-4, SAT lO-S Creative Motivated Organized The Oregon Djily Emerald is currently accepting applications for advertising sales people to begin training now for work this summer and or next fall the rewards are many You will gam experience in sales, layout, design advertising production and business communications, along with many other fringe benefits 'e must be honest and let you know this job is not for everyone It is highly demanding, stressful and requires a great deal of your time You can expect to work anywhere from 25 to 35 hours per week and will be responsible for meeting monthly personal as well as organizational goals You must be prepared to take constructive criticism and work competitively with others If you have an impossible class load or are involved with extra-curricular activities, this job is not for you However, if you have a sense of pride in doing a good job, are creafively inclined, not afraid to work on straight commission and want to service an average of 25-35 local businesses, as well as maintain a normal class load and of course your social life, this may be the job for you If you enjoy a challenge, don't need anyone to get you up in the morning and operate well under pressure, attend our informational meeting on Tuesday. May 11, 3:30 -4:30 pm in the EMU Board Room, 3rd floor of fhe Erb Memorial Union Please stop by and pick up an advance application in room 300 EMU complete it. then bring it along with you to this meeting Freshmen, sophomores and juniors majoring in Journalism, Advertising. Business or Marketing are especially welomc You must be able to work at least one full academic year (excluding summer) to be considered You must have reliable transportation before you begin the position (sorry, mopeds, motorcycles & bicycles are not acceptable) v 1 i Oregon Daily Emerald 300 £r& Memonjl Union P0 Boi3IH Eugene Oregon 97403 • 346 5511 The Oregon Daily Emerald is an Equal Opportunity Employer and is committed to a culturally diverse workplace Minorities are especially encouraged to apply