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Calif The three recent signees will join Kenya Wilkins, a freshman point guard from Los Angeles, and Brion Smith, a 6-2 junior college transfer, who were signed Iasi fall. The Ducks also signed Jamal Lawrence, a 6-2 sophomore transfer from Pepperdine earlier in the spring, but Lawrence will not be eligible io play until the 1804-05 season Green also said two returning players on- explor ing transfer opportunities for the 1003-04 season. Groan could not be reached Sunday to comment on who those two players may lx- but said in mid April that "we'd like to wait until we get a definite yes or no and we can announce where they plan on going " The Hi'gisIrr Guord reported Saturday the two players expected to leave are point guard Johnnie Reece and forward Clyde Jordan Both players received disciplinary action last season and were apparently unhappy with their roles on the team. Iordan played sparingly for most of the season before receiving increased playing time in the Ducks final few games, play ing a key role in Ore gon's victories over Washington and Washington Stale. Reece saw his playing time diminish throughout the season. Both were sent home before n road game in Ari zona after they broke curfew, and Reece was sent to the locker room by Green midway through a game at Washington State Neither could be reached for comment. As for the recruits. Madden, a 205-pound small forward, averaged 25 points, 15 rebounds and five blocks while shooting 55 percent from the field last season forCoalinga High School. He was also named to Cal Prrp magazine's Division Four all state team. "Henry is a young player with only a one-and-a haif years of basketball exponent e." Green said "He has lots of undeveloped talent, and I think he mav grow some here." Porker, a 200-pound small forward, was a first team all-state selection in California last season, averaging 21 points and eight rebounds a game, and also shooting »* 1 percent from the field "Darryl adds experience and athletic ability where we do need help at the perimeter with the loss of Antoine (Stoudamire). " Green said. Seller will give Oregon some much-needed inside strength. The 230-pound post player aver aged 17 points and nine rebounds last season in Illinois. “Zach runs the floor well, uses his body inside and will help us fill the need at the post position with only three returning players at the spot.'' Green said If Reece and Jordan are actually on the way out. here's a look at what Oregon's roster will look like Turn to SIGNINGS. Page 10 Softball wins one of four in Arizona The Oregon softball team wrapped up its m heduled season during the weekend w ith one win in four games in Arizona The Ducks (IK-16. H-H) will now head home this week and try to make up some games that were rained out earlier in the season Oregon iiegnn the road trip with a trip to Tempo. Ariz.. where the Ducks split a doubleheader with Arizona .Statu. The Sun Dev ils took the first game 3-0 behind the pitching o( Amber Tintsman, who allowed only six hits and strut k out nine Iwtturs Oregon came back in the sec ond game of the doubleheader to beat the Sun Devils 5-2. The Ducks scored four runs in the fourth inning, and pitche/ Rochelle Taylor made it stand up by allowing only seven hits and I 4TH ANNIVERSARY SALE THE PURSUIT Of HAPPINESS THi DOWNWARD »OAO mkdjchi QAMten am MERCURV K ■ • . ■, Mill Ml iH k I I s ASM LONDON BLUES TRAVELER AAM DENIS LEARY NO CURE FOR CANCER AAM STEREO MC'S ISIANO Now Though May 16th Every CD in the Store Is On Sale two runs. On offense, the Ducks were led by Kathy Stahl and Lau ra Schmidt, who had two hits apiece. The Ducks' offense sputtered Saturday when they totaled only five hits in two games and were swept by Arizona, 3-0 and 9-0. Arizona's standout pitcher Susie Parra pitched a one-hitter and struck out 12 batters in the first game to raise her record to 19-2. JOIN NOWI COCKTAIL RESEARCH TEAM 165 W. 11th • 683*8101 136 E. 11th • (near Willamette) 342-3358 Must be 21 or Over Monday m*> > Tuesday m,h $3 Blurs, blues and more blues ss iih Power Train Wednesday M»y s $3 KPants Flower/. Big Macca Music Starts at 10pm Mon-Sat Music starts at 8pm Sundays