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Through, Your Eyes The Oregon Daily Emerald is searching for a variety of stud rnts and perspectives for its 199.1 !M news staff to truly represent and reflect the diversity of the University community Diverse backgrounds, cultures, experiences and opinions make each of us a unique and vain able part of society Make an impact Applications are now available at the Emerald, Suite 300 KMl for thr follow ing staff positions for thr 1993 9f school year «* Kt1ilnri.il Editor • Krrelanrr Editor < Graph irvllioto Editor - Sports Editor. Reporter *! Police Reporter *> Graphic Artist Photo Tech t> Suppiement&'Knterlainment Editor *> Student Activities Editor. Reporter ** Community Editor, Reporter *> Higher Education Editor. Reporter t> Photographer *> Copy Editor «• Staff Columnist Applications must be turned m by Wednesday, May 12, 1993 For more information, call Jake at 346-5511 Oregon Daily Emerald ■MUMtiaHWBHB Tkr Orrtaa Dmth ImnU a an equal opportunity employe i Oregon Daily ElHei*dld S|)OI'tS Oregon's Jamar Williams easily won the 110-meter hurdles at die Papal Team Invitational Saturday. Harris-less Ducks don’t need him By Dave Charbonneau Oregon Orn>r I'notak) The Oregon men's trac k and field team was probably pretty tired hearing all the hype sur rounding sprinter Kounio Harris So the Ducks went out and pulled off an unlikely victory over Washington State, Arizona State and Kansas State without the use of the versatile Harris Saturday at the Pepsi Team Invi tational at Hay ward Field Oregon head coach Hill Dellinger shuffled athletes around Saturday. hoping to give Ins team a i ham e despite the loss of Harris, who was busy attending the New Knglarid Patriots' Ni l. mini-camp. Well, it worked '■That was a nice win.” Dellinger said. "I guess we didn't need Konnie Harris after till" No, lhoy didn't. The Ducks got revenge for n dual meet loss to Washington State earlier this season by accumulating 134.5 points, 2:t points more than the second-place Cougars. The Sun Devils finished third with 150. and Kansas State settled for last with 125 points. It was a solid performance all of the way around for Oregon. The sprinters did a more than adequate job of rilling in for Har ris. and the throwers and jumpers held their own. But Oregon won the meet thanks to the heroic s of the previously dis appointing distanc e runners Although the distant e runners have traditionally been the strong suit of the Oregon track program, the Duc ks came into Saturday's meet lac king a dis Japanese and American Studies: “Equality and Inequality*’ Oremm/Japan Summer Pni^ram • jut) ^1 J 1 )lAM |hvr At Unn i* » t.«»k < rJktT n«lU«1rl. t • A tlwmc •«» '( Afvl rvj'4 ' n'lifS grihict r M c andfliuitutv, *»*J nntiumv. J»hl '1! S ** 'W-BrvJ K |.»Junrv *iwt I S m« trim )«pan At Krymnmj, nttrtiiH'4«4ir atvi *iv4mtwni at Irmi* 6* i Utk t «4lr|p • tV* >4 • uv.1 mttrtult •At >(.«* . «*rtik»«* «* »kictt*c • t k11 in |\«ltUnJ AIV.I AI\ >UH*i t Vrg»*i • Dm I’tuftlAin wtkixmt VkiAtr MU with an mtnrH m anJ it.* * uii»»r f*rr\«nu» lijtmn* Utvtfuogr »* (KrkltnJ, Kit w# irttuiltfd • 111* JM \ » IU1 till It'* tlr« * • »• t-i- ■ > m J*fv*tu**c »**J Amciir an *tuJ*r* t»**m -m*,i lt| .*t i • f)tntl|K«« Uatt\U l ;ntvrt*»t |r • | in the ic>HJrtwf Ifcitti, ami m cati.K min uU» .ntivitur* • S*h*4.M»h»j‘ .•» mi* t|VV! SI aXV) k»*«\i i«o * .kWitu* merit anal htvim i*i nerd Air ««tfctrd Stmlnm Attendm* wwor i. >!« ***«> t«4lrif*‘* aim! utmttwitr* ownr «rHv K tmatHwl akI • IVkIIiik M n 1V 1^1 btit ari»tu .itmti «»«rn« .*»* »#ed I ! f Of a Onochur* and at application contact m*» OaQont Japan Surnmn P»og»am Lmm A Oat* Coiaga Campot Bo* 192 Portland Oagon 97?t9 TCI (503) 766 7305 FAX (503) 766 7301 lance race victory this season. Freshman Scott Nicholas end ed that distinction with an inspired win in the 1.500-meter race, passing Washington State's Samuel Kiinn in the final 50 meters, as the 2.949 fans cheered wildly. I hit the homestretch and heard the crowd," Nicholas said. "I just didn't want to let them down." Hut Oregon didn’t stop there. Freshman Karl Keskn won his first race of the season in the 5,000. taking advantage of the absence of Kibiri and winning bv 1.5 seconds over the second plate finisher. jason Humble also earned valuable points for the Ducks by running his best steeplechase of the season, finishing third. Turn to MEN. Page 9 GRE, GMAT, ESA I , MCA I lest Your Best! Kaplan is # 1 in test prep! Classes forming now Come in and take a EREE Diagnostic test! on 3454420 KAPLAN The answer to the test question 140 West 8th. Eugene Cash For Textbooks Mon.-Sat Smith Family Bookstore 768 E. 13th 1 Block From Campus 345-165!