University unveils Duck Call II registration system By Jan Ellison Oc*»»it ion Icarhcr A*artl I iIi ImiIm) letter *ill* (hr I )rparlmerit ( hilt. I )i|wir(imnl of hngli»li. l nivrrp nut fttamiing ■l«i» (any rla*» I .cave a note or a or mail it to Jim pit y of ( )recoil, Iu»gr«tr. C )R W740.1 Nomination* mu»l L IMmltimrliul or »ul»mitt loi the .me! on >1 Iv.iulilnl you' ANGLES _o/?d/o£uyn 539 East 11th *343-1637 TONNUm >1. Blues Jam ■ TUESDAY B 4 52. High St. ■ WEDNESDAY SB. LACH 1 SuardLaas of American Monlity ■ THURSDAY 5 6 63. POUttlR TtVHN ■ FRUAVS7 SB A\o l-' at ■ SATURDAY 58 55. Brothers of Baladi's ■ SUNDAY SB SI - Unplugged 375 I 7th • 484 7181 RECYCLE THIS r PAPER) CLINTON Continued from Page 1 a maximum of $13,000 to stu dents participating in the pro gram lor two years, but it was si aled back to $10,000 at the last minute, an administration offi i iat said Friday night. "Some veterans. looking at d a i ertoin wav. thought the other proposal (for $13,000) might be out of line" with tower benefits available under the GI bill, said the official, speaking on condi tion ofnnonvmiK The official said several Repub licans had suggested that would lie much easier to win bipartisan support for the proposal if the cost per participant were reduced Also, lowering the pay ment eai ti participant re< eives allows more students to take part, the official said. Mora than ri.0()0 people have inquired aliotil serving siih e t ilm ton discussed the program in a speech Match 1. aides said With the national service pro gram and the redesign of the stu dent loan program. Clinton said together !ho\ will revive Arner ii .1 s commitment to community and make affordable the i ost ol a college education lor every Amer ican.” Clinton s blueprint called for the government loltegin borrow ing mone\ and lending it to stu dents dirts tlv. with colleges and universities ,K ting as agents Currentlv. students borrow directly from banks, whit h prof it from the interest they charge Loan defaults are protected at S— 5 billion this vear, and the hsl erai government protects banks against ails' losses. Bv eliminating the middle man. the government would save S-l t billion through fisc al year and would lie able to charge interest rates a half percentage point lower interest rate than banks, administration offic ials said. The Americ an Bankers Asso c iation sharply criticized the direct-loan plan. The direct lending concept combines the effic iency of the Post Offic e with all the c harm of the IKS.” said ABA executive vice president Donald Ogilvie "It will not deliver the level of ac cess, serve e and efficiency that the (student loan program) c ur rentlv provides Clinton said the proposal would "ease tin- terms of college loans." "In return, we'll demand responsibility from young peo ple*," lie" said We ll make it eus ier to borrow money and nun h easier to pav it off, hut this time you have to pa\ it oil Von c an't just default on the loan ” Loon repayments would la* based on a peri entage of a work er's income Those with,lower income jobs would have longer to pay off their loans The legislation authorizes the Internal Revenue Service to share with the Kduc ation Department information afiout a borrower's annual me ante so the government could determine the terms of repayment. It also envisions the- possibili t\ of using the- IKS us a collee tiun ugene \. perhaps through auto matic wage withholding m Shutterbug’s EVERYTHING YOU NEED IS ON SALE SALE! Use These Crest Money Saving Coupons! We Print Better Pictures! Easy To Use Location! 890 E. 13th Across from j uo Bookstore 342-3456 Shutterbug MONDAY 3 ■ Developed & printed •12.15.24 eip • 36 eip $5 99 ■ 4«6 Superprvnts add $1 a* '*Shutterbug TUESDAY REPRINTS 5 Reprints from your favorite M«. 3x5 size printed 4X6. .4/1.00 mShuttertwg WEDNESDAY 5X7S $421 JUST I Developed A Printed from your negative. Shutterbug4 THURSDAY_ 8X10S $>%49 JUST A Developed ft Printed from your negative. **■Shutterbug FRIDAY I MINTS FROM SLIDES 59* color slides printed by K * K Lab. COUPON c Ttmt coupon art not good wttti any ottior tpodH offn. hpirtil ll/ll