U. Announces its Editors on Fellowship (or 1993-94 Four groduohng seniors have been selected lor the editociol fellowship (loss of U The Naltonol College Mogawe for the 1993 9t publishing yeor Ihe edtlocs who will begin work in June 1993 ot U heodguorters in los Angeles, wen chosen on the strength of their cotte Qiote ond professwool journalism experience They will be responsible foe commissioning ond editing stones photos ond ortwock horn student |ourndists ocross the rountry They oho will assist m laying out ond designing the mogorine proofing pages ond keeping obtecs! of college issues ond events through our nctionol network of editors ond contorts The fellowship progiom. now in its seventh yeor attrocts student journalists from the nation s lop college newspapers mogo rwes ond yearbooks As port of the soloned fellowship program editors ore provided beochfront housing in Santo Monica ond roundtrip transportation to ond from los Angeles Gayle (ohfii wax maiia^in^ editor. inintainmeni fill lor, supplement rditoi, imrxli^alnr tram iriiorIn anil pi iwlm lion manag rl of / hr llirrzr, (lie* studrnt-i un lino papet ai (ainrx Madison l Her piotrxxional expert nil r ini Intlrx all miniixlnp with llir /m \tigrlr\ Hraart. Allrrking at * .,(*a\lr plans to pur mu* a c arrrr in rna^a/iius. Elizabeth Lee was fe.t tuies editor, .isms (,UU lealin es editor and opinions editor ot / hf l liil llot, die sllident ncssspapri oi (lie ( oileKc ot \\ illiam and Mars. |- li/aheth s profes sional cxperieiu e im hides ss 11(111^' positions lot the l trgniut (oiirttr and 1‘aMuirno Stm .Sen's She plant Co work as a foreign affairs rorrr s|miii(I(*iiI lor a national news maga/ine. Po«l Htlfttl Mlird .is rdilor in < liief, lea lures editor and asso i i.tlc features editor of V irginia I re ft s ( nl Irgintr lime i. In addition to numerous freelance writing pose lions, lie also lias interned for the Potomac Vru’j, anil Hoauokr lima Cf Wot lit \ru<% Paul plans to report and (Miit lot cLuh nrusp.tprix and ihcn i<> rriuni lo m)ith>1 fin his Ph.D. and .1 U\u hing Robert Miller has held the tup spots .it / hr Minim HuiiiKiiir. the student newspaper at the l id Miami, and I hr Ibis, the Miami student \ ear book. Miller also has interned at the Miami Hnalil and has written lor the l os \ngrlrs /lines, l \A I mins and I hr t mnr\ Xation. After win kitiu at / .. KulwH hope* to Ik- an t-ditoi al a major metro politan >% » *♦ long It »rv mr*- shipM* I*«urt\imjvmn-s I K »l*la>. Summit and Hill-Timeempluyment available K*r empk*v men! pn»gram tali ( ruts* I mploymrnt Vn un 12061 >.U-04tt hi. C MHS • INTERNATIONAL EMPLOYMENT • Mak*- mmH'V !.-a. hln^ Kish vimvi-tMtiotwl I neltyhabriMii lapanan>t laivvan l.unS2.W0~ $4,000+ (xr month Many pfovi.ii- room U Nvuii • oth.-r |y iM-litv’ I nun. tally ami .ultut ally rvtvanlinR1 I or .mplovm.-nt program .all Inlrmaliunal I-mpJojmcnt t.rmip I 200 M2-1IM t'*t. JJ722 _ • ALASKA SUMMER JOBS • Students Needed' I am $60t>W*eek in cannrfics **t $4,000+ per month on fishing Nuts K«*Mn A Hoard' free irumpiHi.ilton' Over H.ODDopcnmgs No cvprrk-mr nccrv\ary! Male «h Female Foe employment pn»gram wall Student Fmployment ScisKes at <206t 545-4155 FU. \3000 \HI>I \ IK\( \MI' Rr|n needed «*n unit umput unrll rlrdiuniif lot ma|(«l itmnbtitrw tall t'M-i.t’lt CLASSIFIEDS matumil WMtiUTHMUrtt m hiiih SUMMER JOBS IN THE PARKS Join 20,000* ( oik^t Sikli'ni^ wurking in Amrrv j •» National Parks VN ork .tsa I m-l ighter KivrrguKk Imir l.uuir V\4ttprfNon. Park Visitor Assistant Ht \o rxpiWivv iksrvMfV I %cellent pay and tvrnchtm! lor tmplovnHiit Dim1t*r> miv! SI**v**to (Hildoor J«hiis f*0 H»u 4t*lv*> s. .ittU WA ’* /kiv M*»»u'v Hm*«4 i.uarantct** TKACH IN MIAK O. Ml held* l ompirhcmnc manual In leading esprit* trlU h«»* Sjumxh triii IkalHHi nut fr«|uiictt ( * wi $ I I Kl l’K< *N|I |*< >H IKM| \ \thcm <.\ tOtiM (A K I IK II l*S \<1()KS UKIIIRS Ml Sl( IANS Irani ho* to irliN jir to tlir Nk C it\ atra null th« tilulrttioiul material* you mil mrd i«» Hail vtxn « atm ( all I ‘too ‘i'wi \ K I s $ I'1*1 prr rtttiiuir ,l**atUI I I K \\ I I STl’DY ABROAD in Viuthrrn luiur Suimnn Nciiir*to \r.n piogiarti* ( uniat l I VI 'V I V l Stirct Nl \S .olunj^toii IH '.JtKNt** SS Ol'I’OK I I N I I \ NS M AMM) DUDOK ALIVE! Sect! to pun »«4m \r>» I M il SujU h h*»i» hfs $$$ 11 V I’W SI \1 Ml l< S II I >S Summer Japanese Study Intensive 5 wk program in Fort)aiul, OR, July 21 Aug 29. Earn 12 quarter hrs Study lang (all levels) and culture with Japanese students. Outdoor wilderness program included. Prior lang. study not required. Oregon/Japan Summer Program. Lewis & Clark College, Bos 192, Portland. OR 97219 (501) 768 7.105. sit ID IN RUSSIA IMIS SIMMIK OK I IIKOt (.IK >t I lilt M SKI.. IM I AM I \ihsHMlh \\c N<»uh Sr 41 tic \\ \ (.Sa.) S4M-‘M7t> U< )()KS < \ I \ I < )C.S lirr ( D ( j«irllr «atal«*gur. Hums FliMUillloiu 177 M*«itd Si HfiMj&Hit, NY I IJ?*W 'ANARCHISTCXXYKBOOK* Nuilahk-^m' $J * |Mnl|Mid Kw i n .tdr IV »\ 140(4 V«dUn» N } 070l#» SI \1 M I K < \ \l I* I \11*. SIMMER JOBS ( (HASH OKS ( \\IP\M.\ EOK (.IRl S S\1 \KY I R \\ H UIOWXNO ROOM HOARD I.U NDRY < IOIHIM. Ml si II \\ I Skill IN I \ND S|*OR I S OR \N MIR SpoRlS (Ml Di|7>»ni (»Ml» OK \NR| I I IO 1*0 HO\l77IIH \IU R\ MAOZHV* \ \ \\ S SI U \ 1C IS NANNIES IW‘\l agrtto l*c%l lauillto m »r.iMclr ( amort ik ui l<>|i ubnrs lirnrf'ui, tiMiin IhuiiI unfair Big St»in Ping lain YEARLY |.Mi«iiiuiit (air lot Kid* I son HE \ A\M Bl. K BOS I ( )\ NANNY I \i rllriil vuiai> l»ri»cfit% utilair Ktniu^r 11411m MipfMHl lull >rji loitmui turn i I JSOlMHH-lHlk U. I hr National College Magazine U n*m act rating ( liiulinl Amcrfmng ir%rnj (lorn lot i»ui Srplrinl>o IW5 iMur ( udUil out oHirr* ji (5101 S.M 11HI brt*rrn H lKijm and frOOjnn |*S | u rut CCKitat U't.A.'V «h Pw Km |W« «•» *<*»ng •»»« IMWMIHIIH1 VKH !«»» 1 D Wl or *d» peumutatg C.‘»*tKig *ug» rxtodarg drug rootled pubacatrona KXt pirt11"—--1 pwixvapftc r-y*t*,.at« and cdhae producte and a variate* only ki adUtj ova< »t* ag* ol ?1 W* raoaev* th* right to ratuaa advartrung that at tha patron o< managam*™ a at pool tayta or loOgmam Wa raaanv* tha r*f* to d**m*d avappeipnal* tea th* pubacakon Wa also ratuaa alia* «»a»t.gattoei adyorttaaig treat a ambrguoualy Or Jacaptrvoty minted or portrayyrd «o aa to make tna product or aarvtca axlaat or opart to rnrvapeoaantatwvy It doaa not act apt advartaatg toe oe(pawaltona or aclrvtkaa that maegn rac*» or eakgroa a not accural* tntthha or a olhanataa datareranad ttoaccaptabra by managamant kccaptanc* ol ctaaorhad ada dm nor conaatula an andoeaamant ninrnad or artpaad by It o< !h* product* and tarvecaa oltarad PuC*ah*t a not noble tot errory at nay nurrtoary