A Fresh Depeche • Cut the Knife • You Gotta Try Lulabox Good Music Goes Way of DinosaurJr. • Chris Isaak Croons U. College Radio Chart 1 Betty SferMStn- Rqxtv) 2 Dinosaur Jr. l \ lunr Jku Urni ’ iSiltt 1 Superchunk (hi I hr Miiulti lAl.il.uk H i t Digable Planets, tnufun '< FJc-ktr.ti -> Tree People, /iw kukiitigd /i u Frank Black /mriA/| >ll.ti! i.t 1 M Bottle SerVMTt. Paknnmr Ntu.nkn I In Poster Children Injnfthr Midi (Nut Rcjn iv fJU« t *»lriS . > k\N# \i * kll*. ' 1 k \l \ I 4 < -*ld« *•«».» tV-Wk-* Kl.\ I *4 < •«»«-» I <*» M t H l W\l* > ' rf I *• * » Ikrtrll Vs I < M . I .41#1«KW Vkll \ lintuiu 1 VS\|M J*ir» Uj«{w«i l "Wl * ^ Kn.ii* i> "M " VM JIM I .4 \|» !>*<.>» M « *4 l -4 WWI Srti V»l t V*\\l 1 .4 V-1*. { *■ Aa>* kIRI K» *V4Mt«rt». lUuvml K I MM ^Ir.^Ull I luL..«V \H ^k» U^irh-r^il kt V|l \ Sjk iMtinvhi «» \*\IM I . 4 VlbMMi r t \tiim Dinosaur Jr. Where You Been? (Sire) ★ ★ ★ ★ Dnir j^.iiii ..vim |i h.u pimrii llif oiilv thing dial u inauiv Main almui ilm is n<. ,il>ilii\ In maLc ii‘*• «l iiiumi Willi I lie'll I ill It l I*. VI hfft ) on Hfrn f, | Masc is vmiIi Mike* JnlmvHi ami Mm i»h < outturn* wh.il then Mai ted Im* k in ihr M.IN’k.H ll IIM'11% tilth m me* dm mg dir Mini M4K I hr\ have hrltK'd to plotter! .1 |>«c* 1 pop ^Iv tc* Kith stunning j41iH.11 wt h k. |h 1 son.* I hue s and .« stiaight h»iv>aid edge, .1 stv|r thr\ shaie Kith hands like lluskrt l>u, Some Youth and I In K« plat cmrnis U hrir ) (fu lifrti Mdivns |0 songs Kith no IiHe* 1 and in oiu* «*1 thr tnoir solid albums out in mold \toir> IVoth thr I I* and thr I list single. "Stait < hoppm ait hose mig in thr top fi\r ol thr t ollrgr ( hails a lit tiny; tribute to thuosaui |i Khidt helped define thr sound we e all altrinatisr In latt, Kithout hantls Iikr Ditiosam |i thr Seattle grunge sound still Kould In- trl rj{atrd tciobv me* 7-im h singles I Ins album is wortli lat mote than its weight in alcohol, so don t hesitate to pait with nr\t weekend s Iwri inonrx lot this one* In fat t, lot am Ian ol honest. |>oweiful and Inn iiiiimi with good guitat vs«*ik and intelligent Ivin s, iho album is woiili giving up pa it o| \oiii tuition Ins • Slesr (airdova, l kill's Brunt, l'. of ( -aliform*, la** Angela Lulabox lAilahox (Shock ink) ★ ★ i Mom ahsa\s said. "Don't In ali.tid in to ness things." anti that ads Me holds he ir Ih tin than lima heads, though, it s I ulahox Nothing to leai heir hut mood swings ol rtuiMi and « 1111«thk< dasdieams o| in dee istve i In dim I ln% m II IKl« «l debut .ilbum is .1 ImIIoh it|> to t In Hi it iv11 \ inn tt .in it im hi \i I I* i t*lc\i\«d in < h tobci / ull lilrrfl t(’.itorr(i the* cl11\ ink tun vs hilling sounds o! K ulr I Mi ami t lie iltltritaints ol |\»»i\ I fill \ o( altsi Mais < assid\ lassos .1 note* .tiound 11v« It then diojis it to |*i» k anothci Km in \o doing, the Hues oltcn ate (IlnHimi .in*I lost io thos*- who nijoi .i sing a!«»ng She's at ht*i lx si on tin* light* i songs I dying It Was and \va 1 Ins hand is a unu|tir amalgam o) van oti\ sounds i ulal>o\ has the guitai origi Ii.ili l\ «»l 1 uxh, I Ik ihc.imv ahsliat tnrss of ( < M trail 1 WUIS .111(1 ina\t>«IIUV (V%II1^(*N of thr Sundays \Mih Mtnil.it not* Ix'ftdtng \<*t . lrss(*iw!r,»tiuj{ \ih als I hr hand s like a < Inld li.mtin (uti i nl.ilxtx nla\s jwrk a lMto with lrrltngs and nilu.i(t<•!!' hut trfusrs to f.»< r irahtirx brad oil \ vtmh of iihmmIiix -ss. iIiin <1im is maxi mi/rd on landomh srln t«*d jda\ ■ Lis* Manr Koiito, l hr Pint, Ohio l\ Shonen Knife Irt's Knife (Virgin) ★ H the R.imonc v urtr irimainatrd as (Inc v \sian vsontrn and bin alb mflurnt rd h\ tin (>o(*o s the* irjK-u iisMtm would Ik Shonrii hiulc*. ihr thirrxotnr hum Japan 1 hr hand s drhut alhum, Irt ' Knijr, Ira ! til vs I he Iriiulr li 10 si.* in in tug *»n guii.u . h.ins anti clrunis pi«> 1 r
  • r.iis vs iih pi.iv Ini singing ili.ii .u 111si. is quite t li It fl \ I hr insulinahh < .n< h\ |x>p Mini’s hoillUC If (Mil til* Speakers lulling smi into .» s«»it of Smut t > imciilic Sex Pistols H .tin e But then Shone ii Kniti stalls to lose- its edge I mu songs 111(0 the album, the novel tv ol the* gmttp wears thin l ,»< h song Ix-gins to sound exae tlv alike, a tee tilling tie »wul alitor so mam hands on the n lust |i}.i)n! lain! Shone n knife «jute k Iv « uts into the nenes No, Shonen Knife is not mi^m.il But mote tmi>oftaut, it doe'sn’l woik 1 tie band mil | ots the Kamones (hioughotil the album, eve n though tlie Ivne s aie its ovsn 1 tie trio * i«h»us at>out tin>%e tieavs . leal life* issues flving je llvhe.ms. tiding a tut kef. hi at k l ish and die l>e*st )»ot » leaner m die vs« >i Id Shonen knife s jovial loud inusie is am thing hut dull But /// s Knife bee niiirs so annoying that this utensil should lx kept in the di avsei • Andress Johnson. thr I Affirm, Ilir Ohio State V. in the studio Brooding crooner Chns Isaak will confront the challenge ot tollowmg up the huge success ot Wicked Game" (and its soft-porn video companion) with the new alOum San Francisco Days scheduled lor release this spring It teatures a lighter more upbeat sound Watch lor a tour this summer Fans ot The Replacements have ample reason to dance m the streets nowadays The band s demise has spawned a solo protect by drummer Chns Mars and a new band with bassist Tommy Stinson The real musical treat however promises to be the June release ot 14 Songs the long-anticipated solo debut by pop genius Paul Westerberg Can the teacher Keep up with his pupils9 We ll see Former Blake Babies lead singer Julianna Hatfield is finishing up work on the follow-up to her first solo album. Hey Babe The new record features Scott Litt (of R E M -producing fame) behind the boards and is due for a July release Brooder CMt Isaak Blur hits the music stands this spring with the protected arrival ot a compilation album Essential will include past dream-pop hits as well as new material from the album Baby And hold on to your flannel England's Brand New Heavies are in London working on a album for release sometime this summer ■ Erte Geyer. Daily Tuan, U. of Tens on the road A brief look at April May concert listings Jem Jones: Norfolk VA 477. Washington DC 4 28 New Orleans LA 5/1 Chicago IL 5/7. Universal City, CA, 513 Oakland CA 5/15 Sting with dada: Berkeley CA 4 30 5 1 Seattle WA 53 Costa Mesa CA 5/7. Los Angeles CA 5/8-10; San Diego CA 5/12. Las Vegas NV 5/14-16. Salt Lake City JT 5/18 Red Rocks CO. 5/19 Oklahoma City-. OK. 521 Dallas. TX 572 Houston TX, 524 New Orleans LA, 525 Indigo Girls: Ruston LA 4 28 New Orleans LA 4 29. Lewisburg. PA 4 30 West Palm Beach, FL 52 SI Petersburg FL, 5'3 Kissimmee FL 5 4 Lancaster. PA. 5/7 10.000 Maniacs: New Brman CT 51 Storrs CT. 52 Philadelphia. PA 53 Elmira NY 5/5. Slippery Rock. PA 5/6 Athens OH 57. Jamestown NY 58 Allentown PA 511; Charlestown. VA 512 Memphis. TN. 514 Birmingham AL. 515. New Orleans. LA. 516 Seattle WA. 522 quotable “When I was in college, sex wasn’t life or death... People are just dealing with real life at a younger age now.” —Garth Brooks on why country lyrics are tackling tough issues