Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 03, 1993, Page 24, Image 32

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The tap hasn't even run dry
and Norms bar stool is still warm,
but Woody Harrelson already has
moved on to bigger things.
B\ Sam Baltrusis. I hr Daily I n-r Press. Boston U.
Woody Harrelson play* an architect who * offered a million bucks to share his wife for a night In indecent Proposal.
Wilt'll lll< llll Illlt'lll ( .nut*,
\\l M )(1\ 1 I.II It'Kl >11 |llM
11mldii t <li > it, " 1 m ,i Ini;
lieliei el ill sex 1 l.il I elv >11
s.ins. .md .ill i>1 ns |><>siii\e
.t111 ilniU's. Inti
I lane Ison. tin I*a hit Inn dumb bat tentht I mm ( hm\
is mm thr down and out att Inlet t m \dtian ( vm s spring
left asr hulrtrnl t'lof*iu:l .iihI h< m IkhI with lus lu st
fi tend s wilt 1 hint Mtwu r
It was kind n! sttange haunt; known hri .ill this tiim
1 l.n u i Nt * 11 vi\mi| shot it tlx passu »n.ut |e»\r making
sum s 1 h< Mtuatn »n was like a gt * *1 !i h nd < *1 \om s who
has » \stit \<»n .iKn kmm piell\ wi ll anti ha\r spent time
with and thru sudden l\ von it in 1kml t«»grtht t hr sa\s
I lai u Non. oil Mttrn in known lot hi* trstostri one dn
\t n lihitlo I h s dated hi* shair ol at in w n anti hat! hurl
thugs with HnHike Shield* Moon /appa \ll\ Shrech anti
( .Icnii ( lose hut tm the m i o! ISitffouiI, llanelvm admits
hr jiiNt t otiltln i. wi ll. i»u into ihr nithh!
It n like*, vrah. gt anted vse ir at tut * and all, hut still the
Nituatioii was vrn awkwaid llaiirlvm sa\s “l hn mg *r\
nu ik’n. all I waN thinking wa* Ms («od. what woultl lh ut r
think *>1 this'
11 a i it Ison, H. ha* gone horn a hilde thumping
Pirshsteitan mamma s U»s horn < >hit» to IIoIIssomhI n jet
n t * t ting Don |uan \ltri gtaduatiug horn Indiana n
I iaiiou-i ( ollrgr, lit mused to New N oi k t«» puisne a
i ait t i in thratri He untlt i studied in Neil Simon * Hihm
Hints and was otiei rd a *i\ month t turn at t tt» pla\ Woods
1U i\d on < h'rfy irpt.ii mg (tic • *llgmal hal Undo \n h<»!as
( .. .1 < h ( ul sail In < hho (lire! m 1 ,,Hr> ’ Six months
I* « .mu- right \rais .11 »<t H.utt lv*»n n ♦ .»ii ci t>l«*svmini
I'm just totalh thiiH< <t ittai ! am m uimii ' am! that 1
am hoikit>14 as an at toi lie- sa\s I it 1111 imU 1 Htirn 1 was
ill 1 nllrgf am I I irallv tilt In t ltn>k f 01 wait! !o mm h t \t rpl
skipping im lith( two t !.i\srs am! grtttng in the timet our
Ihrtr waMi'l trails a lot In II thru
I !t« m <ia\s Ilanrivm lias a It*t nmir it* ith»k ft»iv.iiti m
lit M inis lo have slipped rflotllrssls into his role* as a
I h»i|\\st h hi stud hi fat 1. aflei liir ( htn\ finale hr plans to
put ins chin vs it \\ooch IVovd |*t tvona 1«> irsi ami puisne .t
inll nine film tait t i I u- got im»ir t»ffris than I tail
at t rpl ” hr s,«v s ” Xml not liir \\«» h!\ llovd kind, eithet
I t*i a guv vsho s lived his 1\ hit dir past It vs seals as a
dumb hit k. that's a big rrlirt In irum of thr vsav vsr an
all feeling and the durt lion vsr air all he ading, it serin* i«*
hr lime tt» most on Mr pausrs mid sentrme paving
homage to thr show that la urn hrd his t. urn Hut gosh,
it’s going to Ik vat I
Still, Matielson s lutuit with nmvit s srrim to hr on
hack Mis irt ml pci hu mam r in WhtU \fttn ( ant jump
sui pi iscd skt pm s and 1 atapultrd dir at toi into thr t oset
rtl litillvHtMkI "hot scat
In I’aiamouni s indetrnl Profwuil, hr plass David
Mutphs an at t Inlet t who. Matielson saw “is toialh in
It»vt with ins mate and hap|>rnv to tall into rt onomit haul
times "
I hr sought aflri n*lr (hr beat oul thr two Baldwins.
William and Met 1 Iranis Maiirlson vsitii two of
I follvwtMMi s iw»\ of fit t hattf hit Iris Mooli and Robot
Krdfoi ti 1 hr mo\ tr. 1 running l>11 rt 101 l v nr and
I*i«mIik « l She in 1 ausing lot tlie* fit>I Hint Mint’ I*.18e s
/ Ual \i!unf:t'n is.»|»n unising i aieet move lot 11a nr Ison
in r^ b'sul, Rrdfoid plass .« . Ii.uimikuk tmam in who
die n tin Ii.ip|>il\ (named couple twin* is Millenng ecu
immu .t I }\ > .» tin I In >ti tloll.it > ti Moon spends just one
night swth him
I i.ti u Im>n s.i\s 1‘tofntuii is a he >ut xsIi.«t inoiirx e an and
t.iiiiim bus \nd ii itas an impottaiil iuoi.il twist “ I he*
enicstion »s i( von. tile* \tc*wei. e anir up against tin situa
non. what would 1»<- \out irae non'
How would Haiielson ie-.it t in a leal Hit hitlnrnt
/*>«'/'■ uil situation It s haul loi me* to gauge Iweause l
Iiaw a i<u ol in* uic*slie* va\s I fuive l«» know wliat it s like*
again not to haw* am mono It would Ik haul loi me* to
ira« t Ihm aitse* I in no| in nrrd of mom s hut the se * hat
a< le ts we*le* in need
Hal te lson definiteh is not ill need lot mone s oi tm»ur
n >l«s
“It still, to this das hiows ms mind,' he saw. it ile t ting
on his unorthodox and uncommon aw nil into the
lioils we m ni hie-i a i e Its “ I heie* was a lime in ms life when
esen thing I did was grated tow aid ms vision < *1 what sue
e e ss is I hrie* was a te asoii loi e*st*is e onset vilton. ru ts
ie latloilshlp and rse*t\ period e»f flee time It ssas all
alwuit tills nolle Ml. this need leu sue e css \nd one e I found
sue t ess. it was haul to m*t out < »f the* sue e ew-di isen mind
se t Feu me*, it is im|K~ratise ili.it I hse- ms lile mele (K inle iu
i>t whatese i is going on rxu malls All that matte is ic alls is
it I am happs
I fis » omit tone transforms to a ejinet. sineere response
“I’m happs now I’m srn happs Hut it has lake'll a leuig
time* loi me to cnine to that ~ IX
Here * one word for all you mourning Cheers fans - reruns.
Last call for laughs at Cheers
n was the place you went wnere everyoooy Knew your
name But after 11 seasons, the cast o! Cheers is turning
oft the lights and going home
No more Norm No more Sam No more Woody
"I definitely think it's time for Cheers to go," says
Woody Harrelson. who plays Woody Boyd on the series in
which he co-stars with Ted Danson and Kirstie Alley 'I
think most people would agree
Not college students
"Losing Cheers is like losing a close friend." says Jen
Tague a tumor at Boston U "I've been watching the show
since it followed Farm > Ties, and it has become a Thursday
night ritual"
That's right Long before Beverly Hills 90210 Cheers
was the knot that tied this generation together
i m in a rraiernny ana everyone in ine nouse arops
their studies to watch Cheers, says Clift DeGrot a junior
at the U of Oregon "Losing Cheers is a pity *
But don t mourn the show s loss too long Harrelson has
a list of upcoming movie roles Kelsey Grammer is getting
his own NBC show to play Cheers favorite shrink, Dr
Frasier Crane And George Wendt who plays Norm, has a
new sitcom waiting after the finale
Cheers, which debuted in September 1982, outlasted
such classics as All in the Family and I Love Lucy It's the
only comedy that has surpassed M'A’S'Hs longevity
M'A'S'H lasted tor 255 shows Cheers has done 263
And that can mean only one thing
"I will be watching the reruns faithfully." Boston U s
Tague says ■ Sam Baltrusis