Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 03, 1993, Page 23, Image 31

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    Moirie Previous • Woody Harrelson Says Cheers to Cheers
Lee on Lee—Martial Arts Guru Honored • Video Releases
/ hr (•uifthu. Prp|H*rdine l
\\« ve sailed jiast tlie* ( Ilf 1 sitit.is lirti/v to
irlease movies in time bn Om .11 < otisidera
lion (. \ frw (>i»ni Mm) \\< 11 well past 1 hr
w mu*i slump <»! video loddri 1 \\prn
I xltrmr). X lit! ss c i <* p.isl tin post ( )st a 1
hviH‘ ( l nfmgivm) S< > vsh.it (I«k‘\ lh.it leave
it the* studios pl.tv then ».ircls right, it vsill I*
,1 Minimu full ut mu pi isrs and sujxi stais
The Firm (Paramount)
\!t< i ,t vc.ii o| /i iu ( Im.ii nominations
Pal amount is putting all its eggs into tin
basket ol tills powei house vehlt le based on
John (.iisham s best selling novel ol tin
same name ( hit e again 1 0111 ( luisegrtslo
pl.tv »»ne ol (hose t lt.tr at teis who gets bun
sell into a situation he 1.111 t get out of imt
Utsky Husinrw) I bis time be plavs an fioiiois
law student who takes a gieat job ollei at a
small paitneiship in Memphis, onls to find
the linn is not wfi.it it .tpjjeais to Ih and bis
lib is at 1 isk It slats (*ene I l.u km.in Jeanne
I iippl* bom and Wiifoid Bimiles
Sliver t Paramount)
Hilled as an eiotii tbllllei vsilfi Sharon
Stone, tins one fias eu none talking alwnit
just bow 111111 h ol William IValdwin s "sltvei
will Ih shown Kepoits fiave indicated that
V/#nrr ma\ uit iuife unpieiedriitrd amounts
of fitiiital male ntidilv a brave move for
the piodtit eis it tfiev bop< to es< ajn an N(
17 rating I lie people at P.uamount seem to
Ih* living lot irate a new genie heir thrv
t all it a ' psvt bosexual mvsteiv also
known as Hnui ttisinui I*<it! II It Madonna
couldn't do 11 with Body oj / iiHrme will
Stone I k able t«»'
I hereof Hearts (New line ( menial
W illiam Baldwin t an t balk this om up
unde 1 “formula lomantu toniedv Baldwin
poi ua\s Joe ( assella. the tvpual down-on
bis hit k bat belt *i win» finds love ill the most
Utievprc ted plates when lie meets the tv pi
t a! provocative leading ladv. f lien * Kelts
I silt 111 Baldwin 111 /brut fnshrut II 01
Baldwin in /V/rv tfr So mam thou rs
Skrplns in Seattle ( IriNtar)
\ s thrv would s.iv in I hr fHayn "It s like
thrift W oman meets I hr Ihral <>/ thr ( ml my.
Meg Rv.in stais as a woman let tutted b\ die
Bruce Willis and Sarah Jessica Parker star in the upcoming cop thriller StriWn* Distance
M»n < >1 a widemri I • »in I tanks i»> l.ilt in love
with his lathei 1 hr otib proble m l hr\ vr
nt-vri tin t, .iml she s at toss the t uuntn
( alt h K*os Malingrt Bill Pullman ami
K«»Mt < ) 1 >. •mu II in the i• ni * *1 ilie-».»>i
Jurassic Pirkil imt*nal)
\111-1 bombing in Ne-vri nrvn land vsi!h
Hnt>k, Strvrn Spiriting has dr* idt <1 t«» take a
l (utn f«» tin dinosaut davs Based on
Mn hac’l < in hum s novel. Jitnusu is a
thrinr park full of grnrtu ally 11» tea led
(litlnviuis who Viif.ik Iuimm on thru fijM \ivi
tots a group of m iriUists anil two i ItiMtrti
I hr uiovtr altraib is sail! to !*■ tunning into
ntohlrtm turning its o}k mug ilatr Heir s
hoping Spiriting hasn t hitu i» oil nt<»ir than
he* i an < hrvs this time so |o s|X*ak
Striking 1 hstane r i ( olumbia)
Its .1 top vs ho gors »)>ov*- and Ik m »n«l l hr
i all of dutv hv srrking to « aplmt a vrnal
killri who hr lx‘lu‘Us mtudricd his lathrt
\h l (#ihsoii. tight Wioug Bnuc Willis
Ills nrw pattnrf go* \ at loggrihracU vsith
him when he woiks out of thru juiisdu turn
Jodie I ostn No Saiah Jessu a I’.irkri
I )r unis I at Ilia < ostai s as W illis mu I* tbr
* hirf of Itomu »dr l otsof . In hr roles he ir
! he I -is! \< lion I lt-ro (( olunihi.11
I housands of i!i»!l.us w« t« s|h ni “ii 111«
II.nit in lh.it ! .in late List Veal il* Mil I hdv
waste ot niotirv Batman \t tuailv I '■< I •>(
\il ■ n lift'' wants In hr this miiiuih i s
H*tt"mn \i nold St hwai/em ggei siaisasa
mmir hero dug stirlt h) .inti serves double
«| II I V MS (VCl 111 t V « |)lO(llKf*l I In sloiv
revolves Mfmilid .1 Im»v who steps out «»l thr
teal vs o i Id Mini into (hr celluloid woiltl to
join Ins favorite movie hero Snj*}>**r1111**4
plavrts nn ludr \iiiIihii\ Omnii Mini
\tf*li rdrs Kuril! ! / hr hldtrt kt* .
I sen ( tm^irU Get thr Blurs (I inr line
Ft MlUIt S )
(«11 s \ Mil Sint has ijonc it again III** t»*>*
him suite* Vlv (hvn Pnrittr linin' ( >> ntl\ is
tin lalt «»! Sisw I lankshnw l in i l huiin.in >
m gul who is hotn with enormous thumbs
Mini grows up to hi m hitchhiking lit mi But
wait She then Iw < otnes thr imxiel l«u 1 line
of feminine t air pl« nltli Is It gets Iwltei She
entis 1111 falling 111 love with thr rrMtients of
mii .ill gu I dude 1 a lit h \ an Smii! duet let!
arid adapted the scterriplav Irofii loin
Kohhins novel li the film stmss it ur to lotm
this is si nr to lx- a fc’tidei stojv U
on the set
Dying young al age 32. probably contributed to Bruce lee s mythical status His extraordi
nary martial arts talents didn't hurt either
Dragon the uruce Lee i>lory. a universal biuoios release inis
month, tells the tale of a man born in San Francisco who was raised
in Hong Kong and returned to the United States eventually rising to
stardom as a martial arts expert
Director Rob Cohen says Dragon will influence audiences m many
ways 'First, as a kung fu film, with what l hope are spectacular
fighting sequences Second as an interracial love story about the
beauty and struggle of two cultures embodied m two people who
love each other deeply And on a third level as a mystical tale of
fate, focusing on a man who struggled his whole life to embrace his
destiny and overcome his demons"
The film is based on the book Bruce Lee The Man Onfy I Knew.
written by Lee s widow. Linda Shooting began in Hong Kong in May
1992 and continued there and on the island of Macao for six weeks
i—on Scott Loo Filming was completed in August in Valencia, Cant
Those shoots include spectacular fight scenes starnng Jason Scott Lee. no relation, as
martial arts legend "I'd seen his films as a kid and was fascinated." he says "I only hope
done him some degree of justice"
cs S #
video calendar
A brief took at May/June releases
Trespass. MCA/Umversal. 5/5 Distinguished Gentleman. Hollywood 5 5. Citizen Cohn.
HBO 5/5 Zentropa, Touchstone 5/5. The Gun in Betty Lou * Handbag. Touchstone 5/5
Shoottighler: Fight to the Oeath. Columbia 5/5 Get Smart Again: The Movie. World
Vision 5/5 Ted & Venu*. Columbia 5/5 Fatal Charm. Academy. 5/5 A River Runs
Through It. Columbia 5/19 Glengarry Gian Res*. Live. 5/19 Blade Runner: The Director's
Cut. Warner 5/19 Hoffa To* Video 5/26 Toy*. Fox Video. 5/26: Used People. Fox Video.
5/26 Howard's End. Columbia. 6/2. Witchcraft S. Academy. 6/9 Body ol Evldanca.
MGMUA. 6/16 Knight Moves. Republic. 6/16. Min Rosa Whlla. Republic. 6/16. A Fine
Romance. Academy. 6/23 Bram Stoker's Dracula. Columbia. 6/23 Note All dates are ten
tative and subject to change
“It used to be the only Disney on ice was Walt."
—Bitty Crystal on Disnsy’s crsoUon of tha NHL fran
chiss, Tha Mighty Ducks