QUESTION: What’s your favorite rainy day activity? “I like to just stand out in the rain. I’m from New York, and the rain is so much cleaner here." TRACY BIGGERSTAFF sophomore, undecided “Ride my bike in the mud at a BMX track.” SALLY STEEL freshman, undecided “Stay home, rent movies and eat a lot of Doritos." CELINE ROSARIO senior, psychology “Climbing trees." | EU ELDER freshman, undecided “I'd have to say happy hour at a local bar.” CHRIS LANGDON senior, general science "I’d say Sega.” BRANDON WICK junior, psychology Future of Africa to be discussed By Chester Allen Oregon Daily f rnetaH) An internationally known African scholar will visit the University tonight to (hs< uss the problems and opportunities Africa faces after the end of the Cold War. In his lecture, "Global Africa and the Black World After the Cold War." Dr. Ali Mazrui will examine how the end of the Cold War has put African countries in a weaker political position, said Saluted Adejuntobi, a University graduate stu dent in history. • During the Cold War, hath Russia and the Unit ed States competed for influence in Africa. Ade jumobi said "Since the demise of the Soviet Union. Afrit an countries have lost aid hih! the political power of bulant ing lietween the i ornpet■ jug interests of the Soviets and tin* t nited Stales Ma/rui. author of more than i!t) hooks and tun articles about past and presold Africa. is ontt of the most prestigious Afruanist si hoiars in the world today, said Quiutard Taylor, a University history professor. Ma/.rui received his PhD from Oxford Univer sity and has lectured about Afrit an affairs on all five continents. Taylor said. In addition to his academic work. Mazrui has been involved in many United Nations projects, ranging from human rights to mn lear prolifera tion. Taylor said "He's an eminent si holar,” Taylor said Not many people have at t ornplished what he has done over the past 4!) years " M i/rui's lecture will begin at ~ p m in Room I r>() (Columbia ET ALS Mt;rTINn.S (jnwr Dr^flopmtnl tnfrrnthip Pro gram will h<*v« ill nitninw of xml atom :iww«ii\|{ for tnmnikhifx today at » W1 p m in th» 1 Mt UluiiwtMMi RdOtn Sign op* (of iiitsmihip mlmtev*» will wiut (Hi « fir*t-corner unit aor***! (»**»» f r«t f lo* ((-'oottug I ihwi of ( uk*' *• w:U itsiwi tonight at it 10 at th«» (VitiWf I front* |unmr Honor Nor wtr will liiiri for initiation tonight at I in (.rf linger lounfR Irw mU-oUI f wr t unumUn< will n.«M <*»«■ t*u%H apimaU bidri a* » *0 p tn in Hnuni 160 Vtranh I hr Hctmtr htiiM Kvadutg C.rmip will mert tonight at A in Ko»w» AAh 1*14 1 at in Amaru «n Huppert t iimmillw wi;! inrunt tonight at t\ m f.MI’ Sml* t (Ml board wi ?••-*»% at in>«>u j* ?tir (Mi MimlmittalilV nffi*** Womrn in Traniihon ami family Homing will havn Sfnglo Mufhrtrt Slip port Croup iimif(ht from t» JO lo fl jo «i the Attujun < mitlrr ('hi)il r«n> tt pro vutwi iifHMi irukinK rwpf^ulHMn Uomn\ in ImmilHm Mill luic -i• «-»t« Who Kuo WJh WolVM group t'*la% a) noon in KMl t jmtor> Know K Stl.M *11 AMMH’N t nw iimI Jmlini Art* llrparlmml Mill iImiw ,m othilul iVaturmg wn>rk b% Itu .if Miriam K.}«»\ * lla»u tlruiipi ami Si M- la*5r*» till* V»twk At »ho l 4 Ve»t!i' ku w I .aSu*i» 1 iitugiil th«» will tin a rtn option from 7 to 0 t arrrr Planning ami Pin fmrnl Srr %m r •• i! 1 buttling tmiay fur the I.iiN'v* g • hi*-. jMiuv* ift Km*m 244 Hrmfrti k» Ptr*t tnmton Cnrpontilon. 11,“i-% < Mill*. |uhn Ham >« k anil ( tn \it Mutual l ll» Monk Sharp : \* : ! 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With each pound of coffee, get a free cup of our house coffee! 4 I 160 Emt 13di Av«uw i mim f Acroa from U of 0 Bookrioro f ^^Congratulations in I To our newly *f** » ~ Z u mmer? travelling tWesu _ awning lnternationai Get counts w‘thh Hogtd cards. Stud,enu,]-2 the Main Desk Store. ^tcpArt nftotos: ^oota^ I .**5 Niger River Expedition >1 346*4362 Sathers Candy liloy*f TkMlit OiiMMl Tiokri/ NOW $4.00 each lone Bux SI (MX) oft lont: distance calls Save pottage. Pay year US Watt EWEB, NWNG bills at tba EMU Mail Datk Stare Wednesday, May 5lh, 7:.fO pm University of Oregon, 100 Willamette Hall $2 i (fee Id siiulcniv and co-op members') John Haines will present a slide show of his dramatic sea kayak descent of the Niger River in West Africa, the tenth longest river in the world. ■9 346-4365 MAY 3 -10 % w A SPECIAL NOTH To all users of the EMU The posting ol flyers, posters, and notices on walls, Itghtpoies, and any other non-approved location is not allowed The removal of these items and the repairs to fix walls, 1 pamt. etc. is costly. This cost is paid for through student fees. Please help us m alleviating this cost W by only posting on bulletin boards at the EMU. *