> a i GRAND PRIZE WINNER: The Clinton* court the college vote: Bill and Hillary campaign at the U. of Florida. News As the 1992presidential election captured the attention of the MTV junkies, candidates began jockeying for the col l ege vote. From debates on college campuses to voter registration dri ves, student activism thrust to the forefront the concerns of what once had been an apathetic and ignored voti ng gr oup. Environmental concerns, a lagging economy, the bleakest job market in years, abortion rights as we! I as budget ('rises at nearly every college and university mobi lized students to assert their power. And unth a record 7 5 percent of col lege under grads exercising their suffrage rights, the collective voice finally made itself heard. Sports A s usual, tiling which had little to l it s/iiiltn . slinlrnl /> hala in riving v> I 3 o 5 < o A “Get Out and Vote" rally with Jesse Jackson in October 1992. p Western Michigan U. comerback Paul Davis strips Texas Christian U. wide receiver Stephen Shipley of the ball. Right Members of The Texas Skydlvers, the skydiving team at the U. of Texas, sport their school spirit at 5,000 feet Peter Thomsen trains for the nationally ranked cycling team at the U. of California. Davis.