► Court restricts student funding Jason /rm.tnonc pavs alxnit $10 a vr.u to help fund student gioups on his l of ( alifornia. I.os Angeles, t ainpus l hose gioups ofte n suppeitt ideas fir doesn't Like- all l of ( alifornia stude nts, though, /emanovit a junior. hasn’t had a e hour about tlit* kinds of groups hr helps to fund **( »i\rn the oppoitumlx . I wouldn t demate*." he- sa\s I hat op|>ottunii\ mas have tome I fir ( alifornia Supie-me ( out t has rulrel lh.it sludrnts like- l ( LA’s /emanoue tan not lx* fort t*d to pa\ f«>i stude*ni jrolitu al or lobby gioups with money t <»lL < trd flout student fee s and piimanh distributed I»s the-ii stude nt go\rinmrnts Maigaiet Fortune-, pit-sidrnt of the* \ssot iate*d Stude nts at the l of ( alifornia, Ikikedex. sa\s the- t ourt essen tialh sti ippe*d he i stutlrnt gnseriimeitl of tlie* jw iue i to distribute- funels. “ Mu-1 e nut's ruling undermines the- ability of stuele-nts to nigatu/e aiotind ie-lr\ant issue s, and ftu that le ast m it is a tragedy i * f ■ 8 9 I * jr i Margaret Fortune reels stripped or powers. F<>! Matt* anti national student luhtmng gioups, student ginrimneiiis and tampus groups funded l>\ student fi t s, the tout! tiet iMon signals a death bh»*% It uould I* disastious ioi pulitn al distouise and debate," savs Statev I evton. president «»l M«sJkMin> (hr l mini Stairs Sitidrni \""i i.itmn. whic h in lundrd. in pai t. h\ Irr s »*»llr< trd from V'»0 mrmbri m tiooh 1 hr l of Wis« iMlMIl svstrm avoids thr hutfiin^ prohlrnis l ( ^Mnn hoot* now l.u r In not ^imm^ monrv to |m>Ii(i« .»l oi irh motis oi^.tni/.uions You (.m l«n>k .it jsiu drill IrrsJ ,*s .» lax on all students, suns Wim onsin Miuoi |amte\\all "Students who disag trr with a < mam ^loiip s |M>lm i a I a< tiMtirs shouldn t Im too rd to pa\ tor t hi'm Bui a^aiu. I he* louit do ision raises an mtrit siini' utustion Ml student moitps exist for (hr pmjrosr of piomotin^ a v i of interests So at what [Hunt d»w s a student i«»ii j> hrtonu* 'pohtu al enough to no longri ijuahfv lot funding' Mai k MiinnirIsle in attormn hu the* Beikrlev student .iHMii i.ilion, savs that > a <|iu siion thr l S Siijurrur ( ouit will have to answei “I don't behrse it % r< nnornu al l\ feasible to i am out thr do ision of thr | ( ahfoi nia j Supieine ( oui I as it stands ■ Josh Kotnonrk, Dail\ Hrutn, l of ( aliforma, 1 ams Aftgrlrx ► Frat antics depicting minorities no longer tolerated Fraternity theme parties have become infamous Mine Animal Huuw gl.iinoii/ed donning sheet* ami swilling beet altet lien. Hut diexsing like- a true Vlhenian while imhihing alcoholic lies rrages i' a vn\ different thing from spunsonng a "Party in the Projrt is " (.teek oigaiu/ations arouml the country — im hiding schools ill \«-w jeiscv, Texas and Indiana — have Ik-cii an u sed of rai istn lot sponsoring theme events involving facial and ethnic stereo types. And their universities are hemming less tolerant. At Kirlei (aillege in New |eisev. when the Phi Kappa Pm liairi nity Ieonxored a "Dress lake a Niggei Night and hail pledges i lean the Iralrmity house, the pledges won- Maholin X i aps and othei stereotypkraih blai k i lothmg The ftalrrntlv was i harged with indecent condui i and ha/ing nndei the colleges so< ial code. The national Phi Kappa Psi fraternity pulled the i haitri at Rider indefinitely Texas A&M l Vs Sigma Alpha Fpsilon Iralrmity was i harged in October with racism liecause of conduct dial occurred at a "Juiiglr Pails' in wliuh participants wote hlai k makeup Ihr fratrmilv was linril $1,000 to he used lot multicultural seminars anil is on disciplinary piohauon until the end of the 1WM spring semester. And .il leva* lech l ihr IN kappa \lph.i Iratriutty .ind Pavilion Ito.nd oigani/atinn vcerr Inund guilty ol haiacxmrnt •in«t rftTtvrd cant tit ill* In dir univrixity '* IXm iplilre ( aimmiltrr fot .i “Party in the Prujols" nuxer Um Ottobrt Srnnr mrmlierx ul ihr oigam/alion* vn n- phuluKuphnl in lil.it Mate d revert I ax slrreolvpital Mat k anti Hixpanit gang mcmlirn with pillowx in dim |>aiilx Ini dir appearance nl having large huttiM kx Pike anti Pavilion board member* irlnxrtl in comment. “You're not going 10 gel anybody to comment,’ Pike inrinlwi ( hrtx < tilield vivx 'We don't Irel we nerd In. “ Ik >di of gantralHiiu .tjtjw .ilt-x I dir imposed vim nonx 10 dir uni verxitv a|»|>ralx i omiiilllrr on tllr ban* ol Irerdom ol Xpert h l niveixity attorneyx t < hi tat led dtr I rxax A Hi mux < a-nei.il x < Xlit r whit li xaitl dir inixei wav jMtrtet led In dir Him Amendment Minority mgani/ationx at Irth |>iolr*trd the tletixion not to xantlion the oigaili/atiniic anti have axkrtl the Irtli anti laihhtK k totiiinunilie* to boyt till alt event* In the otgani/ationx “We’re not candied with what ha* taken plate." xavx t Iro Maixhall. a member ol the hiMotit ally hlat k lialrntitv. Kappa Alpha Pxi at I rxa* lech “We tan never be candied and *»c will never lie caticfteti until the cyxiem begin* to work lor all " ■ Kristie Davis, The Univemty Daily, Texas Tech U. mcwif CUT M»C>WGAW OAK. > U C# V»ChiGAI» ■©•■vice N#!5* ' . -J L A Jim Smith look* out Tor *tuoem» pure«v ► Makin’ copies... lawsuit-o-rama I he- imtu i «•! .111 \nn Aifxu coin sheep is taking up ihr fight that Kinko's Iom two \r.ih age » and risking hts livelihoe k! in the fight lot c he*a}x i com sc- ttiafrt ials |im Smith. «twin*i of Mu Ini'.m Doe umriii Srmers. has lx*rn Mini h\ se*\e ial publishing housrs lot selling c ouimiku ks without obtaining »opvnght jxi mission lot the- at tie ies So he* s taking on the big gti\s lot a jilac <• ui the mai krt wheir stude nts and lac ult\ sjx ml millions of d< *llai s«»n i rpnxiue (ion lot unrsnsitv c om nc*woi k Smith i nine mis he is ae ling in ae ecu d.rm e with the fail use statute* e*1 e op\ right Ian (hat e\e hide s “multiple* < opu s lot c lassioom put|>osi*s Hut the \nnch latioti of Xmrtie an Publishers alle ge s fan live- Ian din s not applv to e op\ shops lx*e aitv d»e*\ ate* making a profit Kinko’s (»iaphn s (.orp lost a similai e ourt battle against the \AP in March I* 1 Smith lx*lli*\e n the* judge's de e isle »tl was based • >n “flanrd le >gie "< emise pa* ks air sers imjxulant e elue atioiial toe*ls ten stude nts and professors, be vels “1 am ne 11 anair that it I lose dns e av, I will lose* this business and t'seiMhmg I have noi ked fe»i dill lllg the past «?0 \rai s hathlrne* haig. assistant dim lot of copsnght foi the \AP. savs the lawsuit against Mti higan IXm ument Seme e*s transe ends dir issue* of iiionn one el in unpaid losalties " I hr fundame*ntal txiMlion e emirs down to asking fen jxi mt moil to irpn xiue e Still l of Mie higan srtnoi |e nnifrt f* mmrtt sass stude nts air atfre trd in the* e nd In toughe t elite>ie e lue nt of eojnnght Ian “< ouisepae ks ha\e* Ixrn llioie rxjK Hsisr the* past e ottple of \e*ais. and dies haven't be en used as steadih in e lasses." she sa\s ■ (.wen Sh idler, \tuhtgun lkul\. I . of Mie higan U Capture the Nike Spirit Contest Win $1,000 AND have your entry published with a national NIKE ad! JAMIt M*AU IHt OHIO JUII U MM Sum U wc* (town Cm' LotMmM M %m MmtX MMnk OUT■ mini (Mi MM) Kmc IMt U Grab your camera and capture those outstanding Nike moments tn sports and everyday life Maybe you and your Nikes won the match hiked to tin* most awesome place on Earth set a personal tx*st in the marathon or 5K saw a champion performance at school or the Special Olympics set a new school record or leaped the tallest building Or maybe you own or can find the World's Oldest Irving pair ot Nikes or the most battered pair of Nikes still in existence. How many pairs of Nike, can you get into one photo (people attacfted!) You decide and JUST DO IT' Each month, the best entry will be published in U. with your name and campus credited The winner ot the month will win $50 cash All "Capture the Nike Spirit" ptiotos will lx- entered in the judging for the Grand Prize Award U. will pay the Grand Prize win ner $1,000 PIUS your winning entry will be published with a national Nike ad in the December issue of U. Runner up pn/es will be awarded too Send your entries on color print or slide film, labeled with your name, school, address and phone (school and home), along with a brief description of fhe Nike spirit you've captured who. when, where, doing wh.it. etc Mail to U. Magazine CAPTURE THE NIKE SPIRIT CONTEST. 1800 Century Park East Suite 820. Los Angeles. CA 9006/. Entries cannot be returned and become the property of U. Deadline fix entries is Oct IS No limit on the num ber of entries you can submit