Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 03, 1993, Page 9, Image 20

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imirmriu minus turn urtSriM
► Future of ROTC
homosexual ban
remains unclear
lie \.iid !i«' was gas so Nav\ K<>l< miiI In
was dismissed
Reserve C )llit ei 11anting (an ps i dlit i.ils
.it IVnnsilvama Slate l immedialrls initi.il
ed disemnllment priKfdllies in l)eienil>ei
Ini a midshipman \s!n> admilled his homm
sexualils Bui mm lhis sliidenl. who wishes
In lemam anonimous. sals he has heen
iiili ii mtd In a Iiniveisili of lit lal that die
pioicdmes have In-en hailed trmpniaidi
R< > I ( i ill ii i.i Is i el used In < omi lien I mi the
i adel s status.
"1111 on hold nidi die ( linton regime,
no one knows w hats m the I til me die stu
dent sass 1 lies doll I waul lo Ik- liasii and
du ll do vimelhing dial s itit-ieisihli I lies
stopped dlsemollmenl piiKedilles
( aught in du m l) ol mu eilamls shroud
mi; l’i evident ( Imiihi s pi nixisal lo end die
ROTC cadets train under the uncertain spector of Clinton s plan to lift the ban on gays.
h*in on gays m the milit.uv this student exemplifies the umuitl
(i<a l.u mm iilli 141-n.uni K< 'll nilu 1.1 Is imun mlullim the |x»lu v
While ret ilu |>ioinini'iH > ul ( Imtuii n jilcdvje in lilt
i Ik tun mi IioiihincmiuIn in die nnlilaiv. iintveiMtv adniiiiiMiaioiv
.mil K( 111 myani/.mmiN 'I ■ 11 in um lc.ii .i\ld ulul mijuil llir
.it n< m in mid have ti|H in 11 ill< )ic K( > I < giin^i am'
I Ik gII tMilrii! ' giinjHiNul whit li 11 1' vet I" H" 111,11 ellci1
in mid end a natioinvidc tun mi nav\ in ilu .limed Iomcn Main
tnlIeg>eN Ikme\t i. alieadv have taken Megn In iingileint in the
pin|ii i\,il lhie.Helling m end ihen .uuk i.ilinn with Rl * 11 it the
[Jl ngl aim lull In 111 I die lull
( hit M hi Mil Ivlin Ii had (Mended uu h an tilnni.iliiiii l .ihlmina
Si.in- I s.u lame 11 In. let ell I Iv leal til tiled Hn giai lit igialinii in
Kl) 11 at lei learning’ dial igiieNiiniiN t mu einilig{ vexual twit nla
linn will nnl lie int hided nil letjuiied fortm
Daiimonth I and the Siale l nl Sew Vtnk al ( htwrgo aic
a lilt ini’ nihe! ul IIV el Ml if nvn hit h havt vel deadlines Ini Kl ' 11 |>lte
g»raim It i end die lull
( hlit i t nllt n have taken a more (UNMve mle low aid die iwiic
III nl Sit gilien I •< h mIi it h, |)lnlt NNtu nl uillilaiv st lent t al I he l
111 Sehi aska. s.t v n I he mallei Ii.in lint .diet led the 'ligigioit nl
Kl) 11 giioglaim In>m die nniveiMiv adminiMialimi
I hr « h.iin Hloi and in'* .umhaatrs ait Iu»l\ suppoi ti\r * >i
R( >l< ami thrx’ir not in ihr iihwkI n> haw an\hod\ llnow us
nit. (»o< uiiit 11 saw “ Ihrv undr island the mi nation and thr\
suppoit us \S« n Mill hrir and wr u not planning on gout^
amwhei r
K< ) I ( otli« ia Is sa\ tlir\ arr not Mitt* what impat t a lit I ot thr
ban on homoM \tiah would haw «ollr^t* R< ) I < pi«plains,
hut thr\ will a hide h\ thr piestdenf s jwiln \
I hotip’lt thr han tea hint ally null e xists, I inda Maitletl. puhht
a!tan v olht t i at the Itli \nm Khl( Rrg»<»n, whit h me ludrs
most \Nrstrin slau -s saw lhc\ havr i limmated a tpit stion tri'aid
ini' hottn >sr\uaht\ lioin rni oil i unit Ion its
It s still on the tot in wr just t io\s u tail now M u lit It saw
"We don't ask thrill anvthlllg. so we* don t klie»W \ ll stuele ills an
hotliosr \ua! 1, although the- ha 11 Use ll IS still ill rllrt t
Si til, s nidi ms m\oh rd in R< > I < pingtaim sa> the situation has
Iktii t ausr lot 11 »nth« t
"Its win hat d. saw t »nr Rt ) I ( e adet who wishes t e» i e* ill am
anonvnituis "kvcnlxidv has a dillrirnt \ie*w o! jijaw in thr tilth
tan |. and vou \e* ^ot to I* t airlul with what \oti sa\ now ■ Jake
liatsrll, Slutr l*re\%. Arizona State l’. and Ramil Pluahnkk, Daily
Collegian, Peiiimfvaina State l .
► Riders for Bike-Aid pedal up awareness for AIDS
It will lie the iiil<?ol thru lises
\ml lot L'Him lists whoemhatk mi .1 (ouines .11 lovs the 1 mm
ns tins summer. th.it \ the |>miit.
Six gimi|>s ol rsi list' - ini hiding a «ore ol almut Hit to '*0 pel
.t in college students - will is. If limn |*>uiis .11 toss thf I rnlfil
Suites to Washington. !>< . toir'otle' thoughts about I US uni
Ml is tm Hike \nl '• A
1 In- in. .in-1 dir hikers i.usr I nun pledges will g" **»“> ■* |M *« -
wluih h.is top|)fil $8(M».0<MI sin. r the- Osrisrus Dnrlopinriil
Nftwmk st.ittf.1 tin- Hike \id program in IWtf. hi the p.ist. the
■nones has gone to homeless she Ilf 1 s. 1.11 me 1 s 1 oopei.il is es,
eu\ 11 mtiliellUtl groups .mil Native -A met 1. .ill * oiiiiiuinilu s
\ ivian < hang, who rode the Hike \nl tout last seat as a stu
.lent at the l ol ( ahloima, Hrtkrlrs. sass the progiam is an
IIU Iflilhle f\|)ei if in f loi thf 1 ulrls
oil get a snapshot pit lute ol is hat life* ill this. minds is lealls
like." she suss
I hough the idle is not without it'ks (two Hike Mil inlets diet!
it mil injuries sustained 111 a 1 olhvion with a tr.u toi nailer in I'H * 1
in Yuginia). the tideis .inept the hazards to raise moncs lot
then i a lues
'll made us leali/e that we pul mu lises on the lines lot the
Students participate In bike ride to re’cycle’ thoughts on HIV/AIDS.
issues vm brlic*\c in." s.ivs Mike Spicg.il. .» 'chum .u ilic l ol
( .ililoitna. Santa ( i u/. who is the t o-coorciinator of Hike* \icl this
sc-.u ■ Strvc Murphy, AHutnuu Travelert U. of Arkansas
► Don’t call me
1 hrfr \ a (>.\P for t^fi\ ^ritt'rjltoM
llivlavtvle. iiivlawinn, invianlit|iie
Ihvtnrv iv horn lit the (ram.
wi Moti Mini watch
hit vouivlvev,
MIDI t .ill\it < IN
mmi Vietnam
Avk the Ixmmcis,
and lhrv‘11 tell you
" I hew wary aren't a.»good
ay the title vyc had in t ollege
I he I* mutely are laughing at nv
I hey kiit ivy It tint real pant.
at uuyitt that wtettn/yiiitiethitig
tlte oigaiiK vat ten
(yet, ytiangelv, with tin hall-tile)
\yk am iMMimei
Style, Mnvrmeiitc, Mimienty
dull I |iiyt enijtl like they did
hi the \\iintlei Yean
No* H s
M IN )-i\ n with
Imm ImII hutv
hue kwurtl*
like, < imiI Kind.
‘ R«»< k lilt- \ ole4"
man. alln llu v*
(oi *tont*wa*h.
t lavtu III
button IK
I >< m 111k‘ Tour la< r,
vi l.u ii■ >in i hlM'led,
.1 | >i 111| >it
rrsllligon your
I rll thrm you'vr giown
I<Mid ii| n
vimi auipleiirss. voui v lawnilirss,
voui ill mill
mill drill, vour liillr ratliud studio.
I i ll llirm
thr unis m mailuirigr
don't know si111
alxiut wh.il Kiriluty'“
is suppovd InSIIU'II like
W'ett out hal/nuouit clean f
Don’t lil.mu ihr w.iilions,
it's uni thru fault
I peril on thr vat
lluu mui It tltt you cum in ti year f
F Holly'll to huv plasm explosives
Who lohl you about hi f
I was llitrr wlirli I air my liisi
st ill hill gr I . how should I know
I rll ihrm dir stirvev
I’m u all wrong:
you're a homosexual Manor,
a hasvMinisi with a hunlip
I rll ihrm this.
waking from voui
van h
live to mean it
I vrvr no segment.
I ahull' no mi hr.
■ Mikr Finch, /fcn/y Iowan, U. of Iowa