itic >nal is^axinc* l i% thr itnK monthh |>ul>lu jii-m «lrw>trd volfl> to i ollrttr nUhIi'MIn I hr nliti >r tal < nutrnt ntu rot* collr^r hit .1 national t>\r to l«» al (.uti|>iu tuurA jiiivitir^ ami inirrnu I 1% mitten In ituih’UlH loi Ntu«lc Mt\ l > rillloin on IrlliiH vhl|> m Ire tftl from top yt Jtliulo at m« tlte >mmin « nin rtiiwimi ,111 h In, pin it* *tfi iiphv ami >(iaphw % In ihr tir%t join nalisn from tfroir than ♦ \\ i M » k J U ki M \ Mi’ll »N Editor* Os Fnumvmr j KII Sl'lWIR Southern I Klllh It I Mil I I • «l V *tir I>r Uv»Jll C'jmtivi DiMicror \ KI ( III MIN Editoriaj All' IMiHI C ol M il I»k Dwml \h.\mn Imli4iu l Ki mi m IV 11 \m» Mm httf.m Slatr l V\ H < V\M l olltma j ss I ( mii i*m I r \a« I r« h l Mon \ < nutSN t dI SaiuihmM jIiIihiiu M \MK ( •* * ||'M\S Siudriii Pir« I an ( ii 1>k I in lhi>iK Souihrrn MciIhkIi*! l kum I AUiti \< i I i*l \Utunu ku H \RJ» ( l * It k t ttl ir\j.i I hm M un> S« In »!l» Si^tr t i»« | i»wit*ki*i> l a%lri n IIUlM*t« I | i >VI k< U NM KI \w* wtr < nllfj(ulr Pir« Kh it \ r i * Si m » in 11« *i kU Suit t l U M» \\ 11 *1 *1 » l ij t lUxlXKIU I VI K v \\ ll»M» K VIivvmiii V l OruunuNt, Paooi ition fc Dwraiai th»n V 14 r hr*nlrn( ( >jh » jii> *m l Hici tuf < in ubiioii AVI\S I Mill HI ! i \wuil \s I ML\< ^ M M I HI V*v| |< >4 «* 1 M\ki> m» Mi x> \i»»► MAiKinsc. Kniimii Ic Pkomomon \ H r nrMth’jU Sfal krlitt >l»r« I«M M*rirtm# Vi\h r* Mgr S|*rt iaJ htijrt i% Min^ri \,»\u < h <-iu r (.moI Dm » I 1\\ St MSS* P\KK | \< ki H tvinos Advertising JUua Om(M < UK »» l.l »MHtR. r» t» M (.1 MlKI SHlHlrt I HI l.l f -VrMIIIM >Mf\M 11 j i nTiiMiMOO » WdlJt feTOWWi |)%u.\v Mkioiu/ihum Si nan ! ii it mi ItIKMx t* *»>Mr WY ■£ I 4 * '**<■ .*** \ | AX(?I4> **Wtt l>iiKon ( imist.i ismm mi i.i >siittK i m *-47 7|'I0 » W II *> '*<7 74*r.» Ij»n (,ini Vhiurtiii |mriunimriu lihriuwn (*|Q> VM I Vl| l WiKtOi %M l*V» Jim Mi (.ivm M on. Kiivuii, m< usm k i>*nii >11) I \ V .'l ' VI.' | |MM Sim York R. m Am >nm*s SkkhuI \««r-V'l III ( /V \ uumal I iMrfr UqpKjnr » (Hil>lt«l>r.l mnr uiih-i * \tm in Amni|\v what wr still h »\r in t«* h»< ns a grrat dral ol out allrntioii t«»mrttoiur mu rn\ < iimn I hat turaus \Ut i tft« V 011 out pail n Efif I 4ll/a, £T4cJ ujlr studrnt, Virginia I r* h l ( )t ituiisr | past admmistt atoms) want iix it* l>rhr\r rnvuotmirntal c **ii trills air blown out of propoitmn Im i atisr rmiionnirntal |n*itlon \\< Ik* i^mmI strw aids**! oui rmuoninrnt Hut wr don’t lift'd it to takr pirtrdc iur unci pi oplr tr Norll Ifrikkrniri, srnior, Mk higan Stair U. Give up the drug war I linil it amazing iti.u |m>Ii< r ii i s|x ntlmg hundirds >•) hiiuii and ihouvaniLv ot lav dollar! lo liu)I small tlinr drains I hr "big" bust ai I ol \ trginia niriird ii|> SatMl wtiilli ol dings [*l)iug I sagr l)m|is Mali Ii Ksiir j. Ii s4 i iiis in mr dial du n limr and monrv vstittId Ik Ik iu-i s|k hi helping lo lovsri dir slaggri inv; aimmiil ol i.i|h and violrlu r on ■ mi i ullipusrs I In s should oik-ii dim rvrs and si r dir iral |>iol)lrms ol alcoholism. I a [ H \I|1S and i at ism insii ad ■ il passing |iulginrnl on a group ol siudrnis not hulling amour David Tillr. sophomore, Hampshire College Mixed messages? When I ie«etved thr Man h Issue ot / I W.IN gU hi ight II Mimn'it* ili*< s put in thr < ffoii .hkI iw thr Ini .1 touts* that prison will gam .1 eritatn knowledge Dtirsn t thr (It sin- to Ir.lift count .n M.inIk wr ir .ill .1 hit hnghlri than fVmaid I c thinks Kjthkfii ). I)ail>. M-imir, l of VNimoiisiii, Mifwaukrr McJob better than no job ( * mgr at illations on tout aiti* Ir mi " \ Ihgier Isn t k nough Mall'll Issue ; YYrll d* mu ' S mu analysis ol the situation was yrt\ M i matr and 1 ontatned r\* i Unit stig yestlenis Ini lirw e edle gc gi.ielu.ilf s hrrp in mind, though, that some- ne w e nl IcgC giadu.ilrs will ne e d In .11 1 rpl a Mi |oh ’ 1 aih* 1 than nn joh at all lx » him the individual who stavs unemployed in absolute ly not atuaitivr to e mploye is I Patrie k Se hefti, dirrrtor of the* ( eiUrgiatr Kniple*vmt*nt Kncirih livstitutr. Michigan State* 1 ’. U. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR \ddl«-ss \0t11 1 e>l I e-spondr ne r to Irttels I ditm . I thr \iitn>twi ( >>llr^ UagaziHr, I MOO ( rnluiy I’.ok last. Suite- N‘JO, I os \ugi le s, ( \ 'MMMiT, ol (a\ n to e \ I«> > a a l I #»'»** liuluile- vmu name-. yrai se h«*o| and phone- iiiiiiiIk i (m \e-11 tii atlem I e tie is shoiilel hr «IH) words ol le ss / irsriw s thr light to e-eiit suhtllivsie mis Im Ir ngth and e I at U\ U VIEWS sisars u. STUOP'*' owwx pou* Do you think environmental concerns are blown out of proportion? yes THIS MONTH S QUESTION Do you plan to watch David letterman or Jay Leno? fell US *!v)l fou think Call our toll tree numoer (800) 688 <39? (>1 the tiisl 2H0 tails reteised hum Man li 22 thniugh \pitl 7. Itnm mote than I Id campuses. lOdi alters said rnsnon mental (om cin% arc hlossn out ol pit i|**t tit >n and 171 said the Katth s pn illicitly atr not i net hit ism Rrt|t* nnk'nttut) .ill Miles viiiI the pi css ilistmts the issue whIle'me (allet mtellei tualh .11 guct 1 1 think rns iiotimenlal issues aic stupid "1 i nut et ns ate hlossn ul pn »| m m lion Its a hum h ol at ns ists vs ho knoss nothing a limit si lent e —John Sutler, snjihtmuter. Illtiutts Sutr U. "I I eel that environmental t oncet ns arc taken light Is I thin t leel they are hlossn out ol |>i ojhii imn I simply ter I mote people need to listen to the comerns -Tonja Christian. junior. U. of Miwvmuppi “ 1 he ens in mi neu tal c oiii ems arc not bkjvsil out n| pio|iortion In tlie vsiti hi vsr lise m. if vse don t take i .11 e ol it vse ssi in l have am ssotlil to lise in * -Brian Williams, graduate student. V. of Mriaouri. Kansas City *fhe ( Mmtrnl I htuiaun PitU n a sunulny ft itKIinOTU Ilium itUr*r umlrnttantstlhe i.nllMIS I tie I. ill lire numtm a irJMi ineotsrs 111 i <|itrv»m f»«ril |.i Mil drnOrahmiaMtl Ol ihr (satest4( Ihr Van. mall • Jkp Muectiw lltr (■41 is t»« tornnfk -tie! (irn rnt-tne. sir Immot tmeil .hi irtlul n s), .mci I n n'r.l rj. ti in.