Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 03, 1993, Page 12, Image 12

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    Finally. A complete kit to help you conduct an
organized, efficient and successful job search.
If you are nearing college
graduation, the reality of entering the
working world has probably lx*gun to
sink in: The economy is tight and jobs
are sc arce. You don't know the market,
what jobs are available or w here to
look You want to do more than
simph de|X*nd on classified ads and
college placement services.
The Directions Kit has answers
tor your Job search questions.
This new kit can help you get
<>rganized for an efficient job search
that can put you in the right job for the
Ivginning of your career. You'll learn
how to establish personal networks,
how to tap the hidden job market and
how to present yourself for the lx*st
impression.The kit includes:
• The lxx)k Marketing Yourself.
The Ultimate lob Seeker’s Guide.
by Dorothy Leeds.
• Directions. How To Get The
Right fob. \vorklxx)k and study
guttle ny Jo Ann Smith and William
Manning. Ph D. Smith is an
employment consultant in private
practice with experience in sales,
marketing and advertising. Manning
has 20 years experience as a business
management pnrfesst>r.
• Time and information management
com|X>nents for organizing your
job search.
•Personality profile and job matrix to
help you match your personality to
the right job.
• Computer diskettes (Macintosh and
IX)S 3.S formats) with resume,
cover letter and thank you letter
It may be tlw best $49
Investment you make hi your
career Hfetbne.
To order the Directions Kit return
the order form below with $ i9YX) plus
$3.9$ for shipping and handling. You'll
receiv e the kit in alxxit two w eeks.
Your satisfaction is guaranteed
Your first job is often the building
block of your entire career. Order
today to help ensure that your career
gets off to the right start. It may lx* the
lx*st $49 inv estment you can make in
your carreer lifetime!
YES! I want to conduct an organized, efficient and
successful Job search. Sand me the Directions Kit right awayl
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For faster delivery call Directions at ($03)222-9601. Your satisfaction is guaranteed!