Seles released from hospital after stabbing HAMBURG. Germany (AP) — Mono o Seles, the top-ranked women's tennis play er. wits released from a hospital Sunday. two days after being stabbed in tlm back by n mentally deranged man A statement released by Soles' agent said she departed for the United States Seles, lit. has lived in the I tinted States sue e l and lists her resident e as Sarasota. Ha The statement did not say whom she was flying The International Management Group, her agent, released statements given by Seles Indore her departure "I want to thank all the people here who have helped mo over these last few difficult days, she said "The greetings and the fx-st w isties I rec eived from so many people are a great support to me and I want everyone to know how much it means to me am) how much it has helped " The statements said Seles was feeling hel ler hut would remain under medical super vision for an undetermined period of time Doi tors said Saturday that it would take one to three months tor tier to recover from the stall wound, making if unlikely she would play in the I rent h Open starling Max 2-t. a Grand Slam tournament Seles has won three years in a row If Seles dix-s not play in the Frenih Open. The greetings and the best wishes I received from so many people are a great support to me Monica Seles, tennis player she muld lost* !ht* No I ranking to Su*f(i Graf, I hr man who stabhnd Solos said ho was a Graf fan who < ould not hear seeing Solos atop the world rankings SIGNINGS Continued from Page 8 next season. Guards — Kenya Wilkins, freshman. Orlando Williams, junior . Brion Smith, junior. Jon Mitchell; junior. Forwards Henry Mad dim. freshman; Darryl Park er. junior Damon Runyon, junior., lords l.yden, junior. Posts — Jeff Potter, junior; Aaron Johnson, junior : Zach .Sellers, junior. Oregon Daily Emerald Call 346-4343 Before 1 p.m. Today To Put Us To Work For You Tomorrow! CLASSIFIED POLICIES Errors/Re funds Plc.iv* check y*vt mi* I^c < >DI will run 4 dawdled ad w nakanga ALL CAMPUS ♦ sf-H* * * 1 » -Tieot Saturday May rtir ’fom f?4pr 4 t*4(wm team $tO eg hr** PHt/iS CM >46 4t?9 lor ' to 105 PERSONALS JESUS CHRIST WANTS TO 1)1 TOUR LORO ANO SAVIOR TRUST GOOSMOLOUBLE KJV TRUST IN BOB! u5 TYPING SERVICES At MA07S4 ROBIN .% GRAO SCHOOL APPROVED 20 ,vjt lh«fca.l»a» &.** ground 1 *m paper vE u« re*um. w .»<• I *1 j t .iiru 1« ON CAMPUS' JO THE TYPING PRO Word ProcaaamgfE <»hug/T ypng TlmMOItMdOloni on liw CaA 663-40M anytime TYPING UNLIMITED Barbara Land ••• 46S-3343 S*>v>ng UO or«a (me* 1961 ^^3»gvw^^roc25n5^S^!o^ Me-spaced laser page 24 hr turn around. Fra* campus prek-updet 125 INSTRUCTION WRITING HELP For •« your papara, protects, sic Writing. Kilting, proofing AD vut> tecta and styles Aftordable and convenient PRO/EDIT 343-2747 Desk. chan. *Ki etto-n S eclartammam center <04 '059 Fun sirs bad. STS Maplewood dresser. 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Conceal Pro*Xr tKyVNLvtetmg company UMtid m l A •#«*« Mtt*c.lAar%cltng mt*rn toaec m I ugarvp Sophomore Of «t*nr* know yowf mark©* w«rf! ard t* vtwy *ilo *nuwc Ga# ASAP (213) 933-6133 <. ummer internships Orientation Meeting Monday May 3 I V) EMU Gumwood Room I irsi chance to sign op C hoose (rom 25 sites in Eugene If Sr only l ain UpCNY div tMiin * min SERVICES 210 HELP WANTED GTF Pont toot The Data Services l.ab has one position beginning FaJi term «993 Musi have Knc-wwiije cH UNIX tam»«*af 634-0466 s*t C6069 SERVICES 210 HELP WANTED MANAGING EDITON The f mcwoKJ is now accepting appi>ca tons tor managing editor for the '93 94 SChOOf yoaf Th« fOt> rnvO#Vt»S COOt rating copy and managing toe news* room In addition. toe managing editor has broad oversight a& to toe direction o♦ toe paper s coverage The job re quires 30-40 hours a wee* and appi* cants must be enro«ed at (east part time during toe 93-94 school year at toe Un«ve»sity Applications are avail att© at toe Emerald front desk suite 300 EMU Deadline is Monday May >d Contact Jake at 34& S6t 1 for more inform a»on _ ___ Are you interested in.. ra helping other students'7 m increasing your communication skiis7 ta a paraprofessiona! e*pe'*®nc© that can enhance you» resume and increase you' employ at>4»ty 7 a dong a this wh>te earning credit 7) Business. 34A-1342 CIS. 4-4157 ■ v Economic* 4- 17/1 ** English. 4-3570 j *' - General Sc t. 4 32 U I (, ... / History. A4415 Journalism A355? Math ea/13 Poimcal So A-4475 Psychology. 4-4534 Sociology A501? BE A PEER ADVISOR Ca» your major department or 346-3211 for information SERVICES Campus Parents Are you looking for occasional, part-time, or summer child care? If so, TWO NEW DIRECTORIES are available to serve YOU Child Sitting Directory A list of UO students who are available for occasional. part-time or evening childsuting. Simmer Care Directory What’s locally available for summer child care activities. Available afler Both directories are FREE and are available from: UO Child and Family Services, 463 Oregon Hall, 346-2962 OR The Family Center, Room 23 EMU, 346-0652 Sponsored bx ( 0 Child and family Vrvuo and the family Center IHea±e Recycle