OregonDaiiyEmerald Sports Women to host ‘big’ Pepsi meet By Erick Studenicka f>ejgyt / .1 V I morale) Forgot about the Washington Slato dual moot Forgot about the Penn Relays The Pepsi Invitational is the most important pre-conference meet of the season "This is our biggest meet of the year, other than the Pacific ■ 10 Conference and NCAA meet." sold Tom Hoinonen. head coach of the women's track team. This is it, there's no holding back This year's Pepsi Invitational, whii h begins at I lav ward Field Saturday at noon, features three of the top Par-10 women's teams. Arizona State. Washing ton State, and host Oregon, as well as Hig H conference mem ber Kansas State Kansas Stale head < oach Cliff Rovelto said this will be the first time his team will participate in a four-way internationally •w on't! meet The meet will also mark the first time the Kansas State team has competed in Kugene "This type of meet is new to us, we haven't let'll involved in anything like it before," Rovelto said "We were attracted to it horn use of the emphasis plat ed on the team competition " Despite placing second in last year's BigH conference meet, Rovelto doesn't expect his team to la* able to beat Arizona State or Oregon "We're not quite at full strength and we'll he leaving some good athletes at home." Rovelto said 'We're excited to lie competing in that atmosphere with the1 Poc-10 programs, hut it will lie rough for us to win." Kansas State high jumper Owen Wentland is an American record holder, of sorts Went This is our biggest meet of the year, other than the Pacific-10 Conference and NCAA meet. This is it, there's no holding back.* — Tom Hemonen, head coach for women s track land sot the American indoor pentathlon high jump record of (>-2 while plm mg fourth in the pentathlon at the Big-8 c (infer ence meet in Feb. Oregon will be hoping to keep Turn to PEPSI. Page 16 NFL-bound Harris has track looking to fill void By Dave Chartoonneau Oregon O&fy f meraX) When the NFL's New England Patriots picked up Oregon's Ronnie Harris Monday, it brought mixed results for the Oregon athletic program. For the football team, it was a nice pat on the back. For the men's track and field team, it was kick in the teeth. Harris, the Ducks' veteran leader on the track, will attend the Patriot's mini-camp this weekend, thus missing the Pepsi Team Invitational with Washington State. Arizona State anti Kansas State at Hayward Field Saturday. So Oregon head coach Bill Dellinger will have to find a way to fill the voids left by Harris in both relay races, and the 400 . 200-, 100-meter races. Although Harris likely wouldn’t have run in nil those races. Dellinger will not have the luxury of his usual wait-and-see use of the versatile Harris. Instead, Dellinger will lie counting on the new-comers to pick up the slack. In the 4x100 relay, freshmen DoWayne Harris, IjiMont Woods, and Patrick Khoo will team with junior LaVon Pierce Khoo, Ingram and Pierce each ran a leg in last weekend's Turn to HARRIS, Page 16 Oregon Daily Emerald Call 346-4343 Before 1 p.rn. Today To Put Us To Work For You Tomorrow! CLASSIFIED POLK IKS Errors/Refunds lie jvr chet k your a!' 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Color* July I. 1993 Dwgn ConlMI SSORrtw1 Dwagn a ugn lor in* U 01 O. vgr neons lo nav* TJfWr*r»*y ot £>*900' Umyrvvty saa> A** estate 5h*0 Bong lo 364 Orrgon Hail try noon Monday May 'On Into Unrv*rs4y Day 346 3?'ft , summer Internships Orientation Meeting Monday May 3 330 EMU Gumwood Room First chance to sign up Choose fnim 25 sites in Eugene. |r/Sr only l*jim upper divtMun l n\ltt 205 OPPORTUNITIES POSTAL joes $18392 $671 JVyr. now hmng Can 1 (80S) 962 8000 e«i P9642 210 HELP WANTED ATTENTION Siudoni Projects Inc, has several open seats on it Boatd ol Do»c-1o<* The Board meet* twice a month and emplOY* over SO students m the opi rrrabon O* footnote* Students only; two year commitment Apply m Rm B 34, EMU Mu 7 Cruise line Entry level on boanVUtod xdc Potmen* avail summer/yeat round 714 5491569 CRUISE SHIPS NOW HIRING Earn S2000*/man»> « world tiavel Holiday. Summer and Car aw employment avail able No aspanenoe nacaeaary for amploymani program cal (206) 634 0468 eel C60M EARN SIS00 WEEKLY marling our c« cutart’ Begin NOW1 FREE pac**e SEYS. Dept 249. Bo. 4000. Cordova. IN 38018-4000 MANAGING EDITOR The Emerald « now accepting appnca ton. lot manaang atatcr tor the '93 94 school yew The joe mvoivea coord naltng copy and managmg the new. room In addmon. 16# managmg editor has Cvoed oversight as to me direction ol the paper's coverage The job te queee 3040 hours a wees and ape* cants must be anroneo at least pert fame during the 9394 school year at the University Appacatons are aval awe at the Emerald trort detsa. suae 300 EAR) OeatRne a Monday May 3rd Contact Jaee at 346 S511 lor more mtornuMon University Housing s .inen’ty 'rw mg appkeahons tor SUMMER SES SlON 1993 RESIDENT ASSISTANTS Theie are 3 4 evaaabe postions The starting dale is Today June 16th 1993 and the endng dtde vanes depending on the 4 . 6 or u wee* position* COMPENSATION Room A Board tn a Urwerstty Retudei* e Mar' and a $20 00 per month stipend Ounng l’e perpd ol empioymeni QUAllf ICAUGNS Reg isterod UO siudent. not on academe probation Pieterence wet M given to quashed students *mo are enrolled lor summer session Spec we anertbon will be given to previous work espe" on. n m the tesidonce bans, smee theie is e minimum time tor orientation APPU CATIONS Applications and acXMwnal mtoimabon are available at the Umver soy ttousmg Othce Walton Comple. 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We o«er »nva»uaWe pt> aapenaoca good pay tH»*<>*e hours Business Manager of Nrxt^xvesf Rev*** Musi be bus*nesa^compuier savvy 346 395 7 Message 220 HOUSES FOR RENT Cam put Houaaa For Rant Sommar through June '94 tteMharuad. nca. ntMa UP* June atom 21 »***»$*»-no 3 Bdrm 25MKkacl $6/5 SkxJo taw nee 130$ NoSmolungfcDfWstt !3lg 22i APTS DUPLEXES AeaBabla For Summer furnished tiu Cho A 1 borm m $260 & $2/5 Clean quiet. 1/2 block kom campu* Reserve to- im /35 t i/tn, 343-2114_ Cam put Apertments Furnished 111 Bedroomt. Summer rate*. HOftW 445-2823 QREAT HOUSC 9 blocks horn UO. 2 roomt available slarlmg VIS Vi/ salt S*mon PROSPECT PARK 2 bedroom apartment avail no*. qu*H country atmosphere ^/convenient erty iocat*on. other features »nc*ude pool, tenmvt)aa«ettjass ctv rec room and Playground, nght past ?6th and Cham her* 464«5i£ SPRING SPECIAL Only MTS, 2 Mm, fully equipped kitchen, cable, beautifully land scaped. on busline, better hurry? 465-1352 Of 343-035 7 Studio Apartment *v*>utf»e tor sum mer, close to campus very /><«. S?95 48$- 1794 Sublet for aummer 1 Bdrm £** Furn, pretty location on f a»! 27ih S350 nep-'metodet ubfabes 3*4 6623 _ SUPER SUMMER RATES! Reserving Mow For Summer A Fall A targe dean quwt 1 bdrm l tA U ol O B«g *dA *n closet F u»y furnished Center /Siand kitchen Covered parking laundry 484-41(30 WALK TO CAMPUS ’ Spacwut. mb', i worm. balcony j parking, laundry $320 • depot*!. 96/ Patterson Real l stale Nortbvwrsi /41-2504__ 13 BLOCK FROM CAMPUS Studo. on Site laundry taoM.es SJQVmo 485-0/90 1 and 2 bedroom apt avertable. laun dry parking, security close tc campus 484-0922 2 badrm $560 uMbee p*d. nardwood floor*. 344 W Broadway 343 9391 or 344-/450 A rad able For Summer tumaaned 1 bdrm $2/5 Clear, qua*. 1/2 block kom campus Reserve toe tali Sturko & 1 Bdrm $300 1 $350 /361 in* 3432114 RIVERTOWN APARTMENTS 59/ Country Ck* Hoed 2 bedim. tottnhouee kom SSOVmo Pool and laundry SUV 1422 riMfa