Oregon Daily FRIDAY. APRIL 30, 1993 EUGENE. OREGON VOLUME 94. ISSUE 147 Bill could give grad students a study break j New proposal would allow in-state tuition for GTFs not teaching By Meg Dedolph Oregon Oa/ly i rneraid Non-resident graduate students could take time off from teaching classes to finish their own degrees while paying in-state tuition if Sen ate Hill f>55 passes. Other residency requirements, including paying state income tax es and registering a motor vehicle in Oregon, would need to be met before the student could pay in-state tuition. Currently, student# employed as GTFs receive a tuition waiver and a $5,000 stipend for nine months, said Steadman Uphatn, vice provost and dean of the Graduate School. State Sen. Grattan Karans, who sponsored the bill, said it “makes good sense from a management standpoint and from helping people to graduate." "The stale System of Higher edu cation recognizes it's in their inter est to have people move through in orderly fashion, discharge their teach ing jobs and not burn out," Kerans said. "That's expensive and disrup tive." Larrv Williams, secretary-treasur er of the Graduate Teaching Fellow Federation, said the request lor leg islation came uImhiI after new, stricter residency requirements were passed last year The current rules define people who are in the state primarily for educational purposes as non-resi dents, and the old rules allowed stu dents to become residents after one year if they could prove they intend ed to remain in the state. "Under the new rules." Williams said, "we find that people take longer to finish graduate degrees or fewer people finish because of added finan cial constraints." Williams said both masters and doctoral students could take advan tage of this policy, hut "doctoral stu dents might be more likely to take the tune off." "Most of the people that have to work on dissertations might want to take a terra off," Williams said However, although Upham said he supported the hill in principle, he believes the hill has several problems. "I think Senator Kerans has cap Turn to BILL. Page 4 Thousands attend leader’s funeral The University (lew this (leg outside the EMU at hall-mast Thursday In memory ol labor union organizer Cesar Chavez. j A procession honors Cesar Chavez, who led the effort to help farm workers DKt.ANO. Calif (AIM Hundreds of farm workers shared the tusk Thursday of > arrvmg the pine i askot ton taming the body of Cesar Chavez past dusty Helds to his funeral mass As many as 25.0(H) [H>ople mart hed for more than 2 1/2 hours to forty Acres, where (‘.have/ founded the farm labor union three dot rides ago Through the United f-'urin Workers, Clone/ let) the effort to tiring digniD to the lives of migrant farmhands He died April 22 in Arizona .ii ago 61) Mam in tin1 |imm ession hold tlio familiar Ul W banner a stark him k eagle on a rnl fttdd while others wav ml Iwiniors with a white background to symbolize Christian resume lion. Tills man gave every ounce of energy that he had for farm workers and other poor peo ple,” David Martinez, the union’s secretary treasurer, told reporters Workers, labor leaders, politicians and celebrities who Cesar Chavez mart nf