GOLF Continued from Page 9 s*:or«s during each round of ihe tournament. Martin (.arm* on to load the Duck* in the third round Tues day. when he carded a 69 to tie for 19th place after heading into the final round. I .yon* followed Martin with a 73, and sopho more Tod Suavely shot 74 on the par 72 Sandpiper Golf Course. Oregon entered the final round only two shot* behind third place Oregon State, hut fal tered on the final day. The Ducks ini' total was the third worst round of tin* day, and the Ducks were passed by fCalifornio for fifth plat e, Oregon's 1,500 total strokes put them 17 shots behind UCl-A, which moved up to third place on the final day Heusel finished the tourna ment with rounds of HO and 77 to finish in 2Hth pint*, followed by Snevely in 54th place at 304. Forster and junior Randy McCracken finished tied for 49th place ill 313 The finish was disappointing for the Ducks, who wore coming off of consecutive team victories at the Western Intercollegiate and U S Intercollegiate earlier this month MILLS Continued from Page 9 who can develop endurance but still have speed at the end. (or an American male to win." Mills said "It's a hit of a sur prise that no American has won since IIM, but it's almost more a disappointment that American distance run ners haven't progressed " Mills was asked if he hod any tiers to the University. "Mv history with Oregon was running behind the Ore gon runners," Milk said. "I never ran here, but I was well aware of the Oregon runners and the tremendous talent they had." Milk was also asked if he had any memorable races with Oregon coach Hill Dellinger, who won a bronze medal at 5,000 meters In the same 1964 Tokyo Olympics in which Mills won his gold. "No. but I really felt if he would have moved a hit quicker, he would have won the gold medal." Milk said, laughing. The next American who will win a gold medal In the 10 kilometer probably will be a female — Billy Mills, 1964 Tokyo Olympics' 10.000-meter gold medal winner Oregon Daily Emerald Call 346-4343 Before 1 p.m. Today To Put Us To Work For You Tomorrow! CLASSII IKI) POIJCIKS Deadline* I ilH* Ad*: I p »ti , «*OC iMivitvcwlay prw* to n*.*cf1uifl IHtpiiy Ad%: I p m , two day* pn** to imcflion, Copy Acceptance • the OK rctcrvc a |hc nghl In ncvnc, reclttwil). rciccl of cancel am ad .11 am nn* • No adcemting for term paper cjlcv nr editorial writing .tint or rrncarvh writing will he accepted. • The ODE will not accept ad* containing a I 900 phone number. 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TN 38018-4000 MANAOMO EDITOR The Emerald « now accepting eppaca Iron* tor manjong acMor lot the 93-94 school yew The job rnvoNee coon* ■rating copy and managmg toe news room In addition, the managing editor has broad owat^M as to toe deecbon o> toe paper's coverage The |Ob re dorse 30-40 hours a awes and appk cants muN be enroHad at east pari time during the 93 94 school year at University a at toe Err at toe Emerald Iron desk suite 300 EMU DeacAne « Monday. May 3rd Contact Jake at 346 5611 tor more mtormanon POSTAL JORS Man IllAt/hr plus benefit* For ap pHcadors mlo. ca« I-216-MA2102 TAM-10PM 7-deys Housing is currants seeking appWcetlona tor SUMMER SESSION IM3 RESIDENT TANTS There we 34 i Mona. 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Roe erring Now For Summer 9 Fan A large clean, quwt t tx»m t t* Uoi O Big waA-«i closei Fu»y lumrshed Center island kitchen Covered parking laundry 464 4103 Unfurnished efurto apt one blocs horn Wvary $350/mo .350 deposit Co* MesuO 667 8762 WALK TO CAMPUS Spacious flght. t bedrm. balcony, parting. Imindry, 3320 « deposrl. 967 PaRarton Real Estate Northwest _74t 2504_ GIUE ME FIUE! i Run your "FOR SALE" ad (items under $500) for 5 days. If the item(s) doesn't sell, call us at 346-4343 and we ll run your ad again for another 5 days Private Party Ads Only No Refunds/Credits