1-40 Photo Oregon senior Jett Lyons shot a final round 75 at the Pacific- 10 Con ference championships Wednesday to finish In 14th place at the tour nament in Santa Barbara, Calif. Men slide to sixth at Pac-10s By Slav* Mims 0*00" fl**y bmrakt The Oregon men's golf team shot 1H5 on Wednesday, its worst round of the tournament, to slip into sixth place at the Pacific-to Conference champi onships in Santa Barbara. Calif Oregon seniors Jeff Lyons and Cam Martin led the Ducks with rounds of 75 on Wednesday, but it was not enough to move the Ducks up from the fifth place position they were in entering the final round. Oregon was in third place after the first two round were completed on Mon day. Lyons' 29.1 total put him alone in 14th place individually, while Martin finished in 21st place. Arizona freshman ]ason Core won the tournament in a playoff over Arizona State's Todd Dempsey Both players shot 70 on Wednesday to tie at 2H4, and Core won the playoff when he [tarred the second play off hole. Arizona State shot 154 to pass Former Olympian honored at Hayward By Erick Studenicka 0«>ga»> Oftity Emerald Billy Mills, the only American to ever win an Olympic gold medal in the 10,000 meter run. was announced by USA Track and Field Wednesday as one of Five "Olympic Legends" whose image will appear on the tickets to the Mobil/USA track cham pionships to lie held at Hayward Field in June. Barbara Kowski, an official from USA Track and Field, presented Mills with a commemorative tick et during Mills' press conference Wednesday at the Bowennan Building Mills was also in Eugene to speak to the Boy Scout organization at a Wednesday night dinner. Mills spent much of his time fielding questions on the state of the distance running in the United Stales. "The next Americ an who will win a gold medal in the 10 kilometer probably will be a female." Mills said. "Our women ore in a position to Us ome world class in the 10 kilometer." "American men are focused on road rai es and Us outing the host in America The women I talk to are looking past lining the best in America and are looking to being the host in the world," Mills said he thought some of the American aid ers. like joe Falcon and Maurice Smith, might P*o*0 by F c»«*y Former 10,000-meter gold medalist Billy Mills spoke Wednesday at the Bowermsn Building. develop into world doss 10,000 meter runners if they i hose to move up in distance "It's going to take a fast runner, a 1 r>0 miler. Turn t<■ MILLS Paye t third-round leader Arizona on the final day and won the team titln with n 1,444 total, two shots hotlor than the Wildcats The win was the first conference championship for the Sun Dev ils since they won hack-lo hack titles in 1989 and !<>')0 Lyons and freshman Chris ttensel led the Ducks during the first two rounds on Monday, and were tied for fourth place at 14,Y Lyons was lied for the lead after shooting with n 3-under par 69 in the fir>t round, and fol lowed with a 7fi in the set ond round, while liensel shot rounds of 70 and 7S in the first two rounds, respectively. Oregon's Ted Suavely, ('.am Martin and lerenty Forster helped the Dm ks with totals of 152. 153 and 154 respectively, on the first day. Each team counted their Ixist five out of six Turn to QOLF. Page 10 Cooking With A Social Conscience Nurturing your health while supporting the earth. •Jan's Salsa • Marinara Sauce •3 Bean, Black Bean & Chili Dip All mad© with organically grown tomatoes & beans 1% rate* lor Ecology ft Hunger Project* AVAILABLE IN THE EMU /^MOVIELANlf^^M^lsF71^\ CHEAP SEATS! BRING THIS AD IN FOR S1.50 ADMISSION FOR ONE „ GOOD 1ST MATINEE SNOW ONLY MON TMUR OFFER GOOD THRO S 1193 [tj STUOCNT NIGHTS ""WW AOUIT Aomson *tuc«*r oaitimpm * ipmai OukoooJ C4M|ion* I MNMtg DfK m/««« TIGHTWAD TUESDAY $3.00 UCtPT WtClAL tNOAC*MCNT1 CALL POU MOAt WPOttMANON PC sumicKS *W ( 1 25 3 25 5 « ) 7 25 9 25 txfl wm twmmt ( 1 35 3 35 5 35 ) 7 35 9 35 m of urn ms *'a}' ( 1 OO 3 lO 5 20) 7 30 9 40 * 3 PC * R INMAN SUMMER (7 00 4 05) 8 10 *15 10?0 THE SANDUTT Lttf' ( 1 45 3 45 5 45 ) 7 45 9 45 INDECEmnOFOSAL "nr ( 1 OO 3 15 530) 800 lO 15 SHOWTIMES IN EFFECT FRIDAY 4 30 THRU THURSDAY 5/6 Africa day • April 29 “Bridging the Gap” 11 a m. -1 p.m. Panel discussion by Afncan-Americans: Leslie Warren, from BSU; Everett Wells from Affirmative Action and Qumtard Taylor. “Back to Africa” 3 p.m. - 5 p.m. Movie about Africa. “The Lion of the Desert” 5 p.m. - 7 p.m. A movie about Libyan resistance during the Italian occupation. all events are held at the emu. free admission to all events, for information, call: 346-4387 RESUMES Cive your resume a professional look, by having it typeset at Letter Perfect Craphics. Suite 300 EMU. 346-4381 9-5 Mon-Fri Pnttfm rd in fhtrt ihfuujgh the gnu t