Theresa Rodriguez College senior M\ class schedule Mv phone/add rvss book \ list of assignments Notes Iniindiemistn All mv a-jxirts for this year Graphs for a chem istn report \ fax/modem letter I faxed toon dad in Florida Letters I faxed to mv brother in London Travel info faxed tome bv tourist bureaus Prices for plane tickets Packing list for Ktin>|>e trip Berlitz Interpreter ('urrvncx conversion table Budget for Sj >nng Sing production Fliers for the Spring Sing My resume !<>ver letters to various companies Follow up letters from interv iews llv(M'r('.ard Microsoft Word Microsoft Fixed A hunch of games out id clips from famous speeches A clip art file A letter to an old boyfriend \ letter to a new boyfriend What’s on your PowerBook? J Elizabeth Shaw College freshman Ms class sciuniule Assignments Note's from Ancient dsilizations Notes from Lnglisli Literature \ list of graduation requiR'inents A dictionary A thesaurus A campus map A paper about Mayan culture Photographs I took at Phichen Itza IhjK'it.aal darisWorks Quicken Maclnlax A grocers list A family histors Imssriting Scrabble Deluxe SelechtJ Stories by Eiufara Welly Tiie IMsserliook (iuided lour Ms daugliters college application Letters toms son at college Letters to my friends Ms monthly household budget \n unpuhlislieil short stors A list of publications To learn more about the PowerBook™ computers come to the Microcomputer Support Center 202 Computing Center Monday-Friday, 9am - 5pm 346-4402