'5 APTS DUPLEXES PROSPECT PARK 2 bedroom apartmeet avmd ncm qu«et country etmotpher* sMroonvenient Cify location om«r features ndude pod U»nn«*tias*ett)atf Ct». '*C room arvJ playground, ngh? past ?5«h and Cham barf 484 6563 17 BLOCK FROM CAMPUS StuOo. OO *te idurvjry tftpirbe* $30!vmc 48S0790 1 and 2 bedroom opt avarfawe Hun dry, parking. security. ctoM to campus 484 9922 1 Bdrm Apt f urmshed parking clean A quiet $36&'mo ovaH 5/1 '?00 Feny Si 343-3318 2 badrrn. $550. utilities paid, hardwood floor*. 344 W Broadway 343 9391 or 344 7450 CEOARWOOO QUADS 441 E 17*1 Prrvate rooms. AU UTIUTIE S PAID, on 5*1 <• laundry Grew! fates from $?3W Can Boar, ai emOi&J k JtmingsiCo Redwood Park Apts. Quiet. Country Lining With City Convenience UrtfumlslMd 1 >4sm SMS to SMS Low Utllitle»-On Butllne Equipped Weight Room. Spa Wood Part t Playground Laundry Facllltlaa Also Fumlihatf Stall a a Studio. fllSS S800 to SS7S Individually Oacoratsd Completely Furnished EverylhlngFrom Cable TV lo Linens For Bad. Bath S Kitchen On Sits Management Team 4103 W. 18th 484 5775 t bedroom campus apt. separate from neighbors, avaiiatxn June ’5m (dale neg). laundry, parting. a real Qem al S3V5rrno 48AA69’ One Block to campus Largs 2 bedroom, great location. 1454 1 2 E 19th S49Vmo. turnished It deal red 34^4000 RESERVING FOR FALL LOW SUMMER RATES targe furnished i A 2 bedrmt i btoch from campus 1442 E 18th Mgr 420 or caH Chuck at 344 4 760 RIVERTOWN APARTMENTS 597 Country Out) Road 2 bedrm, town house from $506/mo Pool and laundry 486-1422 Walking Distance lo Campus Sparkling clean, bright.large stuck© Covered parking l sundry fdohfce* Great location $366 404 5633 Eugene Manor High rise Irving with plenty of charm Large i bdrm $455. met a* u« ♦ ca We 464 7441 121 APTS DUPLEXES AveMatAe For Summer imnnhed stu dn 4 I r«*~ a(K £>60 4 $275 Ow, auwt. t V Woe* *om campus Bimvr lor Ml HSt MWm Campus Apmmmtt F urntshed 141 Ssdrooms Summer relee. tMOSMO 4M-2S23 ?35 SUBLETS SUMMER SUBLET or FAMN.Y MOUSING For to# p#rtod 6/21 to S'M. 2 txJrm apf or fcm«« hous# tor M*«car worrwr> at titodtog At l Prefer tout* or w«M uf* v#**Ty h*tghborhoods m *b« h** 2 Uk.■/>*«». i ,**»•* ‘ \ - «*- -»• : «• ■• fO*tod at to# YMCA wtH+kiity* Attorn* five rrwgfit b# to &v* w«to « >ftt#r meed * p#*ct*cmQ Span*#* Pto*M» contact Jacfceow 68> 9224 __ To Subtet. 4 tofly Mnobod one bed room apes tor prol#sstooaf persons Jvn* 7 to»u Aug 2t Contact Cumene f'estrval of Muscat Theater 3450029 Sara 2 rooms tor rant N<9»4 686 4499 OPEN HOUSE Interested in a vegetarian, crea tive, alternative househoidt Come by the student Co-opt Thursday 121 6pm OueeHont 643-4660. Meet at Lortl Manner. 1444 Alder St. Mow accepting application i lor Spring, Summer. Fed_ 255 ROOMMATES WANTED Close In west elds hw Doors Ve place 4 person household, $220mo. includes uliWtes Oawd 464 3/0/ Female. non-smoAer seeks same Carta* Emfrypn# Wslcoma Whits Watar Riaar Raacua Clinic vgr u© ctoatftna is May Pth CXitdoo* Program .146 4..to& ARTS I ENTERTAINMENT CAMERA SHOW Saf Ma y 1st tana County f aagrounda Buy Sal* I rads M9076 Wi ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT Pocket Playhouse Presents 3 Spanish Ono-Acts Stu wuumn.' INDOCHINE .. i&MBM- XXtAJL M*BL. 1 tft(t» fit “0E LIGHTFUL T HILARIOUS!" “IRRESISTIBLEr STRICTLY . BALLROOM. RM astswswp • I 3 MAflT NCOOW*U At Hit V000AM3 PASSION FISH REffSBS L fal ftiefipy M *3 V* ALIVE ■***» «m tW" M * . 4 hou^v '•*««•» othH M tV 4480 320 SERVICES Frf» Pregnancy Ttatmp l .-^b^<5 P*«g0ioqi Support C-ortw* vV*fc 4 V4V0400 Pr»gnan!? Deoakyt* io mane ’ Con* cJtrtfjrfg kw« '«v*f>ng f »*♦* dafcacfioo BlHTMMKi*» OW n 'v; *yw wrf>e •M ’«'■ -MSft*rfW¥JS.V IfiMS Mf-w /v^ ' > FREE DELIVERY ON CAMPUS 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. . Zesty Chicken Fajita Pizza Special Introductory Otter s3.00 OFF large s2.00 OFF medium 346-0776 Of1«w good Ih/u spring Uwm BY GAHRY THUDEAU WANYTHING-'-ViHYP* ’tv 1 I -.vi 'i a -i v v ; I I i>;s. ' *<» -i\.* >-r I ■ uf ft «.>»<• -i I I i: , .*« I an* a^ncm •«? >tV tVM*'. r CROSSWORD By Eugene Shtffer ACROSS I ProlM Munl ( ** n y«» 6 I rvlry on baby * uhadui* B Mobm Cook book 12 Wrflw»m of *Th# fty Ch«tr 13 T problarr 14 TopptfVg 13 Gumbo ha**4» 16 Mannoi 17H«m IB Pnvata ramaik? 20 Balanced 22 f M % slogan 26 Carnival .itlr.vlwK'*, ?• Supar man % loa Mi Luthof 30 Sing©r Sumac 31 0#*%©m#i 32 Bankroll 33 Blood Unm 34 Buddy 35 Broadr 36 Colummsl Hopper 3/ •, m«m«f 32 Cookoot Ur* 33 Soft imooOi fabric* 35 "Chant •* 36 Hal* * 31 Stiff 39 Nudgo 42 ' lha Mood tor lov«* 43 BvaMofu fx>y 44 f *pand»d 45 V al turn* 46 l istanmg 41 Story of a Y*st*rday 9 •ns*** 4 79