Oregon Daily Emerald Call 346-4343 Before 1 p.m. Today To Put Us To Work For You Tomorrow! ( LASSIMI I) l>OLK IKS Deadlines Line Ads: I p.m . *mc business day pen* In insertion DWplat Ads: I pm. two busmcvs day* prne to insert!*** Errors/Refunds Please check ynuf ad' Fhc ODL will run a da&Mfed *i «*>c additional day as a result of any typographical err** that chan pec the meaning of (he ad. if reported by I PM Refunds will be limited to credits only No cash refunds will be mued after the ad deadline Credits must be used within 6 months of issue Copy Acceptance The ODE rewrvo the njthi lo rrvuc. miauif}. rtjctl or cant'd any at! ai any lime iC3 GREEK HAPPENINGS Congratulation* to tha Gamma Ph* Bata IfvC Wt«n#*y i*t fur* U o* 0 2nd Fljfs OSU Th*mu to fw tearns {wnceatad Met* id mw you r»»i yaai* T^jamma l*** AAA XT W* iw m>s m tat# Bui tha party was gnwaT Thar**. from tha g#nn*m«n ot O" P« XT_AAA JESSICA 4 TONY Congratulation* on your angagamant' tMa wish you tha bast In your future T. your sistar of KAPPA ALPHA THETA Order of Omega App** 4>K<**0 (>&r)w\ Am. 4/2ft 4»s-o m ns TYPING SERVICES At MAOIM ROBIN 4 ORAO SCHOOL APPROVE 0 JO year SiaBaAMa back ground r«m pnfwtTu» t«um« Id »«r Ed.mg 1 am* p» ON CAMPUS? FLYING FINGERS typing sarstca Faab accural*, laaar 11 OOrpag*. up Provisional arrtlar at your aarvtca lo writ*, adit 4M-S03S JO THE TYPING PRO Word PrccassmgfE <*»ingr T yfirtg Tbasaa Diaaartationa on Laaar Curl M3MM an yum* __ TYPING UNLIMITED Barbara Land ASS-33*3 Swing UO area *nc* i98i Read the ODE Classifieds everyday... It’s reading ■ at it’s best. * 125 INSTRUCTION Kagyu Oakahang OuMng praaanty an mroductory i*a on 1 tartar Bod tr.stfT'.f't* *9StlSK' V •'’*«.__ APARTMENT HTNTING? l*i Mr (MmM« I* MM |«4f’ WRITING HELP for rn your papara. profacta. Me Writing. adtltng. proofing AN »ut> facta and atytaa AHorOab** and con van rant PRO/EDIT 343-2747 iw FOR SALE MiSC Daak. chair am camar and Wa c«e-na> 484 iQMI QMOWtftS SALS ■ 000 w»n >Wn VOO conyatMa ftw kgma *1 (Mi BvAb lOOC. 4G0nra« »natf pottmo W» S3 SO r3cu N 1 atactnc kw aNa* JIOO Mora 6634863__ QUfTAftS OALOM! Muucai >iam« o* a* kmda AJao camaraa and ytoraoy Buy amt Sa« Camar361 W » Norn Amartcan Fa> Book on CO-Pom A a tkyoflWafi Mountain bika Brad 346-6063 NoNarbtadaa A potaa aval bought J./S sac $>20 Many u 8 woman * u >0 3AS 3*06 *v maaa Stuff you naadl tWj A amaa dorm ra tngaratory pkrt mca f up 1? apaad baa Paul 344 l?2* _ fiNMB ANV0NC7 Baraty uaod 93 Pnnea CIS Bata paid *190 »aa l» SOS Ouch' Naa atxnga A onp Shiru $17.00 % S961 fo< S«*• 74 SupwbMilc Week arts condition' $1000 060 $44-1000 Afch tot Amy W _ OOVf RNMf NT 56IZI0 vW*ie» bom $100 Fo*d*. MjfWdil C.o/vettes Cheyi, SurpKit. Gu«d* i 000-982 0000 f ■! S964; 1900 VW 600 ••lependafci*. need* fet ttewo* $600 Ce« .US-3714__ 70 VW 0*4*4* 4 Mtfcabl* 77.000 m*e». 4 speed »upe« mileage bright »ed t&xM ****** S2S0C Hecfay 346-4343 or iv me«a *H 6890’38 72 VW VAN Nice shape/Must sell SS00 obo/484-3188 ISO MOTORCYCLES SCOOTERS 1M1 Honda Paaaport. scooiar 70a km nvian runt & looks ascanant 1360 342-4749 155 BICYCLES S900 ia how much th and tame* VMS VCR» ana Marao* Thompaon fiat irocuca, »aOa 3*3«273 for Sal*- Kanmod 6 <*** CO Piayar $190 pr<* nagcaabi* 342 3776__ ROIAMO 0-» Vygrv ttar-on Partw manca fcaybcsard 256 rrwan 64 rtiypunt 60k* yao^arxar pa $‘*00 atotigSBOO Oar.ar 3466610 Rlonaar RX-710 Co*fhafi ytarac dual cawaan* IQ CO 3 »ay ISO »a»i HOT*art $600 obo 344$ 1712 in INSTRUMENTS Paavay Barltapa amp 2ai2" 120a Ar« that copy biac*. $260 **£* 343 6134 Tam Conaamaait LocaOont TU I 1 Jth MSWUlamaba tcampui) HJowntoar,; 346-1461 3434717 BUYING HOURS HIM $U»>« 4t.Nl Smith Family Boohstor* im SKI EQUIPMENT Burton Snowboard 93 Brand now Bit 5 1 *Utlr»-fad 30 binding* ToU« fr»< m! By njCjX studems It** n in* scene tanas. ms* a Gypsy vKag* *»i»o<* cashes and meows* loams nt**( S» .ass A Poses C*« I (WO 666-JOIN r Work 1 Abroad how to do it WortcrVokrtMr ktovcrttcowtria TUESDAY, APMI 37 (oeorsaw C* Brians 8* met irwac nr tan< o* npyahs EiURcn* fcnrpr Coundllfravd 715 SW Mcmson *600 Porttoid. O* 97705 503-258 1900 • 800-558 5854 705 OPPORTUNITIES ALWAYS WANTSD TO FLY? Oitcovo »ying no* •» only STS' Ca» Scon on campus 683 8496 f AA Certihed Fught Insfrudoi LAW ENFORCEMENT JOBS SI 7542 S86682V Po*c« Shen" Slat* Pat-oi Conecfcona) Officer* Can I (805) 962-8000 *>l K9642 POSTAL JOBS S18392 S67t2S«yr. now rw.ng Ca* I -:805) 962-8000 *« P9642 205 OPPORTUNITIES hot Airy fouwdatv* scmouksmts ro* iMfl One award avaAab»• ’or three mor*h* Study abroad. one *or *» months and on# tor «n academ* y*» B«k w por *4 ver ptu* month ty ihpend to* Quanted persons imarast ad m earning a manat Jay •• and special aducabon certrfcet*on for more «ntorrr»aliOn iwrtt# to Send Dan# Cor* tail Prtxe' Design a *gn tor the U o» O **gr> '’••ds 10 have Urwerwty o» Oegon Ur*v«rM> sea (lata e*tab*»sheo Bnng to 364 Oregon Ha* by noon Monday May ’0th into U*Vver*ty Day, 34^33’6 * ummer Internships Orientation Meeting Monday May 3 330 KMU Cum wood Room First chance to sign up Choose from 25 sites in Eugene |r/Sf only I j»m upper division cmiit 210 HELP WANTED 100 paopte weeded to k>aa wight now4 100% guaranteed. Or Recom mended, 100% natural 301 4>4 0107 What »f? You go* mvohred w*!h N*e m the boaKtnrwg? Where would you ba to day'* Right now you have the same chance to be part o* an meted*## Health & Mrve** Company 3 94 *Choo« year The job earn* mu* be enrobed a? teas* part time du*mg the 93 94 school year at the Ukuveftuty Appfacabon* are awa. able at the Emerald hom c*?s* *u*t# 300 t: MU OeadMne t* Monday May 3rd Contact Mm* at 346 fj&i \ to* more *n*ormafton. 205 OPPORTUNITIES 210 HELP WANTED POSTAL JOSS Sun 111 4ITw plus baoallls For ap plication MltO. CAM 1 216324-2102 7AM-10PM 7 (My* NIKE doe* no* comoar* to whal wa'ra gong 10 do1 Ou» naming mar tetmg ivm SHATTERED an recorde m ov Aral yean we wd continue to do th* same w* naad you* n**e lo aspand Dom wt itw* chanca tK> by Fu» earning. lop pay And proM y» mg nain opportunity lot anyone 34>6I»7_ University Housing Is currsntty Making applications to* SUMMER SESSION 1W3 RESIDENT ASSIS TANTS Thar* ara W available posi tions Tli* starting data Is Friday. June ISth. 1SS3 and tha sndlng data van**, dspandlng on th# «. S. or 11 ■as* positions COMPENSATION: Room t Board Mi a Univarslty Rssi danca Hall and a S20 00 par month sMpand dining tha pariod ot employ mant QUALIFICATIONS RaglsMrad UO StudanL not on acadamlc proba tion Prataranc* win ba given to guaMMd studanu arho ara anroMad lor sum mar evasion Spaclal attan Uon will ba glyan to previous work •■parlance In Si* raaldanc* halls, slnca thars I* a minimum Urn* tor orientation APPLICATIONS: Appli cations and addNIonal intormadon ara avattabla at th* Univarslty Hous ing Ofhca. Nation Comptas. Com plaud application* ara to b* re tumad lo th* Univarslty Housing Of he* no latar than Friday. May 7. tttl by 5 00PM An EO/AA-'ADA institution CommAtad to cultuip dvarsrty You can ba a star or maybe u»t wont «nn on*' Wa ara isaakmg a Director Ast Oracle- one* mgr Outdoor School dvwron haao start data* *ary Mom July M Sapt. appiealions are m EMU M in and ara dua by May 5m For more mlo can 346-4351 ESCAPE F •*« Studras ts an EOE AA »J-*4 Students For Chore* or actor position S4S‘mo stipend applications avaunt** EMU Sort* 5 CM 3460649 or 663-4962 Dena-na May 7m AATOE. nuayot^^arllfla^Nork-Stud^itu dsnt looking lor a Spring term poa ten i O'* posrten available m Inter national Education (330 Oragon Hat) Pi alar ACCOUNTING mayor It inter Bated pleas* call Notaen si 346 1205 lot more inform* SOrvVitarvww Could wofk mio pod ticir. i t >* academe yen ATTENTION Studont Protects »nc. has wvwa; op**- on Hi Board of D* Actors Th# Board m##*a Twtco a month and ompK>y* ov«f 6C stud##*® *n th# op •radon o» Footooto* Sludacts ©n*y. two ytwir commitment Apply *n Rm B 34 fcMU Ma y 7 205 OPPORTUNITIES Can’t Go Wrong With WONG Your VOICES as students were HEARD week when you voted for ESTHER WONG in the Primary Elections. Don’t let it stop here! Your student concerns can be heard for good! Take back your student power and make IFC YOURS! NOW! Vote ESTHER WONG for IFC _TODAY!_) ASUO General Elections • Tucs. 4 27 & Wed. 4 28 Paid for by Students for WONG _ 210 help wanted Cmiaa Hna E'Wy law on botattra MM Poartoni avw tummat/yMr .pond ?i« 549 1569 CRUISE SHIPS NOW HIRING E»n SJOOOa-monm ♦ <«vW naval HoMMy Sww* and Care#. employmant avail HUM No «ip«*nc» nacaaearv For amt*oymem proof urn call (206 i 634 -0468 a<1 C6069 EARN 11500 WEEKLY mailing our o>r cutar*' Bag-n NOW' FREE partial' SETS Oapr 249 Bo. 4000 Cordova TN 38Qi 6-400Q 215 WORK STUDY Unhappy with your pro—nt wort? We ohe» invaluable job enpenence, good pay «e*«bie hours Business Manager o* Northwest Review Must be busies^computer savvy 3*6 395 7 Message Wort study off tee assistant needed to easier word process, run coprers and proofr-d Stan SMVtv Typ inypfooting test required Apply at Footnotes. EMU room 34 (EOE) 225 APTS DUPLEXES Campua Apartment* Fumlehed 142 Bedroome Sommer nrtaa, 63004400 486-2423 Furnished atudtonaai musK Wdg. heat met. SSlG'mo Call aher ?pn FMgawood Apartmanla. 668-5769 GREAT HOUSE. 9 e*» Irom UO 2 rmt avail starting VI5 687 5634 Simon PROSPECT PARK 2 bedroom apartment avert now. quiet country atmosphere w/converwenl erty location. other tenures include pod. lenntsrtoasfcetbafi cts. rec room and playground. right past 26th and Cham bars 484 6663 SPRING SPECIAL Only $475, 2 bedrm, fully equipped kitchen, cable. . beeuttfuHy land scaped. on busline, better hurry! 4*61*5? or $466357 Studio Apartment available tor sum mer close to ciunpus. very nee. $296 486 /V94 Studio Apartment available tor sum met Dose to campus, very nee S296 Can 466 7794 _ Sublet for summer t Bdrm apt Furr. pretty location near Laure#wood Go ft Course $350 ney'tnc* util 344-8623 SUPER SUMMER RATES! Reserving Now For Summer $ Felt A large, clean, quiet t bdrm I bS U o< O B«g waft try closet Fully turn.shed Center >s5lfr>fl hrtchen Covered parking laundry 4H4 4 103 Unfurnished *tud»o apt. one block from library $36CVmo *$60 depos.i Cal SaauO 667 8762 Unique, on* badrm on campua. utiH Uaa paid, laundry. Hral 4 laal plua deposit 437V mo 446-7346 WALK TO CAMPUS Spapoua. >*ght t cedrm. balcony, panung. laundry. $320 ♦ deposit. 96/ Patter son Meat t state Northwest _741 2604__ 1 ft BLOCK FROM CAMPUS StudkO on *!• tfemdry tacAUm $306/mc 4BS-C/SC 1 and 2 bedroom dpi a«»>aOe Jdur. dry. pariung, sacu^ty dost to campus 4*4 9922_ __ ___ 1 Bdrm Apt ► urA»*«d pors^ cie^v & qm*e< S36>5*mo avari V' 1200 Ferry St 343-33*6 CEDAR WOOD QUADS 441 E 17th P'.*v«t* rooms. All UTILITIES PAIO. on vie sundry Great