**************** Sunderland -rues- wt, street mb >« „ *®UC MARKET VIDEO TWJMtfK frames 6Q3.0404 -- VIDEO ADVENTURE i VALLCV MVC* PI.A2A ; ^r* ****J'* mrf * *, . •« - ♦^VVvVyyVv'vVVVV'* Weekend Special s54.00 300 FREE MILES 72 Hours Friday to Monday RENTA^CAR 683-0874 I'OW »'V e survivors and their families Vasin said he hoped University students understood the i onflict. which broke out a year ago Both the committee and the Muslim Student Association have lieen distributing literature, showing films on the topic and urging people two write letters to their i ongressional rep resentatives During this week's International Festival, the groups have t o sponsored films and an information table at the EMU, The founders of the Committee for Bosnia Herzegovina — Ynstii. It liiro Yuki and kenit biro Kashinvvase — belong to the Japanese Student Organization and have weekly meetings in conjunction with the student group's business. VOTE Continued from Page 1 tamed, il can he amended, or it can fail If tlie ns onsiderntion vote fails, or if the proposal is approved again, the requirement will he implemented ns planned and will affect freshmen entering the Uni versity during the 191)4-95 school year and after However, the Uni versity Senate still has the oppor tunity to make amendments to the proposal at its May 12 meet ing The discussions could also exceed the next assembly meet ing, depending on such things ns members voting to extend the debates or voting to have secret ballots. Richard said. "These things could last for several assembly meetings." Rii hard said. "1 have no idea how many people are going to attend, or if anybody's mind has been changed, or if their ideas are more planted now " The proposal increases the race, gender, and non-European requirement from one course to two courses One course will dis i uss race relations in modern America, focusing on African Americans. Asian-Americans, Native Americans and/or Lati* nos/Chic.an(>s. The other will dis cuss how gender, race, ethnicity and/or class shape society. CONDOMS Continued from Page 1 the 1IIV that i a uses AIDS, at < ording to the ('.filters for Disease Control The produt I label must emphasize that latex condoms for men an1 "highly effe< live protet lion” against sexually transmitted diseases, including AIDS, tlie administration said The condom's manufacturer. Wisconsin f’hur mat al Co of Jackson, Win . will also lw* required to note on the label that the pregnanes rate for users of the condom — 2ti pen ent a sear — is higher than for other female barrier i ontraceptises. The pregnant \ rate was teased on the results of a six month studs of 200 women 1 he Kl)A said tin* high rale resulted from improper use Women who use the condom correctly each time they have intercourse will likely have a min h lower preg nancy rate, the agent v said. A lubricated polyurethane sheath has a flexible polyurethane ring on each end. one of which is inserted into the vagina much like a diaphragm. The female condom is lining sold in Britain and five other luiropean countries It was unanimously endorsed in December In the FDA's obstetrii s and gyms ology panel. The company will also he required to conduct additional studies on the effet tiveness of the prod uct, Oregon's BEST College Students Deserve Oregon's Best Sandwiches HOMEMADE BREAD pttts • Soup • Salads • Baked Goodies m/tAe fresA AMy! HERD. SANDWICHES Free Delivery Evenings A Weekends Dine-ln • Take-Out • Delivery 344-1949 • 880 E. 13th (Across from U of O Bookstore) 75* OFF ANY SMALL SUB Free Delivery Evenings A Weekends __ 880 E. 13th • 344-1949 {Across From U ol O Bookstore) SANDWICHES Limit one per coupon. Expires 5/11/93 NOT GOOD WITH ANY OTHER OFFER *1.25 OFF ANY LARGE SUB Free Delivery Evenings A Weekends 880 E. 13th • 344-1949 f (Across From U of O Bookstore) SANDWICHES Limit one per coupon. Expires 5/11/93 | NOT GOOD WITH ANY OTHER OFFER . ____J