Torretta goes in seventh KDKN PRAIR1K. Minn. (API — The last thing the Minnesota Vikings needed was another quarterback. Vet ever\ time they looked at their draft board. Heis man Trophy-vs inner Gino Tor retta was the best player there The Vikings reviewed Turret ta's statistu s. especially his .:(>-2 record fit Miami, and couldn't resist using their seventh-round pick to take him Mondav in the NFl. draft “At one point, you say. “Who's your highest-rated play er. regardless of what position he plays?' That's why we went with Torretta," said Minnesota coach Dennis Green, who added Torretta to a quarterback mix that includes free-agent acquisi tion Jim McMahon, 1‘I‘12 starters Sean Salisbury and Ki< h Gan non and second-year pro Brad Johnson. “Then* am a lot of things said about Cino. mostly negative, and we don't reallv deal in the negative." Cireen said. We deal in the positive We look, at what .1 guv does And what fie does is complete a lot ol passes, break a lot of records, win a lot of foot ball games and show leadership at one of the toughest programs ill the countrv "I think Unit would qualify a guv to lie drafted In the seventh round, it was a great bargain for us." Torretta, whose mechanii s. arm strength and mobility have been questioned by scouts, was the fifth quarterback and l‘l2nd player i hosen. WUNDERLAND — 5U, STREET j 5 Wo PUBL_KL*AR„KET 683-8464 - VIDEO ADVENTURE < VALLf V RIVfR Pi A2A JOIN NOWI DOG'S COCKTAIL RESEARCH TEAM 165 W. Ilttl • 685-8101 GRE, CM AT, LSAT, MCAT lest Your Best! Kaplan is #1 in test prep! Classes forming now Come in and take a FREE Diagnostic test! caii 345-4420 KAPLAN The answer to the test question 14Q West 8th, Eugene DAVE Continued from Page 8A • Tin- Phoenix Suns arc everyone's favorite to win it all this season Making it through tin* Western Confer ence should he no problem for Phoenix: iny problem is with point guard Kevin John son This little weasel has had a season plagued with injuries and will miss the first round of the plavoffs bei ause of a knee injurs The funny thing is. he didn't get this injury on a tough drive to the hoop He injured it while dry humping Charles Barkley after Barkley hit a last-set otid shot to beat Portland last week When he's not nursing idi otic injuries. Johnson is beginning to take over for Isi ah Thomas as the biggest lit tle cheap-shot artist in the NBA. Against Portland hist week, he could he seen attempting such manly maneuvers as try ing to trip I players from behind and throwing flagrant elbows I even heard he was trying to put Kevin Duckworth's hand in a bowl of warm water while he was asleep at the end of Portland's bench And who can forget the world-class fighting abilities Johnson demonstrated earlier tills season when he tried to clothesline the hoicks' Doc Rivers and then took off run ning down the court Johnson didn't exai tl\ look like ( lull l>er I Jing when Ki v ers ( hast'd him down and popped him solidly in the melon Nine words Don’t hit the punk if he i an t even dunk •On a serious note, tnv pick is Cleveland and Phoenix in the finals; Cleveland in six like you really care. 1 know I don't All I (are about is Bryant getting his own Dairy Queen glass next season One word Cuuuuvs1 Dove Charhotweau is .ports editor of the Kmerald Deliver a KNOCKOUT... • • •without throwing a punchl GOLDWORKS 13th a lowtanco. EuQ«n««« *343-2298^ ESPRESSO ROMA 00 Lar8e Cappuccino or Latte and a muffin Mm 825 E 13th Street 9 HOLES Shxwrt Spac'd l 0 \ 18 HOLES I pSlV-V S<».-4-' » TUfrr ■ 010 IA_< IN THE HEART OF EUGENE . > 1 mini *rprr OaKway ucxf £ '> i:ou»is( 484-1927 2000 CAL YOUNG RD Not getting a new car for graduation? Here’s the next best thing: No money down, deferred first payment and S400 cash back from Ford Motor Company ■ .r. *..• J*. r,.V’ MX.- * • . 1 ; ; r : ! M'r Pjf-- \t^ PnxjfaT' ’ ' sn»’ ' ' ■ '• . ■ ini vnjFrancethrew ! '• •••o-' 1 - 'M. • ^ x .*.••': > i:V) (>'■’ .1 i • : i ‘I-.: ■ uSr ■ ! : . •' ' 1 •' •' - 1. WOfftW) ’ . * : ' ‘ f M 1^Cl j , ■ .V • • Simply visit your local Ford or Mercury dealership or cal! 1 -800-321 -1536 for more information