Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 27, 1993, Page 8A, Image 8

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    Oregon Daily Emerald Sports
Castle gets call in sixth round
By Jeff Huberman
pQt Mw 0*00** Ot0f f rrw.tkl
Oregon's Uric (jistle. a tiir**«*
\»>«ir starter (or the Due ks at (n*
safety. was saint loti bv 11>«> San
Diego Chargers Monday in the
riHlh annual NM. draft
Castle. a sixth-round selection
and the Ili 1st pii k overall, lost a
great deal of < onsiderntion
I>etanise of a poor senior year tar
nished by an early season bout
with mononucleosis
"If I could have had a year
like l'i<n. I might hove gone in
the first couple of rounds," (las
tle said.
Coming into tlio 1'I'I2 season.
Castle was projected h\ many lo
lie an all-Ameru an tundulate for
tin* Din ks, lull Ins illness did
away with any of those aspira
tions Castle missed most of Ore
gon's first four games and didn't
return to 101) percent until the
sixth or seventh game in the
I )u< ks' silled till!
Fortunately, lie returned to
nil-star form with a solid show
mg in the Independence Howl
and stellar plnv in the Shrine
Although satisfied with the
draft outi mmi. the waiting game
hei.ame a hit frustrating
"I ex|MH led to go near the fifth
round." Castle said, "hut after
Former Oregon free safety Eric Castte was drafted 161st overall by the
San Diego Chargers In Monday's NFL draft.
thill. I started getting nervous "
Thu Chargers were a surpris
ing su< < ess in 1992, odvnni ing
into tin* A Ft: playoffs As ,i rook
in. Castle does not ax pert lo
make an immediate impo( t
I hope I will have the chance
lo make some plays, inayhu on
special learns," he said. "I’m
lucky lo have the charu e to play
for a contender in my first sea
Castle should fit in comfort
ably with the smash mouth stile
football played in San Diego.
The coaching staff is hopeful
that he uni handle both the free
and strong safety positions Cav
‘I’m lucky to have
the chance to play
for a contender in
my first season
Eric Castle.
former Duck free safety
tie who played strong safely in
his freshmen season with the
Dm ks. said he had no prohletns
playing either position
Castin, the lone Oregon player
selected in the draft, reports to
inint't amp May fith.
[ V: J
In The Eugene T mdition
Low Income Housing &
Community Needs Survey
Eac h year the City of Eugene receives over $2 million
from the federal government through the Community
Development Block Grant and HOME Programs. These
funds benefit low-income residents through the follow
ing programs: job creation, affordable permanent
housing and homeless services, neighborhood projects,
public services, nonprofit facilities, and accessibility.
HOW THIS MONEY IS SPENT! Information boards
describing the types of projects funded by this federal
money will be distributed throughout Eugene during
May and June. Surveys will be attached to the boards.
Please take the time to fill out the survey or call the
information line at: 465-2740 to request a survey or
find out where the information boards are located.
Who’s this Shakille
guy breaking hoops?
he NBA playoffs begin Thursday. and before all of the
craziness kit ks off. it's lime for the rambling sports col
.A. unin with no purpose e\r ept to give you something to
keep from falling asleep in class.
•The Portland Trail Blazers have overcome injuries,
alleged" male sluts and stupid Dairy Queen commercials star
ring Mark " \2 minutes, five fouls" Bryant (Guys!) to finish
fourth in the tough Western Conference. They will open their
drive for a third « hampionship series appearance in four years
against San Antonio.
From the
Dave Charbofwveau
Those rabid Blazer fans
will tell you Portland still
has a chance at winning
the championship, but
with or without Clyde
Droxler, the Blazers will
not make it past the second
round — and maybe not
even past the first round.
Two words: Jot* Wolf.
• The Orlando Magic nearly made tho playoffs for llu> first
tune m the foam's short history, but I was rather disappointed
the Magii didn't Personally. I think it would have Ixien groat
to set* more of that rookie center they have.
11 an t quite remember his name because he hasn't received
much coverage from the press. I think his name is something
like Shakille Oneel. I heard that he pulled down two basketball
hoops this season, but I've never seen it.
My prediction is that ''The Shake" (at least that's what I
think they call him) will one day be a star, and may even be
in commercials.
Two words: Slim* contract
• Michael Jordan and the Chicago Hulls . . .
Three words. Th-Th-Th-Th-That's all folks!
Turn to DAVE. Page 9A
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/A** Sin**
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