Oklahoma crews clean mess left by killer tornado CATOOSA. Okla. (AP) — Clean up i.rews hauled away debris Mon day from demolished homi>s. m hoots and shops as residents tried to put their lives hack together after a killer weekend tornado Insurance agents fanned out among the flattened homes in the city of 2.500 residents, and homeowners sorted through whatever valuables they could find "Houses are just torn all to hell," said Roger Berry, a i ity maintenance worker whose brother is mayor. "I didn 't I-now we had so many power lines until they wen- scat tered all over the ground " Seven people died in the twister Saturday night Nine ty-five people were hurt Authorities on Monday warned residents about barrels of missing toxic waste. Emergency teams reported 242 houses and mobile homes destroyed in Catoosa. 113 houses damaged. 4) apartment units damaged. 4ll businesses damaged or destroyed and 14 public buildings damaged. City workers, who have just two suitable trui ks for the M work, *4i had major damage and 15 had minor damage Catoosa Publit S< bools were closed for the week and classes may lie i anceled for the rest of the year because ol heavy damage to school buildings. All but one ol 2t> school buses wen* damaged Hie |iost of fit t* ssas closed Imh .msf of a damaged rt>of and blown out w indows but Postmaster Mill Bell said car riers were delivering mail anywhere that had "a mailbox and a structure Pubht Service Co. of Oklahoma worked to restore pow er and remove mangled lines Rogers County offit ials warned that some barrels ot hazardous materials mas have been blown miles from their original site by the tornado and cautioned people to call authorities if they found the barrels Two men were arrested Sunday for looting at a dam ages) golf course, Pol it e Chief Benny Ihrck said A dusk to-duwn < urfew probabls svill remain in elfin t through the week, he said Shaken resident (‘.avia Ca> wood. IV made a welcome find while looking through her demolished home I had a glass fishhosvl in ms hand yesterday and I |ust smashed it against the fire plat e." ( as ssood said Mondas TAMPA. Fla. (AP) — Angry IHM shareholders unleashed a torrent of pent-up frustration Monday at new Chairman i.nuis V Gerslner Jr , who promised to revive the computer maker but asked fur patience. In just his lHtli workday at IHM. Gerstner trieii to use the annual meeting to fix us on a broad outline of goals. Instead, he heard impas sioned calls by a dozen stockholders for the ouster of the board of directors, which were greeted with loud applause. "If I were a director I would lie embarrassed to even show up here and have my name on a list to he elected,” said Dr Gilbert Jannelli of Clearwater. "Mow can you work with that group of people when their attitudes, their trusted del isions caused this company's demise?" About 2,100 shareholders, many of them Florida retirees and long time company employees, attended an unusually contentious meet ing that reflected just how far International Business Machines Corp has fallen. The meeting capped a remarkable four months at 7'1-year-oid IBM, whose founder's credo — "Think" — set a standard of excellence for corporate America, In addition to hiring Gerslner us its first outsider chairman, IBM laid off workers for the first time and lost SliHS mil lion from January through March. IBM has lost more than $7 billion in the past two years, cut a ipiar ter of its work force — or more than 100.000 jobs — since H1H7. and lost significant market share amid growing competition. The com pany has sought to reverse itself through restructurings that have giv en IBM business units more freedom. Gerstner, the 51-year-old former K)K Nabisco chairman, took over April 1 after a closely watched search for a successor to now maligned former Chairman )ohn F. Akers. In a frank assessment. Gerstner said slow demand and poor economies had reshaped tin* computer industry, but he defended IBM's technological and market power To shareholders' approval, Gerstner didn't try to minimize IBM's problems IBM has changed, but most people would sav not fast enough." Gerstner said. "This slowness and failure to act quickly is really the root i a use of IBM’s problems ALL DAY TUESDAY s p A G H E T T I ALL YOU CAN EAT EVERY TUES! pizza veT£$ ITALIAN KITCHEN 2673 Willamette • 464-0996 Do You Want Cjood Teachers? Help us reward them, if you have had an outstanding teacher thin year in an English composition class (any class with a "WR prefix), nominate hign or her for an Outstanding C omposition Ieacher Award. Leave a note or a detailed letter with the English Department or mail it to Jim Crosswhite, Department of English, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR 97403. Nominations must I postmarked or submitted h Friday, May 7. For information, call 340-3911. Coach’s obsession ends in death ALBANY. N Y (AH) — A It>nnis < oti( ti who hot aim* obsessed with a teen-age play or hatched a bizarre plan to keep tier < aplive at a remote mountain home, authorities saui But he shot himself to death aftcrbungling her kid napping Gary Wilenskv of New York City had spent more than $10.(100 on survedlam e equip ment and weapons and had outfitted a house in the Adiron dack mountains with hand* tiffs and other restraints. Friday night, police said, he then tried to atidui t 17-year-old lenmfer Rhodes ns she and her mother returned to a hotel from dinner VVilensky fled after the girl got away as he was beating her mother in the head with a cat tle prod About two-and-one half hours later, as police were closing in on him. he shot him self in the head with a rifle, said Detective l.t Steven Hei der of the Colonie Polo e Department "He went through great pains to make this thing yvork," Hei dor said Sunday "Obviously this is someone who has gone over the edge — probably the most tragic example of an obsessive person.” Rhodes, a promising amateur tennis player, and fier moth t»r. Sonya Rhodes. were in the Albany iirvii for a weekend toil ms tournament W tleuskv vs iis iliti girl s i o,n h until Ilif f.unilv firoil linn about three months ago As mother and daughter returned to lliulr hotel. police s.iul. Wilenskv approached them wearing .1 ski mask and pushing an empty wheeli hair The teen ager broke away and ran into the hotel while Wdeusky lieat her mother, I lei tier said He grabbed a rifle from tile wheelchair's seal and drove away after a hotel employee told him police had been called Sonya Rhodes was taken to Albany Medical ('-enter tlospi tal where she received 70 stitches in her head. Mean while. police found Wilenskv silling inside his rental car in a parking lot near the hotel about 2i hours later, and as they apprise lied he killed himself. Heider said Police said the Rhodes fam ily fired Wilenskv after he liegau calling the girl frequent ly and buying her expensive gifts Wilenskv sought therapy for Ins obsession, hut quit see ing a counselor last month and began buying shotguns and nlies, polit e said ‘Obviously this is someone who has gone over the edge — probably the most tragic example of an obsessive person Lt Steven Holder. Cokvvo Poin t} Department VVilenskv. who lived alone m iin Upper Cast Side apart muni in Manhattan, apparent ly finnni ud his kidnapping plan through coaching jobs nl several tennis c.luhs. Hinder said Thr Daily Nr a\ reported today that his students me lod ed girls from sonnt of the awn's finest schools. lie had $50,000 in a chock ing uccount and $5.(MM) m c.asfi and had paid a year's rent in advance on the Adirondac k home. Hinder said. The house he rented, m the town id North River, 70 miles north nl Albany, is about a half mile from the nearest road or neighbor Police usmf four wheel-drive vehic les to get there Prices effective through May, Some restrictions may apply 896-0101