DRINKING Continued from Page i A of beer and hard liquor available. y lolatmg .1 number of rules in the greek system'* current by-laws This may ( hang** The University administration and national fraternity and sorority chapters am fori mg the greek system to shape up A proposed policy would further enfon e the prohibition of underage drinking hv immediately putting one chapter, which was found to he in violation, on pro bat ion 'll just seems real obvious to everyone that the greek system has turned a blind eye to underage drinking said Elaine Green. I 'Diversity associate dean of students It is frankly a situation where group law s and what \ normal are out of sym The greek sy stem's current polii y prohibits minors those younger than li 1 in Oregon from consuming alcohol at functions, in accordance yyith stale layy How ever, no rules exist that dii late how this polii y should he followed, which is one of the proposal's aims And because the policy is not stringently followed, the University administration is pushing the greek sy stem to gel tougher. Green said one; of (lit* University s aim crus came after the school received a number of phone calls from par mils say ing their son or daughter had a "bad experience" at a greek function. Although the University doesn't own tin* i hnpters' houses or their property, the greek system does have an obligation to the University because the greek system receives student funds and lists of im oming freshmen that are used for fall rush, said Galley Anderson, presi dent of the University I’anhellenii Council, the sorori ties' governing body. A national fraternity and sorority movement to help the greeks' image is also tr\ mg to eliminate underage drinking in the greek system, she said Anderson said although the old rules were not always followed, the new ones will be. so the greeks will not be pressured, she said. The new draft of the policy would require one of three alcohol-related options for greek functions • Hire an accredited Oregon Liquor Control Commis sion server who will be responsible for diet king the identification of all invited guests, members and pledges before dispensing alcohol in the designated area, whit h jMOVIELAND AT WEST 11th 808 SENECA ST. 342-4142 CHEAP SEATS! BRING THIS AD IN FOR $1.50 ADMISSION FOR ONE „ GOOD 1ST MATINEE SNOW ONLY MON • TMUR OFFER GOOO THRU S&93 JLJ STUDENT NIGHTS MOM WfD TVUft 13 Off AOUtT AON! SVO# WITH »rut4Mf |ng«u*m#nl No >»•**«►• Oncounl Coupons I vanng [)i«cowrt# I nlaHa.T.m^^ VI TIGHTWAD TUESDAY S < 00 UCEPT SPfCIAl ENGAGE Mf NTS MSUT5 C4U fO« M0« WfOMUnON PC BOIIJNG FOIST “tf' ( 1 25 325 5 25) 7 28 9 25 MO'S THE MAS ittf ( 1 35 3 3 5 5 35 ) 7 35 9 35 ~M'.0FHVCKFm ( 1 OO 3 10 5 20) 7 30 9 «0 'irJ *| ISNAN SUMMER g[( 2 00 4 05 ) 6 iO 8 15 10 20 ’ the UNWi/r Ltcf ( 1 45 3 «5 5 45 ) 7 45 9 45 x| PC INDECENT PROrOSAl. ( 1 OO 3 15 5 30) 800 lO 15 SH0WT1MES IN EFFECT FRIDAY 4 23 THRU THURSDAY 4 29 AVI N ^ « US* ' is where alcoholic beverage* are stored and monitored In the server Under this option, an OI.(X-« attired i ash kir is also n choice People at the function could use money to pur < hnse alt ohol at the function, similar to a real bar • The bring-vour-own-boveroge plan will soon In- used bv the sororities and is one of the new options for the entire gn monitored h\ Trihunal Hoard representatives present at film turns Distribution of alcohol to minors not 2 I and offering alt oliol outside of the designated area are other violations I tie final version ot the overall policy must'lie approv ed by the I 'Diversity Student l out I in I t mum It lee. itliu h ret) it ires and approves revisions and ■ hanges mi the greek system's rules ever v v ear Hie i mu ml t tee vv ill meet today at -t p m to tlisi uss the final polo y drafted In tfie greek leaders Peter l.i lke\. the i ominittee s i li.iirin.m sum tin* issue lh.il would looked .it most i loxely ix lilt' penalties given (or ,i v i ol.it ion of lint now polii v I fit said I In- t on din I i omtnillt‘1' ix working together w iili greek loaders on iho polit v. rather than lulling them wti.il In do (ulknv said tint now rulrx. though, inuxi t dourly define how ihf t tenuities would he implemented In-t .luxe there wax an issue of liability w ith greek funi lions l-'or mam pin, lint I hmersily i ould possibly In- legally- In-Id respon sible (or inpiriitx lh.il happen .il .i greek fuiu lion. In- said "You and I both know that mutilations without sain lions urn no good." In- sold I'm- sunn a lol of propox alx. all of whit h sound fint* 1 In- irn k is I hoi il lias to In something that I lit* presidents In-lieve in Anderson, a member of I he Ihiiversiiv’s Alpha Phi i luiplt-r. saul slut wax surprised In the t ommittee's appart-nl htllltls off attitude w hen the many greek lead erx met with the t ondtu I i omnuttee late last term < .reen. of the dean of students of fit e. whit h at lx ax a lfniversily /greek x\ stem liaison, xaul the new proposals have met little resistant e ext ept (rom the more "Iradi lional" people People sav that’s what t ollegn life is all aliout. she said tickets for international night at the emu. $8 students $10 general 346-4387 international festival lnternational student association A PARTNER t N V P U K I I)IC AI ION •fillt ir n.j*^ April 25 •ut i* d«y April 26 «r«r i as d*y April 27 ai;a pacific* day April 28 «fti « day April 29 w' r i i f ot day AP T i 1 30 iir»? «i n«t i ■ r.a i night XTlAy 2 , - --- ■ 93