EDITORIAL Election board needs law lesson laist week's primary op tions wore sufficiently flawed to raise serious questions us to how the elections board operates and how ASUO elections are conducted in gen eral. Poor planning and a number of ov ersights by the ele< - tioris board resulted in violations of the election rules and ( ost students at the Oregon Institute of Marine Biology their opportunity to vote The board rnav have also violated the Oregon Public Records law. election rules and the spirit of an Oregon law pertaining to post-election procedures when it refused to release tentative voting results to the liiiimiH Wednes day night. Election rules require that students at OIMB be given the opportunity to vote, but ballots and voting informa tion were not received until Tuesday night, not nearly soon enough for students to make an informed decision. A graduate student at OIMB said the hoard r ailed the institute Thursday and said students could still vote, as long as the ballots wore faxed to the board by 5 p m I low over. theeler tion ended Wednesday The board s appar ent willingness to ignore this minor fat t demonstrates .1 severe disregard lor the electoral process Election rules require the board to gne students the opportunity to vote in advance if they will not he able to vote during the presr rdied times. Although no students took advantage of this offer, it may bo !«*< a use they were not aware of the oppor tunny They would have been, howevor, il the tioard had published tin* provisions lor absentee voting in the Htiumild, as specifically required by election rules. Although lhe election board said this was an oversight, it mav have lieen suffit iont to alter the results of the election Hut we'll nev er know There lias also been an uproar concerning the fact that a represen tative from the Leslie Hopefully, the election board will learn from its mistakes this year and strive to ensure future elections, including this week’s general elections, are conducted in a more professional manner. Warren/Mark Johnson — campaign was not present lor the recount Thursday. Elec tion Iroard members said they left a message with a rep resentative of the campaign, which is all they were required to do. Election rules do not require the presence ol campaign observers, just that they be permitted to attend. 1'hore have also been persistent, albeit unsubstantiat ed, rumors that graduate and law students were told by poll workers that they could not vote for president or vice president, and that international students were told they could not vote because they wore not citizens. Ail that is required of any student is a valid II) card. Election board rnembors. equally aghast at these rumors, hopefully will track down the sourt e of these runyjrs and attempt to verify or dismiss them. On Wednesday night, the board refused to give the Emt'rald tentative results. In 1991. the Oregon Attorney General ruled the ASIJO Executive Office is subject to the Public Records Law. which slates. "Every person has a right to inspect any public record of a public body in this state, except as otherwise expressly provided by (Oregon Revised Statutes) 192.501 to 192.505." A public record includes "any writing containing infor mation relating to the conduct of the public's business." As soon as the ixiard had a written tally of votes, regard less of whether it was complete or even accurate, that tal ly became a public record. Further. OR.S 254 525(b). concerning post-election pro cedures, says, "If all votes cast at the polling place are tal lied there, the election board shall post one copy of the return sheet in a prominent location outside the polling place.” Although Oregon election law does not apply to stu dent government elections, the spirit of the law should, and it says results must be posted, it does not say they must bo complete or accurate — merely posted. Hopefully, the election board will team from its mis takes this year and strive to ensure future elections, includ ing this week's general elections, are conducted in a more professional manner. COMING SOON BOSNIAN ANNEX LETTERS God helps lor more information in understanding sexuality from a Christian perspective, call or write to the addresses listed lielcm l.o\ e in Ac lion. 11 to 4th Street, San Rafael. (A. 94401 (415) 457 9489 Melanc in, P () Box 14039 or at 11 .*> N 85th #101, Seattle. WA 9811 I. (206) 78 i 3300 Mam of these counselors have probably come from a hat k ground of questioning their own sexuality. and found truth that has worked for them Janeen Elmont Eugene Have faith Over the past Inw weeks. I havi* followed the dispute over Bibln.il (ifi laratmns of nul'1 .uni wrong Most of the letters and articles have focused on homosexuality I believe these arguments have entirely missed the truth that |esus preached: salvation is received through faith in Jesus (dirts! The Bible sn\s, "righteous ness from God comes through faith m Jesus Christ to all who believe” (Romans .liill It also says, "everything that does not come from faith is sin” (Romans 14:23). Therefore, regardless of one's sexual orientation, those who are without faith in Jesus Christ sin in everything they do. Salvation t enuot be attained li\ following the law of the Old Testament because we cannot possibly fulfill its requirements (try it and see) Seeing this, Got! has provided salvation for all who put their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ And evidence of one's faith is a changed life, u life in w ho h one more and more behaves as [rsus did. Jt'sus loves even body But it s only to those who believe in Him that he grants eternal life and the escape from eternal punishment. It's all in the Bible See for yourselves Father, I pray that You would give power to the students on this campus to understand how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and give them the ability to offer that love back to you. Amen. Eric Eckhart Physics Measure 9 Ballot Measure l) asks if the ASUO should issue a statement declaring the (H A ' wrong, abnormal, and perverse l he reason I oppose the OCA is pn* isely Ins aIISc its ineililhts make that kind of hateful, gen eralizing statement lor tin* ASUO to do the same would tiring us down to their level. I think the OCA is a terrible group and a threat to our free dorn and wav of life I think lhe\ should he defeated, not imitat ed Please join me in voting no on Measure 0 Russell Gladhart General Science Bad Ed 1 recently stopped bv the offii e of the Ort'gnn Commftitn lor to complain about the Ida taut misogyny of its repub lished. satirical article Ram ride " I explained to pub lisher I-!d ('.arson that all satire has .1 message, and that "Ram ride'' implies that women do not reall\ want protection from rape; they want sex Of c ourse (larson denied this, hut c ould not come up with any plausible alternative message. Instead, he tic ted as if there was no intended message at all, only meaningless humor Since when do words have no meaning' I am arguing that by associat ing "Saforide" with a "whore house on wheels" (illy own words), tin- writer of this article, and by association tin- Com mvnlntor staff, perpetuates the cage-old stereotype that women ask for rape At best, they are complete)! insensitive to the serious problem of campus vio lence against women. At worst, they are promoting it It is irresponsible to encour age this attitude on our campus, no matter how thinly veiled, in the name of "satire " Karen Smyer GTF Romance Languages Shelley said It seems all we hear of lately is the catastrophes going on in this world Are there any good people out there w illing to actu ally make a change? People talk of change, but when the heat is turned on, they are turned off I believe Pert y Shelley wrote it Im'sI in Hellos in 1H22: "Oh (ease! must hate and death return? (lease! must men kill and die? Cease! drain not its dregs the urn of bitter prophet.v The world is wears of the past Oh. might it die or rest at last'" To make i hango. we must for give for the past, look ahead to the future and get involved in the present Kristen Kessler Psychology IFC debate I'he Hmorald has .1 rusponsi bi I it v .i*. .1 media member !(j run ohjei livi* artu les iim! opinionat ed editorials about events that dirt'< tty or indirectly affot I stu dents !i should also run infor ni.ition about the larger issues at hand This, I should think, includes the IFC candidate debate of April 1T». Ille debate, which was between the nominees for next year's vacant seats on the pow erful Ini idental Fee Committee, gave students a chance to see who and what the candidates stood for This is an important media event. At least I think so The h.uu'raid apparently does not agree with me ft did not send so much as one representa tive from its humble media establishment to cover the debate Win not' Do tht> students who did not attend deserve not to know what happened' Does the Emerald have the choice to choose whit h event it would or would not like to cover depending on the edi tors' moods Is the 1KC- so far removed front the student body that the Emerald did not think the debate concerned us? The last I heard, the 1FC was respon sible for the distribution of $4 t> million of student fees for the 1992-93 fiscal year. The irony is that the Emerald ran a large ad paid for by the ASUC) in the April 14 issue encouraging students to attend. Students attended The Emerald did not. Maybe the ad should have been directed to the staff of the new spaper encouraging its members to attend instead. Micah Jung Undeclared