Chicken w/Rice Say Ttoon Style $4.50 Sweet and sour Pork $4.25 CHINA BLUE RESTAUANT Try our amen, toot 879 E 1Ittl ucnim »r,uoUO l*x*uon • J4J-J8JJ • Tik* out AvMjWe The Clothes Horse Why shop at 1 he Clothes Horse? /i»« from I'rlmmrru t \pre\\o founJ ffirw mlur\ ol I hr < forties llot\r • SHOKS (Nordstrom) • ll(.HIS mew MM) • SI At KS (< alvlo Klein) • SWI MIK llamts I ml) • HI M J*»>*.-*» ;*r >w|w« U* (yamtan |*« (vAmu /2k IN TOUCH with 13th Avenue _.. Photo h, Jeff P«U, ITur Collier House Cafe tirui [-acuity Club utu the third building cm camfms. Have you ever taken notice of the house on the corner of University Street and I Ith Avenue. It's the one that used to lx- painted yellow, but is now tan with a brown trim. Hie same house that students have seen in Antnul I louse and passed by many times on the way to class or the LMU without taking notice to it or questioning what it is today Well, that house is actually a cafe for students and faculty called the C oilier I louse i ate and I ac uity Club I he house has Iseen on I 5th Avenue tor quite awhile It was the third building on campus, which before the l oilier I louse, contained only Villard and I V.uiy I falls Itklay the building is being used for much more than it ever has before Not only is the Collier I louse a cafe, but it is also available lot weddings, receptions, banquets, workshops and conferences. The restaurant opens at b a m tor coffee and serves lunch starting Irom 11.30 a m. until b p.m. Near you on 13tH! 1 lace to 13th & Alder • On Campus • 343 0681 1 Joan McDonald, who is head chef and manager, has. been working there tor 15 years and says her daily special and fresh homemade soups are the best in Eugene. The menu tor the catering service is almost as gixxi as the daily lunch menu. The catering menu has an assortment ot possibilities ranging from a pineapple boat tilled with fresh Iruit salad topped with frozen yogurt, to an Italian spicy Calabrese sausage sandwich with mozzarella on an onion roll. Many of the items are vegetarian, and all are very reasonably priced "I really enjoy going in there between classes and getting some homemade food and hanging out, then when its time to go to class again, I'm right there," said senior Kristie Oh. The house has been restored over the past tew years. Almost all of the furniture is donated by the local community to tit the age and time peruxl ot the house. lor example, the 10-person dining rix>m set val ued at over $ 16,000 was donated h\ a Lugene res ident Students enjoy dropping in when between classes to sit at a couch and get a cup ot coffee while reading a lxx»k or a magazine, Me IXmsild wants students to "leel casual and comfortable about using the place," "One woman comes in pcruxJic.illy and brings us her magazines alter they have been read," Me Donald said. At this point the traffic through the ( oilier I louse is mostly faculty. I he cate serves from AQ 100 customers |vt day Me Donald encourages >tti Turn to COLLIER. Page 8B on Campos Desktop Po&thliin! ani Darkroom Services -* fan 48/TOuf turnaround -* UtarttMr student budpet prices -* tOf