Tuesday. April 27, 1093 Oregon Daily EmeraldSpecial Supplement IN TOUCH with 13th Avenue CAMPUS CAFE Have you ever taken notiee of the h( >use on the comer of University Street and 13th Avenue. The Coliter House Cafe and Faculty Club hits been on 13th Avenue for ifuite awhile It was the third buiLlmg built on campus after Villard and Ueady Halls lodiry the build ing is being used for much more than ever before Page 2B CLASSIC 13th Hast 13lh has always been it place where students came face to face with the rest of the com munity. From the opening of the University to the College Side Inn, in 1923, to the present day, 13 th Avenue serves as the gateway to the University. Page 6B ENTERTAINMENT *Taylor's College Suie Inn is the only bar 1 go to," says col lege freshman Maile DeLaura. She and many other Taylor regulars have seen a lot of changes m Taylor's durmg this school year. Page 6B