‘Season of promise’ strikes flat note for struggling Jazz SALT LAKK CITY (AP) — Al the end of what was to 1m* Utah's season of promise, the struggling Jazz instead limp into the NHA playoffs against the Seattle Super Sonic s as the Western Conforcnc it’s sixth place team Last season, tin* Jazz made it to the Western Conferent e Finals before losing to Portland This year. Utah finished 47 if* — the first time the Jazz have won less than 50 times since 1‘188-HO The Jazz, an NHA-liost 17-4 m the Delta Center last season, were 28-1 t this year - their worst home re< ord since 1085-88 (27 14) "We went into the season with very high expel tations." Jazz owner Cirrv 11 Stiller said "I t harm terize it .is an incredible rollerc oaster ride liven in the midst ol it. we had really terrific spells where I thought we were luce k on true k and then boom, we d i ol lapse ” Alter harl Malone and John Slot kton capped Salt lake's hosting of the All-Star game bv sharing MVP honors, the Jazz, lost five in a row With a 107-0 t loss at Denver Man h 22, Utah fell to 411 since the All Star break, its hopes for repeat ing as Midwest Division i (lampion shat tered "It's Ireen a i lassie < use of jekyll and Hyde,' said Miller, whose team ended its regular mm son with a 11(111 loss to low ly Minnesota As Utah prepares for Friday 's opening first-round game in Seattle, it is a team plagued In' injuries, fatigue, and a some times abysmal defense that has repeated ly frittered away double-digit leads Seattle, which split regular season games with the Jait i-'i. will have the home< ourt advantage in the best-of five series Unless Utah finally shakes off its malaise, the Jazz might go on summer vai.ation enrlv. < oach Jerry Sloan w arns "We know how great a team Seattle is and how difficult they are to beat." he said "It s up to them to pul thumwlves in a position where they play like they're capable of playing." The Jn// slide migfit Im- traced to the beginning of the season, if not further hai k to the (llympu Games in Han elona. when- Malone and Stockton helped the Dream Team w in gold Statistically, Malone and Stockton seem unaffer ted bv their short summer break Malone is averaging 27 1 points and 11 l rebounds, i ompared to last sear's 2H points and 11.2 rebounds Stor.kton is si oring 15.li (IS H last year) and still dishing out nil NBA best 12 assists (I t 7 in 1991-92). But fatigue has taken its toll. Sloan and Miller insist 'I think they've really been tired because of their continual basketball effort.'" the com h said. "It has shown with the whole team l-ook at the number of games where we haven't been able to make the big play or big stop Miller agrees, saving "some of the edge has been taken oil for Karl and |ohn Malone admits his com entration has lngg»>d at times He has often started slow Iv. scoring in a flurry late in games when the |az/ tried to rally from huge deflt its "You (list go out and play the game." Malone said "You don't use that as an esc use "Nothing." is St cm kton's terse answer w hen asked if the Olympic s have hurt his game Still, his t point shooting has slipiwd from nearly 4 1 percent last year to 1H percent, and Ins 197 steals going into Friday's final regular season home game with (.olden State are far off last year s .!44 Then there is Mark baton The soul of Utah's interior defense for a dec nde, the 7-foot-4 c enter underwent knee surgery in late Oc toiler He had just begun to return to his intimidating form when a sprained lower luck put him hack on the ‘V characterize it as an incredible rollercoaster ride. Even in the midst of it, we had really terrific spells where I thought we were back on track and then boom, we'd collapse.’ Larry H Miller. Jazz owner injumd list April 15. Ht> niturned to action Sunday against Minnesota, managing just four rebounds and no points in lt> minutes In all. baton missed IK games and was been used sparingly in others, watching his minutes dip from 25 per game last season to 17 this year The Jazz signed 12 year veteran big man James Donaldson, who had been out of the league, after baton's latest injury "People now realize hpw important Mark has been to this franchise.'' Sloan said. "We struggle without him." Oregon Daily Emerald Call 346-4343 Before 1 p.m. Today To Put Us To Work For You Tomorrow! t03 GREEK HAPPENINGS Order of Omega A*!*...-’-", 0T0 N*®' 6 I Ml1 I 04 «n»o CM Mat! m M? 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