?» APTS DUPLEXES On# Block to camput Ukm 2 bedroom, greet toe ebon. t«M I IE 1Mi |«>S-mo. tumiehed It debited W900 WVEATOWN APARTMENTS 59? Country Oub Road 2 bedrm. toenhoue# kom SSQftrmo Pool end laundry *85-142? Walking Distance to Campue Sparkling cl**n. bright.large rtudo Covered parking laundry laaMie* Great location £»«, *84 56M Eugene Manor High i.ee living arlt' plenty ol charm large I bdrm 1456. ncl aa ukl ♦ ca tie 464 7441 ?90 CAMPUS EVENTS •35 SUBLETS To SutoM. * tu*y «d or* aptt •» pro**»«wr* parsons Juno 7 twu Aug ?t Contscl f ug*rw • «*tival a> Uuxcw Thaaoa 346-0074 Sara 1790 MLTANO Was lo campus Som masa "asAy re fmtsshao quaisi Prr*## trlranc® tscoflan! location Share !xKMultf>«« *?0».dsp (<*a t*u»a bkxrnwmi '* t 7S04 APARTMENT HUNTING? I *1 MT rMMi kt *«*» Hr’ 2J6 ROOMS ROOM ABOVE EXCELSIOR CAFE oat. room artth shared kltchan t bath. UAOtno tnd ultimas CaH 344-MM ?o CAMPUS EVENTS muslirn Student Association and ^International Students present Europe Day April 26 • Maple Room Films: “Bosnia Lives” and “Spanish Muslims” • 5-7:30 April 27 and April 29 Bosnia information table in EMU lobby April 28 • Ben Linder Room Films: Iran: Past and Present” • 11:30-12:30 “Message” • 1 -3 April 29 • Maple Room Film: rLion of the Desert” • 5-7 2*5 ROOMS Mcm lumtsltad room utkbaa. laundry, non mwrng. J2S0 • dap. lora^jn «u dams mrteoma 44 • 4571 Room tar rant All uMidat mcludud tSSttwo Cad >4S*M«' > room* tw rant n apaoout tg Oackm rtouaa. dact. cut to UO. Aval MS taga 30pm Kouioom Camar ln*o A tope* M 1143 «iTa nrrrow m for aJU your typing naada ■ J AcvmurafAi&i best rowan raw 'ATTAOT A MU mtf THAT MUtXWOOO HAM INDOCfflNE I «• rta». mi “OCUOHTFUtr “HILARIOUSr "IRRESISTIBLEP STRICTLY BALLROOM ■Aar«cooM«u unit poooaao PASSION FISH FALLING DOWN THE FAR SIDE By GARY l ARSON We ve done II? They ve United up' Man. t etdman mutt be freaking out be even bate* spiders Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson WANT TO HUP WE. WAKE A poster7 a SURt I tmrs it for ? ITS K SCHOOL CONTEST WERE SUPPOSED TO OO TRAFFIC SAFETT POSTERS THE WIHHER StTS FWE Boots.' MOW1 , THIKK Of IT' WiU ] Bt R\CMMD UCH ' TMt8£S TVt fAMC MO Had 11 TElL K «U, Tur> CCWU) 8t ; OUR TICKET OUT Of * T\«STV»m OUWP' -„-- Vi --- SOUNDS GOOD \ WUATS CX* fWMtfc . &0STS.R GOING ,1 Weasel’s World by Kraig Norris V/E INTEFBUPT THE DAT ING GAME FOR THIS SPE CIAL ANNOL*CE*€VT : LATELY. PEOPLE HAVE^\ SAlOTD ME.'HET. BtLL BURNED ISN'T J ATHLETIC DIRECTOR ANYMORE " ^ 1 KNOW THAT! BUT REALLY. HCW MUCH RJN 6 IT 10 HAVE TOUR A.D. Ah© FOOTBALL COAChL IN ONE PEASCN? LET'S TAKE A LOOK... VBi.GOCH, xxioce?* A RAlSL! 55® \ AW.G££, MR. *D., rousmy NT WVE .. _ BUT OK! KINDA SCARY. ISN’T IT ? 295 ARTS i ENTERTAINMENT CAMERA SHOW Mat ttt l ar* County f «rgro\/? »0»m «*pm S3 00 Adm*%&on mk> Mfco 14234300 tvy*^K*» cr>M couft^ng •rtd •*•««»(» (tarn 5pm M i 24 npu»» MMkWXta Mft J4I« 320 SERVICES Pfignjnt? No«d F»«* program cy ton t Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU /H»/,AM47S WiW O/K aaoGtirtfb wm** w'au < — .*5 SOeXCftWAKUT* ' ; rum n* emn . r V" ; tH %M> MW All WW jpmm a*' miu*y -I'm rANfMW THIMHOU. H >' Thf VU m UAllMi’tN tut Ua ** It All eui M'K lAutviN nt vUUWlACl I TO I HI#} TWNKINO Of t*.*i WW H6 50** cut^omce CROSSWORD By Eugene Stutffer ACROSS 1 Aclons at audons 5 I ulur# libalarop* I Nmwii ol 'Oarkman' 17 Nolton 13 "Ulaluma' P»*l 14 Madam* ternary 1$ Pultad It Ha*an Raddy tong It Sid* alia** 70 Rous* mat*7 71 Pr*viou**y uwnad 73 Pall tor ii 74 Gamas and hofataat 7t Works on 1h* sound track 31 Oilnch's cousin 37 Skirmish 34 Kanga s kid 35 Gladys KmgM t backup 37 Chawy uaats 39 Zodiacal 41 Crowd k ana •ilia. Iw jlrorl 42 Inlro 45 At hand 49 Simon 4 Garfunkal aong 31 Show choir pah 52 On n y*an 53 Wi»h othanana 34 II taka* tha taka 33 £ mulala Bart Simpaon 59 Author Katay S7 U*com*« on* DOWN 1 lalluca v.irwly 2 On* *r*y to Hand by 3 Anl*h»p*'k piaymal* 4 U jh*i*d to lti« ckxx 5 W«l« H»*aal 6 I it Man ga/alla 7 lap*i*ry • »tWy ■ Mr Btayhnav • Giaan 10 Ha lovat. to Lwy 11 Lion'* Solution I Into: 24 mkta. SS 3S8 1 7 Symbol (rf intimacy It So to luggsit 22 nl f dyif 24 Vitality 25 "Wtiat Kind ot fool -7* 26 Diana ftois* oioup 27 Small*! now 26 Manut* ut basfcalbal “Mayday1" fiacoid Dial aft anliaat la* Ua< —B*4 DuScMn* 421 indtlfom and iMkua 43 SitainT* i*nd4 on 44 Mindy • mi alar 46 Foul ilai lav i*w 47 Raitad 46 longmgi 50'ThaCokM ot Monay' pioy>