Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 26, 1993, Page 6A, Image 6

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    - Oregon Daily Emerald S ports -
Softball team loses home opener
By Steve Mims
Otapon (tetfy Fm*f&ld
After wailing through seven
rainoulR this season, the tJnigon
soft ho 11 team finally played its
home opener Saturday, and when
it was over, the Ducks probably
wished they had waited longer.
Washington heat the Ducks 7
4 at Howe Field for its third Pacif
ic-10 Conference win of the sea
son in a game that was postponed
by three rain delays and lasted
three hours and H minutes.
The Huskies (27-2.1. 3-15)
trailed 3-1 entering the fifth
inning when they batted around
and scored five runs to grab the
lead for good. Washington had
five hits and (.apitolitted on two
Duck errors in the inning
Washington's Beth Queypo led
off the inning and reached base
on an error by Oregon third I wise
man Trina Salcido Mindy
Williams followed with a single
before Bridget McKay reached on
nn error by pitcher Kachelle Tay
lor that allowed Queypo to score
Williams came around to score
on a passed ball by Laura
Following a ground out and a
walk. Washington's Megan Wik
strum and Jennifer Cline smacked
back-to-back RBI base-hits to give
the Huskies a 6-3 lead heading
into the bottom of the fifth inning
Washington stretched its lead
to 7-3 in tne sixth inning before
the Ducks scored in the bottom
of the inning. Patty Pyles pinch
ran for Heather Holte. who was
hit by a pitch, and Pyles scored
on a single by freshman Kathy
Stahl to cut the lead to 7-4 enter
ing the filial inning.
The Ducks loaded the bases
with one out in the ninth on sin
gles by l^aura Schmidt. Salcido
and Leanne Brooks, but they
could not get a run across the
plate Kim Karnpfer hit a fielder'*
choice to the pitcher before Holte
popped up to end the game.
Washington opened the game
with a run in the first inning, but
the Ducks came hack to tie it on
Laura Schmidt's sixth home run
of the season, tying a school
record The Ducks pulled ahead
3-1 in the bottom of the third
inning when Husky pitcher
Stephanie Bums walked Schmidt
and Salcido with the bases
Schmidt led the Ducks on
offense, going two for two with
two walks and driving in two
run* and scoring another
The second game of the dou
bleheader was rainod out and no
make-up date has been
announced The Ducks (15-13. 5
5) have scheduled make-up
games against Oregon State Tues
dav. followed by a game against
Western Oregon Wednesday.
O’Neil puts on show
at spring scrimmage
By Dav* ChartoonrtMu
Or»oon CMy EmetakS
Danny O'Neil can rest easy for the next five month*.
O'Neil, Oregon'* starting quarterback, ended a largely
unspectacular spring practice session with a brilliant outing in
the Ducks' final scrimmage of the spring Saturday at Tigard
High School.
O'Neil completed 13 of 20 passes for 315 yards and four
touchdowns, leading the Green team to a 42-13 win over the
White team.
For the first time since the departure of Bill Musgrave three
years ago. it seems as though Oregon will finally have a clear
cut starter at quarterback when practices resume in August.
Redshirt freshman Tony Graziani was given a shot at the
starting job when practices began in March, and he complet
ed IB of 33 passes for 207 yards Saturday.
On a normal day. those stats could keep him in the run
ning for the starting job. but O'Neil's performance left little
doubt that Graziani will have to settle for the No. 2 position on
Turn to FOOTBALL. Page 8A
Oregon Daily Emerald
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