RALLY Continued from Page 1A ballot measure passed in Springfield last year, although a sim ilar statewide measure failed. The OCA members who attended videotaped the march and rally, training their cameras on the few who were flamboyant ly dressed, as well as the everyday-looking gay and lesbian couples in the crowd who kissed and hugged l.ast year on several occasions, the OCA showed a videotape it had made of gays and lesbians marching and demonstrat ing in an effort to support its viewpoint that homosexuality is perverse and abnormal. The rally and march were attended by about 1.000 peo ple and the rally was preced ed by a march through the streets of Springfield and was followed by an NAACP-spon sored party. The events began Saturday with a networking day that included workshops and panel discussions. Greg Evans, president of the Oregon-Washington NAACP. said that while some African Americans opposed the VTYi pnmmmty not m porson who haWtntt In tntflit W>Tw w 90^9 99 9 ^p9^999^^0 rights for anyono, but I would (Bo to dofond your squmf rights.' — John Peterson. Junction City mayor naiionui naait s enoorse ment of the D C. march, many others support and understand the message gays and lesbians are sending. "As wo stand here with you. we ask you to stand with us.” he said. Evans spoke specifically of the ban on gays and lesbians in the military. "There were people out there with us when it wasn’t the safe thing to do,” ho said. "We know about discrimination in the military. We have come from those days to on integrated mili tary and we need to work for a fully integrated military. We will continue to be here with you throughout this struggle ” Wooten said the next few weeks could be a crucial point in Oregon's history. The state Senate passed a gay rights bill last week that will go to the House oLKeprusentativus soon, where it is expected to meet w ith some strong opposition. "We need you on the steps of the Capitol, not just on the stops of the City Hall.” she said. "Tell your politicians that we all have the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happi ness.” John Peterson, the mayor Junction City, said that as a het erosexual. Republican, Vietnam veteran, former police officer and mayor of a small town, he is n«Jt the kind of person that comes to mind when one thinks of a gay rights supporter. “I’m probably not a person who believes in special rights for anyone, but I would die to defend your equal rights." he said Peterson spoke of two relatives who are gay. "They live their lives, hove their loves and ore contributing members to their community," he said. "And their communi ty is not Springfield, it s not Eugene, it’s not Junction City — it's the world.” QUESTION: Should students and faculty have sex? “Yeah, they should both have sex as long as they do it outdoors." “Of course, sex is good, I guess. That’s all I know." RICH CAMPBELL sank*, political science “All the time. That should be the routine for every day classes. It would make my job a lot more fun." “Sure. It’s no dif ferent between students and fac ulty. It’s just two people. ERIN ROBBINS sophomore, pre-journalism "Never. It compro mises both stu dent and faculty integrity and affects the educa tion of all students." UMKOlilllB junior, psychology “I don’t think it’s any body's business what goes on oeiween iwo people, but the relationship shouldn’t aflect the grade." JENNELL TAYLOR graduate student FIRE Continued from Page 1A w«n on lli« second floor of the University Inn vis iting two female residents when they became out of control The four men. who are all residents of the inn. were spraying euch other with shaving cream and hair mousse in the women's room. All four of the men admitted having "more fun than we should have." according to police reports The four admitted to having at least one beer euch. but none of the men said they were intoxicated. According to police reports, the two men began playing with matches. Jordan admitted to throwing lit matches but said he didn't light anything on fire Myers told police he lit the roll of toilet paper on fire and put it outside of the women's room, accord mg to police reports The paper was smoldering outside of the room when Nlvers picked it up nod look it to the third floor Me took the smoldering paper and threw it into the trash can located in the third-floor eleva tor lobby Myers said the smoldering material start mi other paper in the trash can on fire Myers told police that he took the trash can and emptied it into the garbage chute, hoping to extin guish the fire, according to police reports. The two men with Myers and Jordan were cleared of any criminal activity, Oregon assistant sports information director Jamie Klund said football coach Rich Brooks, who was in Portland during the weekend for the team's spring football game, could not Ite reached for comment * EMU 346-4362 POpporldgo Finii products Quality Film Processing ■w—ii iu 'acr NOW $4.00 each ■an Coder Ticket •■del Look a the sealing chan while ordering tickets! Caaaart ticket aalaa tar Caltaral farae, tfOd Hall, Mill Caea Aaaai, ata... RveaeimnBn YOUR PATRONAGE SUSTAINS US. USE OUR SERVICES. TELL US HOW TO PROVIDE SERVICES THAT MEET YOUR NEEDS YOUR FEEDBACK IS VALUABLE