Softball sweeps PSU; to face UW, Cal By Steve Mims Oregon Oibfy f rrmskf The Oregon softboll tenin swept Portland State on the road Wednesday and returns to Ktigwnn to again attempt to play its home opener Oregon's Kachulle Taylor pished \2 scoreless innings Wednesday and pn ked up two wins to raise her record to 10-S tins season Taylor shut out the Vikings 5-0. allowing only three hits in seven innings in the first game of the douhleheader Taylor i nine hot k to pit* h the first five innings of the second game, and teamed with Natasha Dumoski to throw a five-hit shutout in the Ducks' (»-o victo ry. freshman Kathy Stahl led the Ducks offense in the opener, collecting two doubles and a triple and si tired four runs |,isa Preston added three hits and two Kills to the Dm ks' iatise Stahl was one of six Dm ks to hit safely twice in the second game of the douhleheader, rais ing her halting average to 572. The Din ks i fillet led 1 I Inis as a team on the wav to the v n torv The Dm ks (15-12. 5-4) are scheduled to play Pacific Lutheran at Howe Field this afternoon nt 2 10. but the One ks have heard tliat Indore All six of Oregon's scheduled double headers this season have been postponed due to rain. If the weather cooperates, the Ducks will play Pacific-10 lion ferenc e games against Washing ton and California Saturday and Sunday, respectively The Ducks swept the Huskies earlier this month. .1-2 and 11-1 in Seat tle. Washington (26-23. 2-H) is in its first season of Pac-10 soft hall under ex-Oregon coar.h Teresa Wilson California is scheduled to i ninn to i ugene Sunday to fai n the Dm ks The Golden Hears went ranked eighth in the latest poll, hut they have Ins,! seven i onset olive Pat 10 games The Din ks and Hears split a double header in Berkeley, and the Dm ks won the opener I II Indore losing the nightcap .1-1 The Golden Bears (12-16. KI WI nre led by pitcher Michelle C.ranger, w ho leads the Pat -10 in eight pitching categories including w ins (21), KKA (O il) and strikeouts (118). Women’s golf gets 4th in Walla Walla By Steve Mims The Oregon women's golf loam finished in a fmirltl plac e lie ill the Pacific-10 Conferenc.e i hampionship in Walla Walla. Wash . nn Wednesday, equaling ils iiesl mark ever at the i onference championship The Ducks shot their bosl round of tl)e tour nament (302) hi the final round lo move up from the sixth plate slot they were in after round two The l)u< ks finished in a tie for fourth with Stanford at 934, 29 shots behind conference < hatnpion Arizona State The Ducks also finished tied for fourth place at the Pne -10 tournament in 1991 "I am very happy with our showing.” Oregon head coat h Renee Baumgartner suid. "Five of the teams from the conference are ranked in the Top 15. so fourth plac e is very good. We heat some teams we needed to and built momentum for regional*," Sophomore Shannon Hare led the Duc ks into third place after the first round when she equaled her best round of the year with a 75. Karlv Mills also was in the Top 10 after round one w ith a 77 The Ducks fired a team total of (14 on the first dav and were tied for third place with Oregon State and USC Hare and Mills led the Due ks in round two as well, shooting matching 7Hs at the par 72 Walla Walla Country Club The rest of the* team shot in the 80s as the Due ks slipped to sixth plac e with a .318 total for the da\ The Ducks’ 102 on Wednesday was the fourth-best round am team shot in the tourna merit Stills and junior Capps Mark led the Ducks with 75s. and Hare and senior Shannon Maier came in with 7fis. Mare's 229 total pat ed the Ducks and put her in a tic for seventh plac e Mills finished in a tie for 10th plain at 230. her second-best three round total of the season "Shannon and Karly both played very solid." Baumgartner said. "Both of them gained experi ence at Pac-lO's last season and that helped them keep their cool.” Shannon Maier. who finished in eighth place at the Pat.-10 tournament Inst year, finished 18th this season at 235 Baumgartner said the senior from Bend appears to be on the verge of a big tournament in the post-season. "Shannon is solid." Baumgartner said. "Her short game is really improving, and she will explode once she hits her irons as well as she has in the past. She did a good job at Pac-lO's and really Helped us,” Cappy Mack finished tied for 27th place with a total of 240. and Leigh Casey came track in the final round to shoot 79 and finished 38th. The Ducks will plav next at the Western regionals in Tucson, Ariz . May 13-15. The top ten teams from the 18-team field will advance to the NCAA Championships at the end of May. a tournament the Ducks have never qualified for before "We have nothing to lose and everything to gain at regionals," Baumgartner said. "My team knows that they are good so if we qualify for nationals, that's great If we don’t qualify we know we did the l>est we could.” Oregon Daily Emerald Call 346-4343 Before 1 p.m. Today To Put Us To Work For You Tomorrow! >03 GREEK HAPPENINGS l*i'8 GM •■cited tor GAMMA PHIS IT VC OH SATURDAY! YOU OUTS Will DO RAD* *. Your ! •» Coach**. Chu* C i Ktmb*r*ly B RIGHT THERE! Dtr*c«y acron horn *nQ Theses. Dissertations on l mot _CoS 6636060 giytwne TYPING UNLIMITED Barbara land 48S-U4J Snoring UO ar«a wnc* 1961 120 TUTORING ESL Tutoring: convwaahon compov boo. grammar proo*»***ng. TOtfH pr*p UAnfngktn Carla M4 S4S3 125 INSTRUCTION WRITING HELP For »H your pepers. projects. etc Writing. editing. proofing All sub jects end stylos AffordotXo end convenient. 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