Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 23, 1993, Page 9, Image 8

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    - Oregon Daily Emerald S ports ■
Golfers hit streak, head for Pac-10s
By Steve Mims
Oegcn Oatfy f nwjtia
The Oregon moil’s golf team
hopes to continue its tint streak
oust week when it travels south
for the Pacific-10 Conference
championships in Santa Barbara.
Calif.. May 20-22.
The Ducks are coining off con
secutive team victories in Cali
forma last week, which raised
their total victories to three this
year. The Inst time Oregon won
this many tournaments was 1985
when it won four events on its
way to a second-place finish at
the Pnc-10 tournament.
"I am absolutely ecstatic." Ore
gon head coach Steve Nosier said.
"If I had written n script before
the season we could not have fol
lowed it better than we have. You
always want your team playing
its lies! at the end of the season,
and wo are.”
The Ducks began the spring
season with a win in the Duck
Invitational last month and
picked up their second win at the
Western Intercollegiate last week.
Oregon led wire-to-wire at the
Western Intercollegiate, beating
host San lose State by three
Oregon followed the victory in
Santa Cruz. Calif . with a come
back victory at the U.S. Intercol
legiate in Stanford. Calif. The
Ducks shot a 3-under-par 2H1 in
the final round on Monday to
pass Washington for the team
Senior Cam Martin is coining
on strong at the end of his Ore
gon career, tying for first in each
of the Ducks lust two tourna
ments. Martin was seven shots
behind the leader heading into
the final round at the Western
Intercollegiate, but he shot a final
round 67 to tie Nobuito Sato of
Nevada for the victory. Martin
went on to win the playoff with
a par on the third hole,
Martin was seven shots hack
heading into the final round once
again at the U.S Intercollegiate,
but ha shot another final-round
67 to tie for the individual title
Martin was 11 shots tWnnd tour
nament-leader Mike Montgomery
after six holes, but he had five
birdies and an eagle on the final
12 holes to tie Oregon State's
Kevin LaMair. who had lieat Mar
tin in the playoff, for the indi
vidual title.
"1 was not thinking about win
ning either tournament at the
stnrl of the third round." Martin
viid. "At the Western I just want
ed to finish with a good round.
Then at Stanford I wasn't think
ing about winning, but it was at
the hack of my mind I just got
hot in both rounds, and things
went my way."
Martin got a lot of help from
his teammates in both tourna
ments. particularly sophomore
Ted Suavely who finished fifth
at both. Suavely shot 71 in the
first and third rounds at the West
ern Intercollegiate to tie two oth
er golfers for fifth place. One
week later. Suavely fired his low
est round as a collegiate, a 5
under-pnr 66, iu the final round
to tie for fifth once again.
"Ted has played really steady
for us." Nosier said. "He is devel
oping into the player 1 hoped tie
Senior Jeff Lyons, who leads
Iht' twain with a 73 71 stroke aver
age. finished 33rd in Santa Cruz
but came hack strong at the U S
Intwri ollogiate to finish in sev
enth place. Lyons combined to
shoot 3-under-par in the final two
rounds at Stanford to finish sev
"I'm happy with my play."
Lyons said. "My putting hasn't
been great, but it is getting better.
I'm i-sjms lijllv happy that the oth
er players are playing so good
Martin. Snavely and Lyons
have played steady at the top
three positions for the Ducks. !>ut
the rest of the lineup lias been
plagued hv inconsistent v junior
Kandy McCracken, freshman
Chris Bensel and either Paul
Kegali or leremy Forster will
round out the Ducks lineup in
Santa Barbara
"I am satisfied with our top
three players." Nosier said I
believe our top three t an play
with any other team in the conn
tries fe-st three players Our team
is no stronger than our fourth,
fifth and sixth players, and we
need help on the bottom
The Ducks, who received five
votes in the latest Golf WorldpoW,
will enter the conference tour
nament as the third or fourth
ranked team in the conference
Arizona and Arizona State are
both ranked among the top-five
teams in the country and are the
favorites entering tin- tournament
"I haven't set any goals enter
ing Pac-10's," Nosier said "1
hope we can go play as well and
intelligent as we can and s*st how
it cornea out. We are going down
there to win the tournament, not
(list to participate."
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Penn, Drake Relays
await women runners
In Mian h of lough ( ompetition iiiuf good weather, oiomtiors
of the ()regon women's trar k team will Inn el at ross the coun
try this weekend to parth ipate in two of the nation's most pres
ligious track meets
Oregon w ill send si\ athletes to the Penn Relays in Phtlndel
phia, Penn . and eight to the I )rake Relays in I Vs Moines, Iow a
At the Penn Relays, the emphasis will he on losverittg the
relay team’s season-host time 1 lie 100 meter relay team of
UiKeiiia Woods, .Hhawna Krasoyy ski, 1 isa Hedwell and ( .mwirii
Jones will look to shave IM> sis omls from its season l**st of -Pi,70
in order to rear fi the N( A A qualify mg standard
fhe busiest f )n-gon athlete will In- Kelly Itlair, w ho is entered
m thus- individual events and is an alternate on tss o relay teams
Among those looking for N( .A A i|uulily ing times in low a will
lie Na ole Woodward. w ho is running the I ,S00 meter race lor
the first time tfiis season Woodyvnrd, who lias already quale
fieri for the NCAA meet in tin* 1,000 meters, will lie looking to
improve on her lifetime In-sl of 4 t:t 4
Krika Klein will hay e a busy weekend las aase she is entered
m the distant e medley, the 4\M*M) relay and the open HUtl meter
rim Klein took third plai e in the HtK) at the Drake Relays as a
freshman in 1‘1'H)
The Oregon distance medley relay team should lie one of the
favorites in the field
Oregon has another favorite in the field in the form ol javelin
thrower Ashley Selnimc
Julie Her k. yy ho yvotl both the rh sens and shot put ev ents last
week at the Oregon Invitational, will again Is? r ompeting in both
events this weekenrl
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