On campus Besutp PuMsMif and Darkroom lemm -» CtSl 4pfwur turnaround -* UlwaakK Student budget prices -* M# Ipt later printer FOUR tunes tt» resolution <»l a 300 dpi ptfnter -» Large library of Ititt Type and symbols tor cvyry purpose -* nip in library available to enhance yotrr project -» Black and white MUiat services a -» Pnitaen available to give your project impact / \ -* ?4 hour mi Service avarlable -> ReiUMS tdr only S15 00 -» Darkroom services for Wfl andlamapfS Call 346-4381 w am ly tm. Mi m tpta 8:N la 5:#a HaMay-tmiy ■ T0NMHT1 Savoy Brown 81 Terry Robb ■ SATURDAY «» Unsnakeable Race & Jumbalassy ■ SUNDAY «2I Unplugged S1 ■ MONDAY 478 -- Blues Jam $1 ■ TUfSOAV *77 High St S2 ■ WBMKSOAV - Hooseholl injects ■ THURSDAY «I8 Blues Club Project 37S E. 7t»l • 484-7181 k Guido’s Can Make You , RICH!! , m a Wc offer all slate lottery games VVe Have a Pool Table, Video & Pin Ball Games Open 11 a m. to 2:30 a.m. daily Guido S • 13lh & Alder • 343 06X1 FUTONS, STARTING AT ROCK SOFT FUTON EUGKNE I 122 Alder Si. 686-5069 OPI N \1 I 11-ft p m Sal 11 -5 p.m , Sun 12 ■> p ir GRfffID OPENING!!! MOVIE RENTALS 3 FREE MEMBERSHIP! "t 342-1727 13th & Patterson JOHN HENRY'S Continued from Page 5 on a dumpster-saved sofa stolen straight front the 70s. ripped right off the set of Threr 's Company. It's a shrine to sparseness Co-owner Bruce Hart nell's design motivation here seems to mirror the idea behind those propless, one-ai t stages in the theater department, which, through lack of set, drive emphasis on the performers John Henry's is lugger and better than both Taylor's (severely small) and Good Times (severely blues). Music makes the place. It's diverse and experi mental. offering this city 's most varied bar-band calendar The Kurtz Project's performance was an, obnoxiously glorious presentation of kamikaze musical theater It is an increasingly popular Port lond-hased band mixing classical violin with a 70s cover play list The high stage was harshly fitting, built to suit the hand's rock n' roll, KISS-like gymnastics Stage antics like this are unacceptable in any other Oregon band (especially the now ultra hip. iilira-pretentious bar-band princes. The Daddies ) Stage jumping and floor humping bet ter compliment a cover of Journey’s "Hoggin .Tom bin'. Squeezin' than a cover of some long-dead-hut-revived blues tune or any thing by The Daddies, whatever it is they do. The Kurtz Project call themselves "David Howie esque-cin a-Glass-Spider-Tour," But that's an oversimplified understatement and needlessly trivializes and ties their talent to an overrated. over-the-hill cross-dresser. The Kurt* Project are really quite neat Light a candle for their return Meanwhile, drink And for this purpose. I offer John Henry's. I propose this place because it has its harfnet firmly planted in unpretentious earth, ft's where to track ground movement. It's whom to go instead of, say. snooty Steelhead's. where they don't even sell pitchers. At John Henry's, people drink beer, at Steel head's. people just sip. At John Henry’s, you will hear the comforting clatter of a shattered beer bot tle or three, at Steelhead's. you'll be annoyed by the tinny, effeminate tinkling of little, sippablo, beer glasses. People yell at John Henry's. At Steel head’s. customers indulge in that frighteningly sphincter-locking yuppie activity known as "( hat ting " (In a recent pee-break at Steelhead's. I offi cially christened the place as the Bar King for Eugene's irritating 3M'ers: the married, the main stream and the moneyed. The Ruhenstein's. The Romania’s and Jerry Green have been seen at Steelhead's, thus earning it the second title of Eugene's Biggest Weenie Bar.) A final note: as far as I know, there is no real Mr. or Ms. Steelhead; no Mr. or Ms. Sixth Street Grill: no Mr. or Ms. Confetti's Lounge at the Shilo Inn: and no real Coconut Joe. There is. however, a real live. flesh-and-biood- and-Budweiser John Henry, who sets up your suds, changes your ashtray and can. for a fair tip. pass your phone number to the bldnd violinist on stage who'd look even more incredibly hot and cool in n big red hat WORLD Continued from Pag© 7 kii'/mi'r supergroup," Brave Old World brings together four lead ing Ameriuin klezmer muse ians with combined exponent «s ns performers, researchers and teat hers of Yiddish music and culture With c lose family and c ommiinity ties to the hast Euro pean Jewish heritage, the group is dedicated to tradition and innovation, both of which are dis tinct in their repertoire of time honored and original i :om positions. Their concerts have taken them to New York's Lincoln (enter, the World Music Institute, the Philadelphia Folk Festival, the international Klezmer Festival in Safed, Israel, and through Europe. The ensemble was also the focus of a CNN-International news s**g mwi! early last year, and their release kleznwr Music was select ed Outstanding Folk Recording ol 1991 by the U S. Library of Congress. This Sunday, April 25. the School of Music's World Music Series presents Brave Old World at Beall Concert Hall at 7.30 p in Tickets, $H for students and $10 general admission, are available at the KMU Main Desk MAY 17 HULT CENTER A’ H -vstt fto» oi* * fM " A'« ' E* \ ’ '•* . N ■ »PK. A. hA*« * ,wr.A„ ^ >A*«’ A . A» A ifi'J •• • . M PRODUCED BY DOUBLE TEE & B.G.P. IN ASSOCIATION WITH EMU CULTURAL E OR U M WUNDERLAND 5ev»EO GAMES 5m STREET PUBLIC MARKET 683-8464 VIDEO ADVENTURE T LVALLIY RfVtRPlAZA I Ht AM 136 E. 11th • (near Willamette) 342-3358 Must be 21 or Over Friday Apm $5 The Strangers Tough Mama Saturday Apr.* 24 $4 Drunk at Abi’s Compost Nixon Flat (formal) the Nervous Chnsuins) Sunday Apni25$2 Assorted entouinmcm with In Step!! 9:M p.m. Music Starts at 10pm Mon-Sat Music starts at 8pm Sundays POW! Put the power of Oregon Daily Emerald advertising to work for you. Call 346-3712.