Ort^m l\uh tnumiW» \X\\kis Mum'. I hcttter, I Xnuv, X uU^< .nul N'igti(lijc l>*\ a no-naine. low-talent open ing band, and I in thinking that the rest of our beer-thirsty, live musu hungry group should probably be home study ing, sleep ing or else in rehab A fast flnshlmt k (sponsored by Henry 's Dark) knifes all thinking Marine the hand's only girl, the baud's lone blond slides into a violin solo then sings, loud, loyy and gravely . sounding and looking a whole lot like a blond chit k named Kelly or Kristie or Melissa Ilaniels that I met with this same group of t tub groupies, at this same t.luh Iik alion. two summers ago when |ohu Henry 's yvas the underage dam ucluh nightmare, (Huh Hollywood lleer buddy Kevin trapped in lyvin flashback says, "Whoa is that the blond chit k we chased around t Hub Ho' a long time ago. the one yvho thought yve yy ere cheesin' on her. hut really yve were hard on X and just wanted to tout It that huge ret! hat she yy as wearing?" The first song ends, and I ansyver. T don't know . may be so " Hut by the sei ond set, by the \i\th beer, it doesn't really mat ter bet ause the flnshhai k's been peed yvay away, and our yvhole table's pretty milt h ready to propose to Mamie's violin Thursday nights are for John Henry's The musu is live, the crowd is small, the beer list is extensive and the i ost inexpen sive Don't dress up Don't comb your hair Don't he worried about making smart small talk bet ause y ou won't need it folin Henry nighU are made for mush and Mich elob, not condoms and come on lines It's where to get loaded, not laid Inside is a vaulted, elephantine, catlie dral-like ceiling, and the ceiling and walls are hlai k brown and smoky. The whole design is hountmgly uterine. The small entrance on Ktti Fast 11th Ave holies the vast and tlark interior. During a pee break in the hand's show. I officially baptized |ohn I lenry s Kilgene's Biggest Hot k 'll' Hull confessional Itoutli And it is big It s Max's on steroids Patrons saddle up to a corner bar. shoot stick in a hat k pool room, dance on a checkerboard floor or sit at pit nit tables or Turn to JOHN HENRY'S. Page 0 Tracking the latest iliimwiflr Big Mountain Wake Up on Quality Records Rating: ★★★★ * Frtsbee material * * nothing special • * * worth a listen **** quality muse • * • * * steal it it you hay* 10 RDS Pooplu have said, "it's all in the namo." Big Mountain should riot he con fused with Big Country, one of those obnoxious early-eighlies bands r that cranked out meaningless dri- j vel that lulled to sleep an entire * generation and allowed Ronald Rea- V* gan to serve two terms in the White \ House. Personally, I only know Big Moun- \ tain as great ski resort in Whitefish, Mont. But college is a place to expand your hori zons. and true to form. Big Mountain an now lie stored away in the memory banks as a reggae hand Big Mountain's solid sound is worth the gray matter used to remember the band — good news for those whose short-term memory has lieen whittled away by THC. On Wake Up, the band takes traditional island sounds, odds a touch of rock 'n' roll and modernizes the age-old Huh Mtirloy format. Lyricallly, thti themes of racial equality, justice and struggle are played out in typical reggae fash ion. Revolution plays a big part in rthw album, most notohly on "Peaceful Revolution.” a sung about the lack of representation most people have in their supposedly representative governments. It's a power-lo-the-people mussage Bob Mar ley would l>e proud to sing. "Light’n Up." (hu album's first track, tells us things are never as bad as they may seem. "Rastaman." which comes later on the album, is an inspirational song giving praise to |ah. the Rastafarian deity. Wake Up is a solid effort by Big Mountain. Check it out for yourself.