Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 23, 1993, Page 4, Image 4

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    "Post-9 Gay-Lesbian Activism"
Presented by: FOflllCI' Jlld^C
Katherine English
Thursday April 22nd 7:30 p.m.
Rm. 129 UO Law School
Sponsored by: Cay-Lesbian Law Student Assn.
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IFC allocates increase to EMU
The Incidental Fee Committee and the EMU
continued to clash this week when the committee
heard several parts of the student union's overall
Although the IFC < hose to look at individual
aspects of the total budget. EMU Board of Directors
Chairman Joe (.nil** reminded the IFC: throughout
the meeting that the EMU board would have final
say on how the money was allocated.
If the IFC chose to give the EMU a lesser total
amount than the F.MIJ board requested. Grube
said, the board could choose to reconvene and
reapportion the money as it saw fit among the var
ious EMU programs
"You can discuss this all you want," Grube said. _
' but ultimately, the board will give each program
whatever we want
IFC Chairman Stove Masat responded that Ilona
Kola/ar. a lawyer with ASUO Legal Services, had
informed the ASUO that nothing it) the Clark Doc
ument. which gives the IFC fee allocation control,
either precludes or encourages the ASUO from
having line item control over the EMU's budget
Masat also discussed with EMU representatives
the number of administrators in the student union,
saying he believes then; am too many and some am
paid too much
EMU Director Dusty Miller said some of the
salaries are mandated by the Oregon Public
Employees Union
After several meetings, the IFC allocated a 4.6
percent increase lo the student union.
In other business, the Muslim Student Associa
tion rose from the ashes and received a 54 percent
MusAm Student Amoc
Oregon 0**y EmeraU
Student Bet Assoc
Ptstosopny Club
literary Society
increase in funds fmm thu IFC during budget hear
ings Monday. The MSA. which suffered internal
conflicts last year, had its budget frozen until now.
The IFC allocated $5,959 to the group on the
basis that ' Islam is one of the fastest growing and
least understood” movements in the world,
at cording to Ali Atoui. an MSA spokesperson.
The Oregon Daily Emerald recei ved a re hearing
at the request of committee member Kd Carson.
The Emerald's budget request for $129,000. the
same as 1991-92, passed by a 3-2 vote. The com
mittee had originally allocated a 3 percent
decrease to the campus daily paper.
The IFC met four times during the week in an
attempt to make up for earlier canceled meetings
Continued from Page 1
lx*rs voted
Thu proposal offered by the
women's committee would
have banned all sexual or
amorous relations between
undergraduate students and
faculty. It also would have
barred similar activity between
professors and graduate stu
dents in the same department,
teaching assistants and their
students, and financial officers
and any students they could
affect through scholarships or
Tile compromise states "fac
ulty shall not engage in
amorous or sexual relations
with, or make amorous or sex
ual overtures to. any student
over whom he or she holds n
position of authority with
regard to academic or admin
istrative judgments and deci
The compromise says viola
tors would be subject to sanc
tions ranging from reprimand
to dismissal
The compromise proposed
tiv Raymond J. Nelson, dean of
the faculty of the arts and sm
udges. was more broadly word
ed than a proposal by an ad
hoc faculty group. That pro
posal would have discouraged
faculty from relations with stu
dents in their classes
Kretsinger said the women's
committee proposal went fur
ther than any policies he was
aware of at other public col
leges and universities.
Continued from Page 1
one-year 1FC seal will also go on
the upcoming ballot
Matthew Hasek and S.W.
Conser won one-year positions
on the EMU Hoard. Hasek and
C'onser won with 639 and 515
votes, respectively.
Stephanie Dixon, Dierdre John
son and Margaret Chatfiold won
two-year EMU Hoard seats with
621. 573 and 586 votes.
Esther Wong, Jack Orozco, Jian
Liu and David Swartley will go
to the general election for three
one-year IFC postions. Julia Wal
lace, Joey Lyons, David Kuhn and
Uarrissa Callison will go on the
ballot for two two-year IFC posts.
Students w ill vote on nine IkjI
lot measures and candidates next
Tuesday and Wednesday in the
general election.
Continued from Page 1
necessary paperwork on time.
In response to the ASUO complaint, committee
leaders Steve Musa! and Lydia l-erma told the court
that the IFC was on schedule to complete budget
hearings on time They also said the committee was
making an effort to supply ASUO with a record of
all committee meetings and actions.
Karly in the hearing, the court said it was par
tic tilarly interested in determining a workable bud
ge! date, hut one justice said he? was very concerned
about the committee's attendance problems and
recent vote to reduce its legal quorum from four
members to three.
justice Will Portello said he found the commit
tee's problems with attendance "reprehensible,"
and said he was troubled by how few people were
making decisions for oil students.
However, the court decided to rule only on the
budget deadline issue.
Saturday, 2pm