Movie may have inspired bomb PHI.!.MAN, Wash (AP) — A Washington State football play er may have gotten the idea to build a pipe bomb from watch ing an uc.tion-adventore movie, his father said Thursday Harvey "Buddy'' Waldron. 22, of Bellevue, was killed by injuries suffered when a homemade bomb accidentally exploded in the vehicle he was driving here Mon day His teammate and passen ger. Pnyam Sandal, lost his left Hand. An autopsy in Spokane on Thursday "did not reveal any sur priM*s" and showed that Waldron suffered major trauma to the head, Pullman Police Sgt Chris Ttmnanl said Waldron died Tuesday at Sacred Heart Medical (Winter in Spokane Tennant said investigators had no new leads as to a motive, but Waldron's father suggested his son mat have gotten the idea to build a pipe bomb from watch ing the movie I’ndrr Siege Harvey Waldron of Bellevue said Ins son had recently wren the movie starring Steven Seagal, who plays a former Navy SF.AI.S member and builds a pipe bomb As a i ook on a battleship. Sea gal's character (tallies elite killer commandos out to hijack the ves sel's nuclear arsenal Waldron said his son, who was a SEALS enthusiast, apparently was "sitting then* one night" with Sandal when they decided to try to build a pi|H* bomb themselves Meanwhile. Alcohol. Tobacco anti h i rearms agents and Pullman del it* lives niav wait until Mon day to interview Sandal about the incident, Tennant said Sandal, who is being treated at Har borview Medical Tenter in Seat tle. had been told Wednesday of Waldron’s death and was under sedation Doctors and family members asked that detectives wait until at least Monday before inter viewing him. Tennant said it t r «\/i juvLm 9{ozu Much Do ‘You O(nozv About Women s health Issues? Women’s Health Issues Workshop April 29th, May 6th, May 13th 5:30 - 6:30 w I t« Sluilcni Health ( enter llrulih I tlui alum Pnigmm lor mure information and to register call '46-4456. Meetings are Iteld in the basement ot the Student Health Center in the Medic al l ibrary. The University of Oregon Creative Writing Program and the Walter Kidd Tutorial Program announces THE 1993 WALTER KIDD WRITING PRIZES TWO 1ST PRIZES OF $1000 TWO 2ND PRIZES OF $300 TWO 3RD PRIZES OF $200 Competition rules: 1 Prize competition is open to .ill currently enrolled University of Oregon undergraduates. 2. Each contestant may submit only one story and/or up to five poems. Fiction entries must be no longer than 5000 words. Entries must be typewritten, double-spaced (not poetry), on one side of 8 'A x 11 paper, and delivered to the Creative Writing Program Office, 341 PLC. Include your name, address, phone number and student ID number on the first page; all succeeding pages must be numbered and must include only your student ID number. Please note "KIDD PRIZE" on all delivered entries. Entries must be received on or before Friday, May 7,1993. Entrants should retain a copy of any submission. Manuscripts will not be returned unless accompanied by a sufficiently stamped self-addressed envelope. 3. Three winners will be selected in each genre for overall literary excellence. Final judges will be the novelist Frederick Busch and Creative Writing Program Director Garrett Hongo. The prizes will be awarded on May 28,1993 by Mr. Busch at his public reading in Gerlinger Lounge. The decision of the judges is final; winner(s) may not be chosen if in the judges' discretion no entries merit award. Toronto continues bid for pro basketball team TORONTO (AP) — Labatt breweries and the Canadian Impe rial Rank of Commerce, c o-owners of baseball's Blue las s, on Thursday joined the effort to bring on NHA team to Toronto. The Palestra Group, one of two Toronto groups vying for an NHA expansion franchise, announced that John Labatt Ltd. and the QBC each would own one-third of the team. The NBA s expansion committee will meet Tuesday in New York to review the progress toward adding two teams for the 1995-96 season, but no decision will be made, according to Bri an Mc Intyre, the league's chief spokesman. "We know Toronto is ready, we know Palestra is ready, but the decision is ultimately the NBA's.” said Palestra president Joel Rose He said he was "c autiously optimistic” that some thing very significant would come out of the meetings. "Our expectation is to have a firm, conditional grant by June 30." said Rose. I.abatt owns 90 percent of the World Series champion Blue Jays, which have drawn over four million customers in each of the past two years. The CIBC owns 10 percent of the American League franchise Toronto is not a diffic ult sell as a sports town. The Blue Jays sold out their 50.000-seat stadium for all hut 13 games last year on route to a second consecutive major league attendance record. Tic kets to see the Maple Leafs of the NHL art! at a premium even though the team has not won a Stanley Cup since 1967 and. until this year, went several seasons without u competi tive team The Palestra backers said they have received unsolicited requests for more than 4.000 season tickets from liasketlwil fans in southern Ontario and western New York. As part of its hid. Palestra and Maple Leaf Gardens, Inc:, are working together in the development and financing of a pro posed 24,000-seat arena for both the basketball and hockey teams. Labatt and CIBC would not have a slake in the arena. Rose said the choice has been narrowed to four sites, all in downtown Toronto and near mass transit. A second Toronto bidder is John Bitove. head of Bitove. Inc:., a e ntering firm whic h among other things provides food at the SkvUome stadium, home of the Blue Jays and the Toronto Arg onauts of the Canadian Football League. "There are other people who are interested," Rose saici. "And I'm not sure we've necessarily scared them off." Rose said it would take three years to plan and build the new arena Under the current Palestra timetable, he said, an NBA team starting in Toronto in 1995, would have to play in a tem porary site for one year. "We need a definitive decision to get our facility up and run ning." he said. Palestra is headed by Rose, a Toronto lawyer, and Larry Tanonbaum. who is in the heavy construction and roadbuild mg business. "30 years of Quality Service” Mercedes • BMW • Volkswagen Audi • Datsun • Toyota -GERMAN - AUTO SERVICE, INC. 342-2912 2025 Franklin Bhrd. Eugene, Oregon, 97402