Montana says goodbye to Niners SAN FRANCISCO IAI'1 — In an emotional farewell today to the team he led to four Super Bowl titles. |ooMontana said Ins desire to spare the San Francis co 40ers the chaos of a quarter hack controversy drove him to seek a trade. "I trietf to remove myself from the position I was in and take it more as an outsider and look at what was best for the organiza tion and what was bust for me," Montuna said one day after being traded to the Kansas City Chiefs. After a tumultuous weekend of negotiations between Montana, the Chiefs and 49ers owner Kd OeBartolo Jr , the dual !o resolve the 4‘iers tangled quarterback sit uation was finalized Tuesday evening, "No matter what would have happened going into training (.amp and who was No 1. that would have been a chaotic camp." he told a room full of more than 60 reporters and pho tographers. Montana, who missed the last two seasons due to injury, praised rival Stove Young's per formance during that time, but said open competition between the two would rip a|»rt the 4‘fc>rs "This takes a lot of pressure off the whole organization because everyone knows it was a silua tion that would have never quit." Montana said It gives the 4'lers an opportunity to improve for the future Hut leaving 4<>er fans and team mates is the hardest (wirt, he said "It's very difficult with the friends I've made to have rv.u hint this decision." he said "We real ly went through it hm:k and forth Emotionally. I won't lie. it's lieeti very difficult, especially the last couple of days " ANIMALS IN THE LAB FROM REGULATIONS TO RIGHTS A prru -Mutton umi inula tn r thw muon with Gary L. Francione ami Dim tor nf the Kulpi t\ Animal Kirills I aw Clink' Friday, April 23rd, 7:30pm Fir Room, EMU, U. of O. Campus lor mor» into pie,i*.« contact CARE 491) 2237 of SETA 346 4356 ESTE E Mtevj your 8-picce with a has^ The Might Kit. a ti.on value.' Includes eight beauty essentials for irhett you btuv tufty: Beautiful Perfumed Body lotion, tiro Mi-Day Lipsticks More Than Mascara Moisture Binding Formula. Vkin l\‘rfecting ( reme tinning \oi wisher, (ieittle lyeMaheup Hanover, plus a folding mirror and cosmetic cose Fruition Triple He activating Complex See the dramatic results with your own eyes. This gentle fruit acid complex reactivates your skin, making it measurably clearer: brighter, smoother and mote even toned I oz. tJ.SO. The Five-Minute Gift Make an appointment for a complimentary makeup anti skinane consultation, anti receive an All-Da? /Jpstick as your gift. Cosmetics. iomm